
App Store 如何申请查询 / 申请加急

如何申请查询 / 申请加急

App Store的审核基本上是一个黑匣子,Apple不会告诉你审核团队是怎么工作的,你也几乎没可能找到负责审核的真人,如果遇到需要查询/催促/申诉的情况,全都需要通过iTunes Connect的反馈系统进行。

使用方法是,在iTunes Connect任意页面,点击底部的Contact us,App Review,里面有如下三项:

Application Review Status Check: 如果某个状态卡住了,可以问问怎么回事。

Request Expedited Review: 申请加急审核,这个是限制次数(频率?)的,申请太多次会被拒绝,请珍惜。

Continuing Communication: 页面Title是App Rejection Clarification,申诉可以用这个。



Thank you for writing to inquire the status of your app, FindUs'

I checked your app and noticed that it is still In Review. You can see the current review processing times at .

There are many factors that contribute to the time required for review, so it’s not possible to estimate when a review will be completed. However, there are no further actions you need to take at this time. If we require additional information to complete the review, we will notify you directly.

Once the review is complete, you will receive an email notifying you of the change of state.

We appreciate your patience during the review process.
