
UESTC 8 God Only Knows!


Zplinti1 is given a big and long string 

, together with a list of strings that are viruses. He wants to find the number of substrings of 

, so that it does not contain any viruses. Same substrings with different starting positions are regarded as different!

Zplinti1 finds this problem difficult enough, he thinks ​

​Only God Can Solve This Problem​

​, but you don’t think so, right?


The first line of input contains a number 

, indicating the number of cases. (

For each case, the first line is a string 

, with length no more than 

. The second line is a number 

, which is the number of virus strings. Then 

All the strings contains lowercase letters from ​


​​ to ​


​ only. The total length of all virus strings in one case will be no more than 



For each case, output ​

​Case #i:​

​ first. (

 is the number of the test case, from 


). Then output the number of substrings of 

Sample Input






Sample Output

Case #1: 10 

Case #2: 3 

Case #3: 14


A substring of a string 

 is a continuous string taken from 

. For example if we take out the letters from the 

 to the 

 of the string, then the substring will be (


The original string is a substring of itself.

When we say string 



​ string 

, it means that 

 is a substring of 



The 11th UESTC Programming Contest Final

using namespace std;
const int maxn = 1000005;
int T, n, t = 0;
long long ans;

class tire
  tire *down[26], *next;
  int end;
  tire(){ next = NULL; end = 0; memset(down, 0, sizeof(down)); }
  void assign(){ next = NULL; end = 0; memset(down, 0, sizeof(down)); }

class ac_automaton
  tire *root;
  char s[maxn];
  char S[maxn];
  ac_automaton(){ root = new tire; }
  void insert()
    tire* j = root;
    for (int i = 0, k; s[i]; i++)
      k = s[i] - 'a';
      if (!j->down[k]) j->down[k] = new tire;
      j = j->down[k];
    j->end = strlen(s);

  void getnext()
    queue<tire*> p;
    tire *q, *k, *j;

    root->next = root;
    for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
    if (root->down[i])
      q = root->down[i];
      q->next = root;
    else root->down[i] = root;

    while (!p.empty())
      q = p.front();    p.pop();
      k = q->next;

      for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
      if (q->down[i])
        j = q->down[i];
        if (k->down[i]->end)
          if (j->end) j->end = min(k->down[i]->end, j->end);
          else j->end = k->down[i]->end;
        j->next = k->down[i];
      else q->down[i] = k->down[i];

  int getmother() { scanf("%s", S); root = new tire; return strlen(S); }

  void work_out()
    tire *j = root, *u;
    for (int i = 0, k, u = ans = 0; S[i]; i++)
      k = S[i] - 'a';
      j = j->down[k];
      if (j->end)
        u = min(u + 1, j->end - 1);
        ans += u;
      else { u++; ans += u; }
    printf("Case #%d: %lld\n", ++t, ans);

ac_automaton f;

int main()
  scanf("%d", &T);  
  while (T--)
    int u = f.getmother();
    scanf("%d", &n);
    while (n--) f.insert();
  return 0;