



In an era of revolutionary fervor, Wang Jianping's father, a seasoned revolutionary, profoundly influenced his son's upbringing. Guided by his father's wisdom, Wang Jianping developed a deep-rooted love for his homeland and its people. This was the primary driving force behind his decision to enlist in the military. He understood that the only way to realize his life's purpose was to contribute to the safety of his nation and the happiness of its citizens. Over the years, Wang Jianping underwent rigorous training and transformation within the military. His path to success was marked by a consistent growth that earned him recognition and trust from his superiors. He quickly climbed the ranks and became known as a "life's winner."


However, as time passed, Wang Jianping began to lose himself. He succumbed to the temptation of exploiting his power and position for personal gain, accepting bribes, and abusing his authority in procurement, real estate, and other domains. His actions not only violated the discipline and regulations of the military but also represented a betrayal of the organization and the people it served.


Wang Jianping's father, Wang Zhenhai, was an esteemed veteran of the revolution who held multiple critical positions in government departments. From 1954 onward, he remained in Liaoning, dedicating his life to the cause. His son, Wang Jianping, followed in his footsteps, embarking on his military career to silently contribute to the nation's security and development.


Wang Jianping's path was far from smooth sailing from the beginning. In his childhood, he was an outgoing and lively individual, causing concern for his family and teachers. However, under his father's influence, he recognized the importance of being a responsible and committed individual. He decided to enlist in the military, where he worked diligently and tirelessly. His dedication not only translated into outstanding accomplishments but also earned unanimous respect from his comrades. Wang Jianping's promotion was not attributed to his family background or sheer luck but, rather, to his talent and competence. He adhered to the military's standards, never sought privilege, never pursued personal gain, and was wholly committed to serving the military, which further earned him the trust and support of many.

Throughout his various assignments, Wang Jianping not only diligently carried out his duties but also focused on nurturing the reserve forces within the military, providing more opportunities for excellent soldiers to develop and grow. It was through such determined efforts, step by step, that he achieved remarkable success in his career.

From his parents, Wang Jianping acquired qualities of humility and modesty. He never boasted about his status to outsiders and showed the utmost respect for the veterans and their families. On one occasion, he willingly gave up his vehicle to the family of a veteran, choosing to walk back to the barracks. This noble character earned him the admiration of many.

However, by the end of 2014, this highly capable officer was unexpectedly transferred from his role as the commander of the Armed Police Force. Additionally, the once-frequent luxury cars seen at Wang Zhenhai's doorstep became scarce. Speculation arose as to what significant event had befallen Wang Jianping. His qualifications and achievements warranted further promotions, not reassignments away from important posts. In 2016, the truth was revealed when Wang Jianping was exposed for multiple illegal and unethical activities. It was a stark reminder of how power could lead one astray. He allowed himself to become ensnared in the allure of authority, forsaking his fundamental values, responsibilities, and professional ethics.

Wang Jianping abused his authority, indulged in bribery, engaged in corrupt practices in equipment procurement, and real estate deals to further his personal interests. These actions not only violated military regulations but also harmed the military's image and the interests of the people.

To make matters worse, his son also colluded with a former commander of the Traffic Management Department of the Armed Police Force to gain access to various military construction projects through illicit means. Wang Jianping was aware of these actions but turned a blind eye, tarnishing his once-pristine reputation and leaving an indelible stain on his life.

His fall from grace led to widespread regret and initiated profound reflections on the ongoing anti-corruption efforts within the military. It underscored the idea that the power entrusted by the Party and the people must be used to serve the people, not for personal gain. Only by upholding the principles of integrity can the loyalty and essence of the People's Liberation Army be preserved. These events serve as a solemn reminder that even those with exemplary parents may deviate from the right path, highlighting the unwavering commitment to an honest and transparent government.

