
MCR 安装文档--matlab 2010b

MCR安装文档所在的目录是安装MATLAB目录中的如下目录: \toolbox\compiler\mcr\compiler\MCRinstaller.txt


This document describes how to install the MATLAB Common Runtime (MCR). This 

release of the MCR supports Windows (XP, 2000), and Debian GNU/Linux 3.0.

All applications developed with the MATLAB Compiler require the MCR to run. The

MCR must, therefore, be installed on every target machine. 

On windows, the self-extracting file MCRInstaller.exe is used install the MCR 

(simply follow the on-line instructions). The current installer on UNIX consists 

of a .ZIP file that contains all the shared libraries and other code that you 

will need to run applications built with the MATLAB Compiler. You can find the 

MCR installer files in toolbox/compiler/deploy/win32/MCRInstaller.exe and 


To install the MCR on UNIX, extract all the files from the ZI
