
pgsql -- create table

工具: mybatis+pgsql

详见: pgsql官方文档


-- create table
create table user(
	id varchar(32) not null default sys_guid(),
	username varchar(25) not null,
	status integer not null default 1,
	image varchar(500),
	depId varchar(32) not null default '0',
	create_date timestamp not null default now(),
	operator varchar(25) not null default ''

-- add comments to the table
comment on table user is '用户表';

-- add comments to the columns
comment on column users.id is '用户id';
comment on column users.username is '用户名';
comment on column users.status is '状态,1:正常,0:冻结';
comment on column users.image is  '头像';
comment on column users.depId is  '部门id';
comment on column users.create_date is '创建时间';
comment on column users.operator is '操作者';

-- create/recreate primary,unique and foreign key constraints
alter table user add constraint pk_id primary key(id);

-- create/recreate indexes
create unique index index_username on user(username);
