
Explainable Machine LearningExplainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This PredictionExplainable MLLocal Explanation: Explain the DecisionGlobal Explanation: Explain the whole model

  • 本文为李宏毅 2021 ML 课程的笔记


  • Explainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This Prediction
    • Why we need Explainable ML?
    • Interpretable v.s. Powerful
    • Goal of Explainable ML
  • Explainable ML
  • Local Explanation: Explain the Decision
    • Which component is critical for making decision?
      • Removing or modifying the components
      • Case study
      • Limitation
    • How a network processes the input data?
      • Visualization
      • Probing
  • Global Explanation: Explain the whole model
    • What does a filter detect?
    • What does a digit look like for CNN?

Explainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This Prediction

Explainable Machine LearningExplainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This PredictionExplainable MLLocal Explanation: Explain the DecisionGlobal Explanation: Explain the whole model

Why we need Explainable ML?

  • Loan issuers are required by law to explain their models.
  • Medical diagnosis model is responsible for human life. Can it be a black box?
  • If a model is used at the court, we must make sure the model behaves in a nondiscriminatory manner.
  • If a self-driving car suddenly acts abnormally, we need to explain why.
Explainable Machine LearningExplainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This PredictionExplainable MLLocal Explanation: Explain the DecisionGlobal Explanation: Explain the whole model
  • With explainable ML, we can improve ML model based on explanation.

Interpretable v.s. Powerful

  • Some models are intrinsically interpretable. But not very powerful.
    • For example, linear model (from weights, you know the importance of features)
  • Deep network is difficult to interpretable. Deep networks are black boxes … but powerful than a linear model.
Let’s make deep network explainable.

Decision Tree

  • Are there some models interpretable and powerful at the same time? – How about decision tree?
    Explainable Machine LearningExplainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This PredictionExplainable MLLocal Explanation: Explain the DecisionGlobal Explanation: Explain the whole model
  • Decision tree is all you need!?
    • A tree can still be terrible!
      Explainable Machine LearningExplainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This PredictionExplainable MLLocal Explanation: Explain the DecisionGlobal Explanation: Explain the whole model
    • We usually use random forest! But how to explain it?

Goal of Explainable ML

  • Completely know how an ML model works? – We do not completely know how brains work! But we trust the decision of humans!
    • Make people (your customers, your boss, yourself) comfortable…

Explainable ML

Local Explanation

Explainable Machine LearningExplainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This PredictionExplainable MLLocal Explanation: Explain the DecisionGlobal Explanation: Explain the whole model

Global Explanation

Explainable Machine LearningExplainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This PredictionExplainable MLLocal Explanation: Explain the DecisionGlobal Explanation: Explain the whole model

Local Explanation: Explain the Decision

Question: Why do you think this image is a cat?

Which component is critical for making decision?

Removing or modifying the components

Explainable Machine LearningExplainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This PredictionExplainable MLLocal Explanation: Explain the DecisionGlobal Explanation: Explain the whole model
  • Removing or modifying the components
    • Large decision change ⇒ \Rightarrow ⇒ Important component
    • 在下图中,用一个方块挡住图片的一部分。热力图表示方块在不同位置时,模型输出正确标签的概率,红色表示概率高,蓝色表示概率低
      Explainable Machine LearningExplainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This PredictionExplainable MLLocal Explanation: Explain the DecisionGlobal Explanation: Explain the whole model
    • 在下图中,对计算 loss 关于每个像素点的偏微分,得到 Saliency Map
      Explainable Machine LearningExplainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This PredictionExplainable MLLocal Explanation: Explain the DecisionGlobal Explanation: Explain the whole model

Case study

Case Study: Pokémon v.s. Digimon

  • Task: 对宝可梦和数码宝贝进行二分类
    Explainable Machine LearningExplainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This PredictionExplainable MLLocal Explanation: Explain the DecisionGlobal Explanation: Explain the whole model
  • Experimental Results: Training Accuracy: 98.9%; Testing Accuracy: 98.4% – Amazing!!!
  • But what about the Saliency Map? – 从下图中可以看到,Saliency Map 中,亮点集中在图片的四个角上而非数码宝贝或宝可梦上!
    Explainable Machine LearningExplainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This PredictionExplainable MLLocal Explanation: Explain the DecisionGlobal Explanation: Explain the whole model
  • What Happened?: All the images of Pokémon are PNG, while most images of Digimon are JPEG. Machine discriminates Pokémon and Digimon based on the background colors.
    Explainable Machine LearningExplainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This PredictionExplainable MLLocal Explanation: Explain the DecisionGlobal Explanation: Explain the whole model

More Examples …

  • PASCAL VOC 2007 data set (机器居然关注的是网站的水印…) (Correct answers ≠ \neq ​= Intelligent)
    Explainable Machine LearningExplainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This PredictionExplainable MLLocal Explanation: Explain the DecisionGlobal Explanation: Explain the whole model


Noisy Gradient

  • 直接画 Saliency map 可能会得到很多噪声,此时可以使用 SmoothGrad
  • SmoothGrad: Randomly add noises to the input image, get saliency maps of the noisy images, and average them.
    Explainable Machine LearningExplainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This PredictionExplainable MLLocal Explanation: Explain the DecisionGlobal Explanation: Explain the whole model

Limitation: Gradient Saturation

  • Gradient cannot always reflect importance
    Explainable Machine LearningExplainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This PredictionExplainable MLLocal Explanation: Explain the DecisionGlobal Explanation: Explain the whole model
  • Alternative: Integrated gradient (IG)

How a network processes the input data?



