
ios developer tiny share-20160831


Dot Syntax Is a Concise Alternative to Accessor Method Calls

As well as making explicit accessor method calls, Objective-C offers an alternative dot syntax to access an object’s properties.

Dot syntax allows you to access properties like this:

NSString *firstName = somePerson.firstName;
somePerson.firstName = @"Johnny";

Dot syntax is purely a convenient wrapper around accessor method calls. When you use dot syntax, the property is still accessed or changed using the getter and setter methods mentioned above:

  • Getting a value using somePerson.firstName is the same as using [somePerson firstName]
  • Setting a value using somePerson.firstName = @"Johnny" is the same as using [somePerson setFirstName:@"Johnny"]

This means that property access via dot syntax is also controlled by the property attributes. If a property is marked readonly, you’ll get a compiler error if you try to set it using dot syntax.