

{"info":{"title":{"content":"最强渣男:天生无手无脚,出轨15年和50名女性有染,妻子:都怪我","en":"The strongest scumbag: Born without hands and feet, cheating for 15 years and having an affair with 50 women, wife: It's all my fault"},"description":{"content":"前言在人们的印象中,受女生欢迎的一般都是帅哥,但在日本却有一个另类渣男,不仅外貌不帅,还有残缺。他没手没脚,但颇有才华。...","en":"Foreword In people's impressions, the most popular among girls are generally handsome guys, but in Japan there is an alternative scumbag, not only not handsome, but also disabled. He has no hands or feet, but he is quite talented. ..."}},"items":[]}