

She’s so pushy; it’s typical of her to demand a pay rise for herself and not care about the rest of us.

He was a bit taciturn when I first met him. He hardly said a word.

He is always so polite and respectful. I wish he would be more informal and just treat me as his equal.

It is strange that one of the twins is so extroverted while the other is so introverted - Ben loves being the focus of attention while Jake prefers to be alone with his thoughts.

I feel very tense after a very busy day at work but, after a hot bath, I’ll soon feel relaxed.

The first thing I would say about my best friend is that she’s very sensible. I’ve never know Emilia to do anything silly, and I know I can always trust her. She’s also very creative; she makes things, and she’s a very talented artist. I wish I had her talent.
