
the disk was not found(Altiris)

使用VMware测试Altiris,从虚拟机中上传镜像时会出现错误提示“the disk was not found”,

rdlog in LINUX:

Error description:

The directory could not be opened.

(Note: Current volume is NTFS from source slot 1.)

Possible causes:

This operation requires a directory, not a file.

Possible resolutions:

Use a directory instead of a file for this operation.

==================== Technical details ====================

Logfile = created Wed Jun 13 15:29:35 2007

Build = rdeployt 6.8 (8297)

Cmdline = /mnt/ds/RDeploy/Linux/rdeployt -noprompt -mu -f./Images/Base/Base07/Admin/Admin07.img -cspeed -split:2040 -dsstatus:142.214.xxx.xxx:402 -mcint:142.214.xxx.xxx dsconfig:./Temp/d5002340.cfg

Status = 90 (0x5a)

Source file = imglib/fs/ntfs/ntdir.cpp

Line number = 109 (0x6d)

Stack trace = 0x8119f31 0x8105226 0x81052d8 0x81053f8 0x81053f8 0x8105755 0x80607fb 0x805e704 0x805eaea 0x8050d66 0x805afe1 0x804ed6a 0x8058cd1 &Known=0x81494b0

Note = Current volume is NTFS from source slot 1.

imaging library revision = 8297 (linux-x86-release build, Fri Feb 9 15:30:13 2007)

rdlog in DOS:

Error description:

The disk was not found.

(Note: Disk number:0)

Possible causes:

A problem occurred while accessing the hard drive on your computer.

Possible resolutions:

Repeat the operation to see if the problem occurs in the same manner again.

Replace the hard drive in the computer that is malfunctioning.

==================== Technical details ====================

Logfile = created Mon May 19 08:17:07 2008

Build = RdeployT.exe 6.8 (8297)

Cmdline = f:/RDeploy/DOS/RdeployT.exe -noprompt -mu -f./Images/Base/Base07/Admin/Admin07.img -cspeed -split:2040 -dsstatus:142.214.xxx.xxx:402 -mcint:142.214.xxx.xxx -dsconfig:./Temp/d5002334.cfg

Status = 33 (0x21)

Source file = imglib/disk/disk.cpp

Line number = 370 (0x172)

Stack trace = 0x6c8c70 0x6178c9 0x616711 0x6148e3 0x64802c 0x61309f 0x644b29 &Known=0x6642a0

Note = Disk number:0

Imaging library revision = 8297 (dos-x86-release build, Fri Feb 09 16:11:57 2007)

后发现是VMware6.0和Deployment Solution 6.8间不兼容引起的,DS6.8不能识别VM6.0的IDE硬盘,如果要在VM6.0里使用DS6.8则需要使用LSI SCSI Adapter,并且安装系统可能需要加载SISI驱动


VMware 6.0+Deployment Solution 6.8+IDE


1、VMware 5.5+Deployment Solution 6.8+IDE Adapter

2、VMware 6.0+Deployment Solution 6.9+IDE Adapter

3、VMware 6.0+Deployment Solution 6.8+SCSI Adapter(LSI)

4、使用 WinPE automation.

使用第三种方案时需要在新建虚拟机时选择LSI logic 类型的SCSI Adapter,并且安装XP时要加载SISI驱动



