
installment of NVIDIA on Ubuntu18.04

There are two sentence that i want to say at the first of this blog : the most effective method to avoid falling into pitfall when you prepare to do anything is try to refer the obstacles met by other people and the strategy adopted by them to solve the problem. only one blog can not predict every problem you will confront let alone solve any potential problem. Compared with start in a hurry, i prefer to start sophisticatedly.

It is necessary to try to collect the blog writern by the prodecessor. after resd those essay, you may make a conclusion that there may be two or three ways to rome. Furthermore, the specific procedure may overlap greatly. Not only those simliar procedure should be remembered, but also those problem and the method of solving problems should be attached in mind.

Download the matched pattern of Ubuntu 18.04, what I searched is 430.14 matched with Linux-OS.

First step check the distribution about the computer.


Inter® Core™ i5-7300HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz 2.50GHz


adapter: Intel® HD Graphics 630

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050

Uninstall the NIVIDA or set up the Ubuntu again.


Press the E.

replace the quiet splash-- with quiet splash acpi=off (acpi_osi=linux

nomodeset)(quiet splash nomodoset quiet splash i915.modeste=0 nomodeset) then press the F10.

l Sudo apt-get purge nivida* # download the nivida relative drive

l Sudo apt-get purge amd* # download the amd relative drive

l Lsmod | grep nouveau # prohibit the nouveau which is carried by the Ubuntu system


l sudo vim /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf # Open the blacklist.conf file

l blacklist nouveau

blacklist lbm-nouveau

options nouveau modeset=0

alias nouveau off

alias lbm-nouveau off (all mentioned above should be added at the end of the file and save on the desktop.)

l echo options nouveau modeset=0

sudo update-initramfs –u #uninstall the kernel of nouveau drive.

And then restart the system, if there are no prints after running the instruction of

(lsmod | grep nouveau) which means that this operation is successful.

third step

#close graphic window Ubuntu18.04

sudo telinit 3

#at the end of installment, open graphic interface

sudo systemctl set-default graphical.target

sudo reboot

fourth step

Sudo chmod u+x NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-430.14.run(给驱动run文件赋予可执行权限)

Sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-430.14.run

(–no-opengl-files –no-x-check -no-nouveau-check)####this step is not necessary for Ubuntu 18.04.

Fifth step (pay attention on the pitfall if there are two options needed to pick)

NO is better.but please don’t abort installation.

#if there is something wrong, The order mentioned below is OKAY.

sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-430.14.run –uninstall

At last


