
【Swift 60秒】40 - Parameter labels

0x00 Lesson

We wrote our ​


​ function like this:

func square(number: Int) -> Int {
  return number * number

That names its parameter ​


​​, so we can use ​


​ inside the function to refer to it, but we must also use the name when running the function, like this:

let result = square(number: 8)      

Swift lets us provide ​


​​ names for each parameter: ​


​​ to be used ​


​​ when calling the function, and ​


​​ to be used ​


​​ inside the function. This is as simple as writing two names, separated by a ​



To demonstrate this, here’s a function that uses two names for its string parameter:

func sayHello(to name: String) {
  print("Hello, \ (name)!")
sayHello(to: "Taylor")      

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