












Private Sub btnOnLine_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnOnLine.Click
        If txtCardNo.Text = "" Then
        End If

        Dim Card As New Entity.EntityCard
        Dim CheckMoney As New Entity.EntityCard
        Dim line As New Entity.LineLogEntity
        Dim student As New Entity.EntityStudent
        Dim facade As New Facade.OnFacade
        Dim result As Boolean

        Card.CardNo = Trim(txtCardNo.Text)
        line.CardNo = txtCardNo.Text
        student.CardNo = txtCardNo.Text
        result = facade.CheckOn(Card, line)
        line.OnDate = Format(Now, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
        line.CardNo = txtCardNo.Text
        If result = True Then
            Dim facade1 As New Facade.OnFacade
            Dim table As Boolean
            table = facade1.AddOnline(line)
            If table = True Then
                Dim facadeS As New Facade.OnFacade
                Dim table1 As New DataTable

                table1 = facadeS.selectstudentF(Card)

                txtType.Text = table1.Rows(0).Item(2)
                txtStudentNo.Text = table1.Rows(0).Item(1)
                txtStudentName.Text = table1.Rows(0).Item(3)
                txtDepartment.Text = table1.Rows(0).Item(4)
                txtSex.Text = table1.Rows(0).Item(5)
                txtOnDate.Text = line.OnDate
                txtBalance.Text = table1.Rows(0).Item(6)
            End If

        End If

    End Sub


Public Function CheckOn(ByVal card As Entity.EntityCard, ByVal line As Entity.LineLogEntity) As Boolean
        Dim CheckCard As New BLL.CheckCardBLL
        Dim CheckMoney As New BLL.CheckMoneyBLL
        Dim CheckOnLine As New BLL.CheckOnLineBLL

        Return CheckCard.OnRequest(card, line)

    End Function



Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports Entity
Imports IDAL
Imports Factory

Public MustInherit Class OnBLL  '上机抽象类

    Protected successory As OnBLL

    Public Sub SetSuccessor(ByVal successory As OnBLL)  '设置继任者
        Me.successory = successory
    End Sub

    Public MustOverride Function OnRequest(ByVal card As Entity.EntityCard, ByVal line As Entity.LineLogEntity) As Object

End Class


Public Class CheckCardBLL : Inherits OnBLL

    Public Overrides Function OnRequest(card As Entity.EntityCard, line As Entity.LineLogEntity) As Object
        Dim factory As New Factory.OnLineFactory
        Dim Icardno As IDAL.IOnLine
        Dim mylist As New List(Of Entity.EntityCard)
        Icardno = factory.OnLinefactory()
        mylist = Icardno.CheckCardNo(card)

        If mylist.Count <= 0 Then
            Return False
            Return successory.OnRequest(card, line)
        End If

    End Function
End Class


Public Class CheckMoneyBLL : Inherits OnBLL

    Public Overrides Function OnRequest(card As Entity.EntityCard, line As Entity.LineLogEntity) As Object
        Dim factory As New Factory.OnLineFactory
        Dim Icardno As IDAL.IOnLine
        Dim mylist As New List(Of Entity.EntityCard)
        Icardno = factory.OnLinefactory()
        mylist = Icardno.CheckCardNo(card)

        If (CDec(mylist(0).Balance)) <= 0.0 Then
            Return False

            Return successory.OnRequest(card, line)
        End If

    End Function
End Class


Public Class CheckOnLineBLL : Inherits OnBLL

    Public Overrides Function OnRequest(card As Entity.EntityCard, line As Entity.LineLogEntity) As Object
        Dim factory As New Factory.OnLineFactory
        Dim Icardno As IDAL.IOnLine
        Dim mylist As New List(Of Entity.LineLogEntity)

        Icardno = factory.OnLinefactory()
        mylist = Icardno.CheckOnLine(line)

        If mylist.Count <= 0 Then
            Return True
            Exit Function
            Return False
        End If
    End Function
End Class


Public Interface IOnLine
    Function CheckCardNo(ByVal card As Entity.EntityCard) As List(Of Entity.EntityCard)
    Function CheckOnLine(ByVal line As Entity.LineLogEntity) As List(Of Entity.LineLogEntity)
    Function updateOnLine(ByVal line As Entity.LineLogEntity) As Boolean

    Function SelectStudent(ByVal card As Entity.EntityCard) As DataTable

End Interface


Public Class OnDAL : Implements IOnLine

    Public Function CheckCardNo(card As EntityCard) As List(Of Entity.EntityCard) Implements IOnLine.CheckCardNo
        Dim sql As String
        Dim table As New DataTable
        Dim sqlhelper As New SQLHelper.sqlhelper

        Dim paras As SqlParameter() = {New SqlParameter("@CardNo", card.CardNo),
                                       New SqlParameter("@state", "使用")}
        sql = "select * from Y_Card_Info where CardNo [email protected] and [email protected]"
        table = sqlhelper.ExecSelect(sql, CommandType.Text, paras)
        Dim mylist As List(Of Entity.EntityCard)
        mylist = ConvertHelper.convertToList(Of EntityCard)(table)
        Return mylist

    End Function
    Public Function CheckOnLine(line As LineLogEntity) As List(Of Entity.LineLogEntity) Implements IOnLine.CheckOnLine
        Dim sql As String
        Dim table As New DataTable
        Dim sqlhelper As New SQLHelper.sqlhelper

        Dim paras As SqlParameter() = {New SqlParameter("@CardNo", line.CardNo),
                                       New SqlParameter("@state", "正在上机")}
        sql = "select * from Y_LineLog_Info where [email protected] and state [email protected]"
        table = sqlhelper.ExecSelect(sql, CommandType.Text, paras)

        Dim mylist As List(Of Entity.LineLogEntity)
        mylist = ConvertHelper.convertToList(Of LineLogEntity)(table)
        Return mylist

    End Function
    Public Function updateOnLine(line As LineLogEntity) As Boolean Implements IOnLine.updateOnLine
        Dim sql As String
        Dim table As Boolean
        Dim sqlhelper As New SQLHelper.sqlhelper
        line.Computer = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName().ToString()
        Dim paras As SqlParameter() = {New SqlParameter("@CardNo", line.CardNo),
                                       New SqlParameter("@UserID", Entity.CommonVariable.CommonUserID),
                                       New SqlParameter("@OnDate", line.OnDate),
                                       New SqlParameter("@state", "正在上机"),
                                       New SqlParameter("@Computer", line.Computer)}

        sql = "insert into Y_LineLog_Info (CardNo,UserID,OnDate,state,Computer) values(@CardNo,@UserID,@OnDate,@state,@Computer)"
        table = sqlhelper.ExecAddDelUpdate(sql, CommandType.Text, paras)

        Return table

    End Function
End Class