Explainable Machine LearningExplainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This PredictionExplainable MLLocal Explanation: Explain the DecisionGlobal Explanation: Explain the whole model
Explainable Machine LearningExplainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This PredictionExplainable MLLocal Explanation: Explain the DecisionGlobal Explanation: Explain the whole model
发现不同人说同样的话,在第 8 个隐藏层中它们的 feature 是非常接近的


  • paper:
    • Attention is not Explanation
    • Attention is not not Explanation


  • Probe: a classifier (直接拿模型中间层的 embedding 接分类器,看看效果如何)
    Explainable Machine LearningExplainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This PredictionExplainable MLLocal Explanation: Explain the DecisionGlobal Explanation: Explain the whole model
  • 当然 Probing 也不仅限于 classifier。例如在下图中,我们正在训练的模型是将语音讯号转为文本,因此该模型会去除语者信息。我们可以在模型隐藏层后接 TTS 模型,如果发现重构出的语音中说的话与原来一样,但语气不同,那么说明现在训练的模型是比较成功的
    • paper: What does a network layer hear? Analyzing hidden representations of end-to-end ASR through speech synthesis (video)
      Explainable Machine LearningExplainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This PredictionExplainable MLLocal Explanation: Explain the DecisionGlobal Explanation: Explain the whole model

Global Explanation: Explain the whole model

Question: What does a “cat” look like?

What does a filter detect?

Explainable Machine LearningExplainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This PredictionExplainable MLLocal Explanation: Explain the DecisionGlobal Explanation: Explain the whole model
  • 给定一张图片 X X X,如果 X X X 在经过 filter 之后输出的 feature map 中各个元素的值比较大,那么就说明 X X X 比较符合 filter 检测的 pattern。利用这点,我们可以直接构造出最符合 filter 所检测 pattern 的图片 X ∗ X^* X∗ (gradient ascent):

    X ∗ = arg max ⁡ X ∑ i ∑ j a i j X^*=\argmax_X\sum_i\sum_j a_{ij} X∗=Xargmax​i∑​j∑​aij​ X ∗ X^* X∗ contains the patterns filter 1 can detect.

  • E.g., Digit classifier: X ∗ X^* X∗ for each filter
    Explainable Machine LearningExplainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This PredictionExplainable MLLocal Explanation: Explain the DecisionGlobal Explanation: Explain the whole model

What does a digit look like for CNN?

  • 类似于 filter pattern 的可视化方法,我们也可以直接构造图片 X ∗ X^* X∗,使得模型输出某一类 y i y_i yi​ 的概率最大,此时的 X ∗ X^* X∗ 也许就能代表模型心目中 y i y_i yi​ 类图像的样子
    Explainable Machine LearningExplainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This PredictionExplainable MLLocal Explanation: Explain the DecisionGlobal Explanation: Explain the whole model
  • 从上图中可以看到,直接解 arg max ⁡ X y i \argmax_X y_i Xargmax​yi​ 的优化问题得到的图片全是噪音。也许我们可以加上一些正则项,使得得到的图片更像数字 (To make people comfortable…)。下式中,正则项 R ( X ) R(X) R(X) 使得得到的图片中白点较少,因为手写数字本身笔画少,白点本身就不多:
    Explainable Machine LearningExplainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This PredictionExplainable MLLocal Explanation: Explain the DecisionGlobal Explanation: Explain the whole model
  • 如果添加更精细的正则项 (添加一些真实图像的先验知识),就可以得到一些效果更好的可视化效果:
    • paper: Understanding Neural Networks Through Deep Visualization
      Explainable Machine LearningExplainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This PredictionExplainable MLLocal Explanation: Explain the DecisionGlobal Explanation: Explain the whole model
  • Constraint from Generator: 也可以直接通过训练好的 image generator (GAN, VAE…) 来找出 X ∗ X^* X∗:
    • paper: Plug & Play Generative Networks: Conditional Iterative Generation of Images in Latent Space
      Explainable Machine LearningExplainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This PredictionExplainable MLLocal Explanation: Explain the DecisionGlobal Explanation: Explain the whole model
      Explainable Machine LearningExplainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This PredictionExplainable MLLocal Explanation: Explain the DecisionGlobal Explanation: Explain the whole model


  • Using an interpretable model to mimic the behavior of an uninterpretable model.
    Explainable Machine LearningExplainable AI: Why Does the Model Make This PredictionExplainable MLLocal Explanation: Explain the DecisionGlobal Explanation: Explain the whole model
  • 但 linear model 显然没有能力达到 NN 的效果,因此就有了 Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (LIME)
    • https://youtu.be/K1mWgthGS-A
    • https://youtu.be/OjqIVSwly4k
