






原始昨晚一天奇怪的虫子,看起来像鱿鱼,就像一条小蛇,不是他实际上是一个长袍的动物,走进男孩睡觉时鼻孔,可以退出,想进入头耳机插头,慌忙,钻井的手臂,想要使用耳机勒死他,妈妈以为他是自杀,结束令人费解,母亲认为他最近的鬼故事,估计只是做了个噩梦,从此,两人开始了寄生。Best into play basketball 3 best shots, reading quick read, memory is strong, it is a parasite, want to control the human, finally destroyed two-thirds of humanity, from the boy's right hand was parasitic animal control, online access to what on earth is in the evening, one eye in hand, ready to take a knife to kill it, suddenly become like a terrible devil, slowly become a lovely appearance, only one eye small cute, from now on life started hanging open mode, by absorbing live human nutrition, we call him little right, it is more than one originally came to earth, a large number of enter the human brain, is complete control of the will of man, is a cold-blooded and ruthless killer, reported that many people were killed, and the day on the bus suddenly sensed the smell of the companion, completely controlled by it, say where to go, it must protect its own host, the host to die it also died, kill their own kind, the new beauty chemistry teacher, how also not controlled, shrinkingly with up to now that are required to alone and talk to the teacher after school, the teacher introduces two similar again, it turned out that he is looking for small right cooperation, hope to learn for their species, small right oneself can identify is an ally or an enemy, passing the bakery, small right into a sharp knife, the assassination of the company, and to be host control police played neck and neck, analysis to the opponent is not police, but the boy a tube inserted into the key moment left hand each other body, wiped out a similar success.





The third paragraph: the reporter wanted to find out their plot, but will also bring disaster to his, hacking the mayor's conversation, easily be caught, the day felt the five parasitic beasts, but for a person, the original mayor was five parasitic animal control, under the control of parasitic beasts mayor asked, why do humans only care about their prosperity, regardless of the lives of other beings, and can't be all souls creatures, they want to help the prosperity of the human to protect the ecological environment, human are eating into the earth's parasites, human in that way is worse than beasts, mayor showed his prototype, the police are not his opponent, component were killed, small right out of a new body, was killed by a mayor, a new broke an arm, but still be counterattacked, from a new the timid to brave a personal face the parasitic beasts, parasitic animal sense of human solidarity, believe that only humans can all creatures on earth has been good protection, small right not dead he was adsorption, monsters can not control him, destroy the monster, successfully raised, parasitic beasts because do not have a unified thought itself to perish, a large number of parasitic beasts did not perish, but chose and human coexistence, no longer choose to hurt each other, film is mainly to express the growth of population, environmental problems caused the earth becomes more and more serious, now our earth have dust storms, forest fires, the greenhouse effect, garbage into mountain, afraid of one day the earth will destroy, in the hands of humans.最后,我呼吁每个人都要保护环境,人人有责,所有自然共生,不仅追求人类自己的私欲,损害其他的生物。恐龙的灭亡是一个谜,人类不希望像恐龙突然消失了。
