


A. 每日测试词汇量,复习巩固不会忘。(2023.6.17.)1.流利说阅读:15047个;2. 薄荷阅读:14744个;3.英语水平测试:系统估算词汇量22190个;4.扇贝英语单词词汇量测试:13925;5.轻松背单词:12000;6.英语词汇社词汇量测试:14872; 7.沪江英语词汇量测试:14000。C.阅读(浏览)词汇量累计统计(自2021.10.6.起) 17910136个,今日阅读(浏览)内容单词个数:6700个。B.Sharing (723) Clever husbands and wives always kept some distance between them so that they could claim to be independent of each other in time of trouble instead of implicating each other. I did the opposite, swearing that I knew everything Qian Zhongshu thought and did. At that time, people—including myself—were seething with indignation. Somebody passed me a brass gong and a padded mallet, ordering me to strike the gong. I was just at that moment fuming with anger, without being able to vent it. So there and then I took over the gong and the mallet, and struck it a couple of times for all I was worth, just to let off stream. That triggered an enormous furore, and a chaotic hubbub ensured among the audience, who cried that I should be taken to the Division compound to be paraded about. A middle-aged veteran cadre dug out a mouldy board—I did not where he got it from—that was black from being long soaked in dirty water. They tied a string to it, and ordered me to hang it around my neck. The board was slippery, and hung heavy around my neck. So, wearing a tall hat, and holding up a brass gong, I was escorted by a throng of people to walk round the crowded canteen first, and then to "parade" round all the major paths in the compound. It was their order that I should, after every few steps, strike the gong twice and shout: "I'm a bourgeois intellectual!" That was not difficult at all! I said to myself. Don't you think you can cow me! Besides, aren't all intellectuals "bourgeois intellectuals"? It would do me no harm to shout that. I was temporarily playing the role of the Town Crier in Lazarillo de Tormes. What was different was that I was at once a non-person and a crier who proclaimed news about herself.

