
Convolutional neural networks(CNN) (五) PCA in 2D Exercise


理论部分可以在线参阅(页面最下方有中文选项)PCA到Implementing PCA/Whitening部分内容,



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%% Step 0: Load data
%  We have provided the code to load data from pcaData.txt into x.
%  x is a 2 * 45 matrix, where the kth column x(:,k) corresponds to
%  the kth data point.Here we provide the code to load natural image data into x.
%  You do not need to change the code below.

x = load('pcaData.txt','-ascii');
% figure(1);
% scatter(x(1, :), x(2, :),'r');
% title('Raw data');

%% Step 1a: Implement PCA to obtain U 
%  Implement PCA to obtain the rotation matrix U, which is the eigenbasis
%  sigma. 

% -------------------- YOUR CODE HERE -------------------- 
%  u = zeros(size(x, 1)); % You need to compute this

%  You need to make sure that the data has been approximately zero-mean.
x = bsxfun(@minus, x, mean(x,2));
sigma = x * x' / size(x, 2);
[U,S,V] = svd(sigma);
u = U;

% -------------------------------------------------------- 
% hold on
% plot([0 u(1,1)], [0 u(2,1)]);
% plot([0 u(1,2)], [0 u(2,2)]);
% scatter(x(1, :), x(2, :), 'b', 'filled');
% hold off

%% Step 1b: Compute xRot, the projection on to the eigenbasis
%  Now, compute xRot by projecting the data on to the basis defined
%  by U. Visualize the points by performing a scatter plot.

% -------------------- YOUR CODE HERE -------------------- 
%  xRot = zeros(size(x)); % You need to compute this
xRot = U' * x;          % rotated version of the data. 

% -------------------------------------------------------- 

% Visualise the covariance matrix. You should see a line across the
% diagonal against a blue background.
scatter(xRot(1, :), xRot(2, :));

%% Step 2: Reduce the number of dimensions from 2 to 1. 
%  Compute xRot again (this time projecting to 1 dimension).
%  Then, compute xHat by projecting the xRot back onto the original axes 
%  to see the effect of dimension reduction

% -------------------- YOUR CODE HERE -------------------- 
k = 1; % Use k = 1 and project the data onto the first eigenbasis
%  xHat = zeros(size(x)); % You need to compute this
xTilde = U(:,1:k)' * x; % reduced dimension representation of the data, 
                        % where k is the number of eigenvectors to keep
xHat = U(:,1:k) * xTilde; % projecting the xRot back onto the original axes

% -------------------------------------------------------- 
scatter(xHat(1, :), xHat(2, :));

%% Step 3: PCA Whitening
%  Complute xPCAWhite and plot the results.

epsilon = 1e-5;
% -------------------- YOUR CODE HERE -------------------- 
% xPCAWhite = zeros(size(x)); % You need to compute this

xPCAWhite = diag(1./sqrt(diag(S) + epsilon)) * U' * x;

% -------------------------------------------------------- 
scatter(xPCAWhite(1, :), xPCAWhite(2, :));

%% Step 3: ZCA Whitening
%  Complute xZCAWhite and plot the results.

% -------------------- YOUR CODE HERE -------------------- 
%  xZCAWhite = zeros(size(x)); % You need to compute this
xZCAWhite = U * diag(1./sqrt(diag(S) + epsilon)) * U' * x;

% -------------------------------------------------------- 
scatter(xZCAWhite(1, :), xZCAWhite(2, :));

%% Congratulations! When you have reached this point, you are done!
%  You can now move onto the next PCA exercise. :)


Convolutional neural networks(CNN) (五) PCA in 2D Exercise
Convolutional neural networks(CNN) (五) PCA in 2D Exercise
Convolutional neural networks(CNN) (五) PCA in 2D Exercise
Convolutional neural networks(CNN) (五) PCA in 2D Exercise
Convolutional neural networks(CNN) (五) PCA in 2D Exercise

需要注意的是,在第一张图片中,实心圈点代表raw data而实心点代表zero-mean后的数据,之后的图也都是在zero-mean之后作出来的。
