

本实验实现了论文《“GrabCut” — Interactive Foreground Extraction using Iterated Graph Cuts》中的图像分割功能,利用迭代的graph cuts进行交互式的前景提取,是对静态图像高效的、交互的前景或背景分割,对图像编辑具有重大的现实意义。





除此之外,为了使分割出来得到的图像的分割边缘更加的自然平滑,论文中提出了Border Matting算法,来对得到的图像边缘进行平滑,以得到更加理想的图像效果。论文中的Matting算法对比示例图像如下:


在本项目中,我实现了论文中的GrabCut算法与Border Matting算法,以助教提供的OpenCV框架代码为基础,实现了GrabCut与Border Matting算法的后台代码,通过与OpenCV中相同的方法进行图像的分离操作。

  1. 理论分析
    1. 图像分割算法概述


2.1.1 基于阈值的图像分割算法


2.1.2 基于边缘的图像分割算法


2.1.3 基于区域的图像分割算法





2.1.4 基于图论的分割方法

这一类的算法将图像的分割与图像的最小割问题相关链,首先将图像映射为带权的无向图G=<V, E>,图中的每个节点对应于图像中的每一个像素,每条边连接着一对相邻的像素,边的权值表示了像素之间灰度、颜色、纹理等内容的非负相似度,而对图像的一个分割就是对图像的一次裁剪,被分割的每个区域对应着图像的一个子图,分割的最优原则就是让分割后的子图在子图的内部维持相似度最大,而子图之间的相似度最小,本次项目所实现的GrabCut就是基于图论的分割方法。

2.1.5 基于能量泛函的分割方法



2.2.1 Graph Cut图割模型

Graph cut图割模型将图像的分割问题与图像的最小割(min cut)问题相结合,将图像转化为一个无向图来表示,无向图为G=<V,E>,V为无向图的顶点,E为无向图的边。其中无向图的顶点和边分为两类,第一类的每一个顶点对应于图像中的每一个像素,而第一类的边为每两个相邻像素之间的边,这种边叫做n-links;而第二类的顶点有两个,叫做S(源点source)点和T(汇点Sink)点,而每个第一类顶点都和这两个终端顶点之间有连接,组成了第二类的边,叫做t-links。


上图即为图像对应的无向图,每个像素在无向图中对应着一个顶点,另外还会有S点和T点,而在图像分割中,我们通常使用s代表图像的前景目标,使用t代表图像的背景目标。图像中的每一条边都有一个非负的权值,每一次图像的切分就意味着消耗掉所切割边的所有权值之和,如果一次切割所删除的边的权值之和最小,则这一次切割就成为最小割,而福特-富克森定理表明,网络的最大流max flow与最小割min cut相等。所以由Boykov和Kolmogorov发明的max-flow/min-cut算法就可以用来获得s-t图的最小割。这个最小割把图的顶点划分为两个不相交的子集S和T,其中s ∈S,t∈ T和S∪T=V 。这两个子集就对应于图像的前景像素集和背景像素集,那就相当于完成了图像分割,所以图像分割的问题就可以转化为无向图中每一条边的权值的确定问题。










2.2.2 GrabCut算法分析

与Graph Cut相比,GrabCut使用了BGR三通道的高斯混合模型进行建模,GrabCut的能量最小化是通过不断进行分割估计和参数模型学习的交互迭代过程,并且允许不完全的标注。 RGB颜色空间与GMM建模






边界能量项的作用与GraphCut的作用相似,体现了邻域像素m与n之间的不连续惩罚,如果两个像素的差别大,则它们不太可能同属于同一区域,则之间的能量较小,反之则可能同属于同一区域,之间的能量就会较大。在RGB空间中,我们使用欧式距离来衡量两个像素的相似性,即||zm-zn||。其中β由图像的对比度决定,如果图像的对比度较高,则即使两个像素同属一个区域,其欧式距离仍然可能比较大,这时候我们就需要一个β来缩小这种差别,反之亦然,这就使得边界能量项的计算不会在受到图像对比度的影响。γ为50。 迭代能量最小化分割图像


在迭代最小化的过程中,为每个像素分配GMM中的高斯分量,找到每一个像素对应的高斯分量中概率最大的,并将其分配给相应的高斯分量;对于给定的图像,我们需要学习其GMM参数,根据每个高斯分量中已经拥有的像素点,估计其均值和协方差和权重;然后我们对图像进行最大流分割,重复上述操作直到收敛即可。 用户交互操作


