
薛城区邹坞镇:樱桃红满枝 大棚采摘忙

{"info":{"title":{"content":"薛城区邹坞镇:樱桃红满枝 大棚采摘忙","en":"Zou Wu Town, Xuecheng District: Cherry red branches are busy picking in greenhouses"},"description":{"content":"鲁网4月9日讯随着天气逐渐转暖,位于枣庄市薛城区邹坞镇马庄村的第一批樱桃已经上市。走进采摘大棚内,一颗颗红润饱满的樱桃挂...","en":"Luwang, April 9 - As the weather gradually warms, the first batch of cherries in Mazhuang Village, Zouwu Town, Xuecheng District, Zaozhuang City have been listed. Walking into the picking greenhouse, the ruddy and full cherries are hanging..."}},"items":[]}