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"Logistics Overview: (14): Warehouse Design and Warehouse Operations"

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一、影响仓储设计的因素 Factors influencing warehouse design

1、一般因素General factors


One of the best recommendations for warehouse design is to use common sense. For example, before designing warehouse facilities, it is necessary to understand the quantity and characteristics of the goods to be handled and managed; to understand the service purpose of specific facilities, as emphasizing storage function or distribution function will affect the layout of space. Storage facilities with low product turnover rates and layout should maximize the utilization of storage space, while facilities emphasizing rapid movement of products in a short period should have layouts that facilitate product entry and exit to ensure maximum throughput.



When designing warehouses, space, manpower, and mechanization should be balanced. Spaciousness is not necessarily advantageous because the distance that people or machines must travel during the process of storing and retrieving goods will increase, and idle space is excess capacity, which also incurs costs. However, narrow environments can lead to inefficiencies such as product damage caused by forklift tire punctures and bottlenecks in movement due to inadequate aisle widths.

3、固定及可变货物储位Fixed and variable storage locations


One way to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of order picking and assembly is to plan the storage locations of products in warehouses or distribution centers. High-speed storage locations place the most frequently picked items in convenient positions that are easily accessible, reducing the distance traveled by pickers.

一个深思熟虑的储位计划能够降低人工成本提高订单准确率,采用固定储位,每个存货单位(SKU)有一个或多个永久指派给它储位 。这可以维持订单拣选的稳定性,因为企业应该知道特定的SKU存放在哪里。然而,这可能导致空间利用率 低,尤其是有季节性产品时。

A well-thought-out storage location plan can reduce labor costs and improve order accuracy. Using fixed storage locations, each stock-keeping unit (SKU) is permanently assigned one or more locations. This can maintain the stability of order picking because the business should know where specific SKUs are stored. However, this may lead to low space utilization, especially with seasonal products.

可变储位是指根据空间的可用性将空的储位分给入库 的产品。最近的可用储存位置就是可变储位的一个例子,这里“最近的”是指离入口 和出口最短的移动时间。尽管可变储位通常会使空间利用率更高,但从订单拣选的视 角,它需要一个近乎完美的信息系统) 因为必须准确无误地知道每个产品的位置。

Variable storage locations involve assigning empty storage locations to incoming products based on space availability. The closest available storage location is an example of a variable location, where "closest" refers to the shortest moving time from the entrance and exit. Although variable storage locations typically result in higher space utilization, from the perspective of order picking, it requires a near-perfect information system because the location of each product must be accurately known.

4、拣货和补货功能Picking and replenishment functions


Companies must decide whether workers picking outgoing orders and workers replenishing the warehouse should work in the same area. Coordinating personnel and equipment quantities for picking and replenishment helps reduce congestion.

5、双月台及单月台布局Double and single dock layouts


A double dock typically sets up receiving docks on one side of a facility and shipping docks on the other side, with goods moving between the receiving and shipping docks. In a single dock layout, each dock can be used for both receiving and shipping, typically receiving goods at one time of day and shipping them at another time.

6、狭窄通道Narrow aisles


As aisle space increases, a facility's storage capacity decreases. However, wider aisles facilitate the operation of mechanical equipment, reduce accidents and product damage, and narrow aisles require specialized storage and handling equipment.

7、仓库的自动化程度Level of warehouse automation


Warehouse automation involves using mechanical or electronic equipment to replace manual labor. Examples of warehouse automation include narrow-aisle forklifts, automated guided vehicles, automated high-bay warehouses, wireless radio frequency identification, robot picking, etc. Although warehouse automation offers the potential to reduce labor costs and increase warehouse productivity, it is important for managers to ensure that warehouse automation significantly improves efficiency and effectiveness.

二、仓储运作Warehouse Operations

1、仓储生产率分析Warehouse productivity analysis


Productivity is the ratio of input to output. Representative warehouse productivity metrics include the number of boxes shipped per person, the number of product lines shipped per person, the number of pallets transferred per person, average warehouse capacity used, and forklift capacity used. Improving warehouse productivity does not always require significant investments in technology, mechanization, or automation equipment.

2、安全因素Safety factors


Warehouse facilities can be relatively hazardous work environments. Warehouse safety factors can be divided into three main categories: employees, property, and motor vehicles. Employees need training, warehouse waste needs to be properly handled, and vehicle safety needs to encourage safe operator practices.

3、危险品Hazardous materials


Hazardous materials are usually of special concern to logistics managers because they can cause injury and property damage. Generally, hazardous materials can affect public health and safety. Hazardous materials include explosives, flammable liquids, and flammable solids, among others.

4、仓储安全Warehouse security


Potential threats to warehouse security include theft, internal theft, high temperatures and humidity, deliberate damage, fire, and power loss, among others. These threats can lead to many negative consequences, such as loss of sales and revenue, additional costs required to enhance security, time and cost spent on making appropriate claims, and potential dangers to the public.






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