
纪建民 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展

纪建民 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展
纪建民 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展

纪建民,艺名:禅清,1964 年生于江苏常州,国家非物质文化遗产保护项目传承人,全国第一批非物质文化遗产创新人才,获得“十四五”非遗传承杰出成就奖现任国家一级美术师,享受国家特殊津贴;中国文化高级职称国家高级工艺美术师:2021年荣获传统文化研究学会年度优秀书画家:2021年荣获翰墨中国杯全国书画艺术大赛优秀奖:2022 年获中国功勋艺术家荣誉称号,作品由国礼档案收藏;2023年中央文化和旅游管理干部授予《高级文学创作师》,并颁发证书。

纪建民 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展

曾在《中国美术史》《中国书画家报》《民族画报》《常州晚报》《武进电视》《闪小说》等全国各大媒体平台刊登报道,在纽约时代广场视频轮番播出,在江苏常州 5A 级风景区一一东方盐湖城花纸阵展馆收藏剪纸作品百余幅。

纪建民 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展

2019年,中华人民共和国成立 70 周年国庆时在常州市举办“站起来富起来强起来”主题画展创作有红色文化套色刻纸 50 余幅。

纪建民 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展

纪建民是在 1990 年开始潜心专研剪纸(刻纸)艺术,其刀刻细腻精研套色富丽优雅,在继承传统技法过程中,吸取精华,在传统剪纸基础上创新创立了独具一格的具有吴越文化的纪派套色刻纸艺术。


纪建民 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展

Ji Jianmin, stage name: Chan Qing, born in Changzhou, Jiangsu in 1964, is the inheritor of the National Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Project and one of the first batch of innovative talents in intangible cultural heritage in China. He has won the Outstanding Achievement Award for Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritance during the 14th Five Year Plan period and is currently a national first-class artist, enjoying special national allowances; Chinese Culture Senior Professional Title National Senior Craft Artist: Awarded the Outstanding Calligrapher and Painter of the Year by the Traditional Culture Research Society in 2021; Awarded the Excellent Award in the Hanmo China Cup National Calligraphy and Painting Art Competition in 2021; Awarded the honorary title of Chinese Meritorious Artist in 2022, with works collected from the National Rites Archives; In 2023, the Central Cultural and Tourism Management Cadres were awarded the title of "Senior Literary Creator" and issued a certificate.

It has published reports on major national media platforms such as the History of Chinese Art, the Chinese Calligrapher and Painter's Daily, the National Pictorial Daily, Changzhou Evening News, Wujin TV, and Flash Stories. It has been broadcast in turn in Times Square, New York. It has collected more than 100 Paper Cuttings works in the Oriental Salt Lake City Flower Paper Array Exhibition Hall, a 5A level scenic spot in Changzhou, Jiangsu.

In 2019, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the National Day, a themed art exhibition titled "Stand Up, Get Rich, Get Strong" was held in Changzhou. More than 50 pieces of red cultural color paper were created.

Ji Jianmin began to devote himself to the study of Paper Cuttings (paper cutting) art in 1990. His knife carving is exquisite and refined, and his research on the rich and elegant color scheme. In the process of inheriting traditional techniques, he absorbed essence and created a unique discipline style color scheme with Wu and Yue culture on the basis of traditional Paper Cuttings.

纪建民 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展

Ji Jianmin is a disseminator of Chinese art, inheritor of traditional culture, and promoter of international culture.

纪建民 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展

I am currently the President of the Beijing China New Wuling Landscape Art Calligraphy and Painting Creation Institute, a member of the China Folk Literature and Art Association, a member of the Hong Kong Chinese Calligraphers Association, a specially appointed lifelong art consultant for Phoenix News in Hong Kong, a member of the International Exchange Committee of the China Service Trade Association, a member of the 5th and 6th Hunan Artists Association, a cultural consultant for the People's Government of Xiangxi Prefecture, an expert at the Huaihua Cultural Think Tank, a judge of literary and artistic creation in Huaihua City, and a painter at the Beijing Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Art Research Institute. National Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, State Administration of Foreign Languages and Languages, Shanghai Zhongmin Group, Hunan Xiangxiu Group, Guangzhou Celebrity and Famous Art Museum, Guangdong Academy of Painting Art Museum, Sino French Cultural Exchange Center, Ambassador for Sino French Cultural Exchange, and contracted painter for the Paris Overseas Chinese Association in France.

纪建民 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展
纪建民 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展


纪建民 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展
纪建民 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展
纪建民 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展
纪建民 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展
纪建民 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展
纪建民 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展
纪建民 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展
纪建民 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展
纪建民 法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展
