




run [-f | --force] [-u | --user USER_ID] PACKAGE JOB_ID

例如包名是 com.test.pkg  ,JobID是 1000

命令就是 :

adb shell cmd jobscheduler run -f com.test.pkg 1000


[email protected]:~/sagit-o$ adb shell cmd jobscheduler
Job scheduler (jobscheduler) commands:
    Print this help text.
  run [-f | --force] [-u | --user USER_ID] PACKAGE JOB_ID
    Trigger immediate execution of a specific scheduled job.
      -f or --force: run the job even if technical constraints such as
         connectivity are not currently met
      -u or --user: specify which user's job is to be run; the default is
         the primary or system user
  timeout [-u | --user USER_ID] [PACKAGE] [JOB_ID]
    Trigger immediate timeout of currently executing jobs, as if their.
    execution timeout had expired.
      -u or --user: specify which user's job is to be run; the default is
         all users
  monitor-battery [on|off]
    Control monitoring of all battery changes.  Off by default.  Turning
    on makes get-battery-seq useful.
    Return the last battery update sequence number that was received.
    Return whether the battery is currently considered to be charging.
    Return whether the battery is currently considered to not be low.
    Return the last storage update sequence number that was received.
    Return whether storage is currently considered to not be low.
  get-job-state [-u | --user USER_ID] PACKAGE JOB_ID
    Return the current state of a job, may be any combination of:
      pending: currently on the pending list, waiting to be active
      active: job is actively running
      user-stopped: job can't run because its user is stopped
      backing-up: job can't run because app is currently backing up its data
      no-component: job can't run because its component is not available
      ready: job is ready to run (all constraints satisfied or bypassed)
      waiting: if nothing else above is printed, job not ready to run
      -u or --user: specify which user's job is to be run; the default is
         the primary or system user