


1. I'm so excited to finally be going on this trip! - 我终于要去旅行了,太兴奋了!

2. We need to arrive at the airport at least two hours before our flight. - 我们需要在飞行前至少提前两个小时到达机场。

3. I always get nervous during takeoff and landing. - 起飞和降落时我总是很紧张。

4. The flight attendants will come around with drinks and snacks soon. - 空乘人员很快就会提供饮料和小吃。

5. I like to bring a book or magazine to read on the plane. - 我喜欢带一本书或杂志在飞机上看。

6. We have a layover in Chicago before our next flight. - 我们在芝加哥中转,等待下一班航班。

7. I always try to pack light when I travel. - 我旅行时总是尽量轻装上阵。

8. Don't forget your passport and other important documents! - 别忘了你的护照和其他重要文件!

9. We're staying at a hotel near the beach for the first few nights. - 前几晚我们住在离海滩不远的酒店里。

10. The view from our hotel room is amazing! - 我们酒店房间的景色太美了!

11. We're going on a guided tour of the city tomorrow. - 明天我们要参加一次城市导览。

12. I always like to try the local cuisine when I travel. - 我旅行时总是喜欢尝试当地的美食。

13. The weather is perfect for a day at the beach. - 今天的天气非常适合在海滩度过一天。

14. We're taking a boat tour of the harbor this afternoon. - 下午我们要乘船游览港口。

15. I love exploring new places and learning about different cultures. - 我喜欢探索新的地方,了解不同的文化。

16. We're renting a car to drive to the national park tomorrow. - 明天我们要租一辆车去国家公园。

17. The hiking trail in the national park is supposed to be amazing. - 国家公园里的徒步小道据说非常棒。

18. We're going on a safari to see wild animals in their natural habitat. - 我们要去野生动物栖息地进行野生动物观察之旅。

19. I always make sure to take lots of photos when I travel. - 我旅行时总是确保拍很多照片。

20. We're taking a train to our next destination instead of flying. - 我们选择坐火车前往下一个目的地,而不是飞行。

21. The train ride through the mountains was breathtakingly beautiful. - 火车穿越山区的旅程美得令人窒息。

22. We're staying in a hostel to save money on accommodations. - 我们住在青年旅社里,以节省住宿费用。

23. The street food in this city is amazing and so cheap! - 这个城市的街头小吃非常好吃,而且价格便宜!

24. We're taking a cooking class to learn how to make local dishes. - 我们要参加一堂烹饪课,学习如何制作当地菜肴。

25. I always try to learn a few basic phrases in the local language when I travel. - 我旅行时总是尽量学习当地语言的几个基本短语。

26. We're going on a bike tour of the countryside tomorrow. - 明天我们要进行一次乡村自行车之旅。

27. The art museum in this city has some incredible works of art. - 这个城市的艺术博物馆有一些令人难以置信的艺术品。

28. We're taking a day trip to a nearby town to explore its historic sites. - 我们要进行一次日游,前往附近的一个城镇探索其历史遗迹。

29. The souvenir shops in this city have some really unique items for sale. - 这个城市的纪念品商店有一些非常独特的物品出售。

30. It's always bittersweet to come home after a great trip. - 旅行结束后回家总是有些苦涩。