​​​​​​​3. Border Matting算法概述

我们从前一步的GrabCut中得到的图像前景信息是硬边界的,而Border Matting算法通过“边界消光”机制,使得硬边界分界周围的一个条带上允许透明,以达到让图像边界更加自然的目的。

在Border Matting算法中,我们首先需要找到的是图像的边界信息,因为我们要处理的部分就是图像的边界区域,让图像的过渡更加自然。我们一般选用图像的mask来使用Canny算子进行边缘检测。获取到保存了边缘信息的图像后,我们对图像进行轮廓参数化,找到同属于一个连续轮廓上的像素点,并且保存所有轮廓像素点的信息,为每个像素点分配一个单独的编号,因为后续需要在每一个轮廓上像素点的基础上进行扩展,以找到整个需要处理的条带。在条带查找的阶段,我们一般使用宽度搜索的方式,获取到距离每个中心像素点的一定距离以内的像素点,共同组成了图像前景的边界条带。













我们的alpha计算是通过Sigmoid函数进行计算的,其中每个像素使用了其delta和sigma值,获取到整张图像的alphaMask后,将其与原图像进行融合,就得到了border matting后的结果。


3. 代码细节

​​​​​​​3.1 GrabCut算法细节

3.1.1 Mask初始化



3.1.2 初始化GMM模型





3.1.3 求解参数



3.1.4 计算无向图边界能量项权重



3.1.5 迭代最小化求解











​​​​​​​3.2 Border Matting算法细节

3.2.1 图像的边缘检测



3.2.2 轮廓信息参数化



3.2.3 构建条带信息



3.2.4 能量最小化计算






3.2.5 Mask的Alpha值计算




3.2.6 图像效果展示

在这一阶段,我们将原图与储存了alpha值的mask相融合,主要使用了将每个通道的矩阵与alphaMask相乘,得到的结果merge后就显示出了border matting的结果。

#include "GMM.h"

GMM::GMM(Mat& _model)
	if (_model.empty())
		_model.create(1, modelSize*componentsCount, CV_64FC1);
	model = _model;
	coefs = model.ptr<double>(0);
	mean = coefs + componentsCount;
	cov = coefs + componentsCount * 4;
	for (int i = 0; i < componentsCount; i++)
	for (int i = 0; i < componentsCount; i++)


// 第三次被GMMLearning调用时报错
void GMM::CalInverseCovAndDeterm(int index)
	if (coefs[index] > 0)
		double* tmpCovPtr = cov + index * 9;
		double dtrm;
		Mat m = (Mat_<double>(3, 3) << tmpCovPtr[0], tmpCovPtr[1], tmpCovPtr[2],
			tmpCovPtr[3], tmpCovPtr[4], tmpCovPtr[5],
			tmpCovPtr[6], tmpCovPtr[7], tmpCovPtr[8]);
		dtrm = determinant(m);
		covDeterms[index] = dtrm;
		Mat inv;
		invert(m, inv);
		inverseCovMats[index][0][0] = inv.at<double>(0, 0);
		inverseCovMats[index][0][1] = inv.at<double>(0, 1);
		inverseCovMats[index][0][2] = inv.at<double>(0, 2);
		inverseCovMats[index][1][0] = inv.at<double>(1, 0);
		inverseCovMats[index][1][1] = inv.at<double>(1, 1);
		inverseCovMats[index][1][2] = inv.at<double>(1, 2);
		inverseCovMats[index][2][0] = inv.at<double>(2, 0);
		inverseCovMats[index][2][1] = inv.at<double>(2, 1);
		inverseCovMats[index][2][2] = inv.at<double>(2, 2);

void GMM::InitGMMLearning()
	totalSampleNum = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < componentsCount; i++)
		sampleNum[i] = 0;
		for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			sums[i][j] = 0;
			for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
				prods[i][j][k] = 0;

// 为前景后者背景GMM的第i个高斯模型增加样本像素
// 在sum和prod中增加样本值
void GMM::AddSample(int index, Vec3f color)
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		sums[index][i] += color[i];
		for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			prods[index][i][j] += color[i] * color[j];

// 每个像素有3个通道,因此均值有3个,协方差有9个
void GMM::GMMLearning()
	double variance = 0.01;
	for (int i = 0; i < componentsCount; i++)
		int num = sampleNum[i];
		if (num == 0)
			coefs[i] = 0;
			// 权值系数为当前样本像素个数占全部像素个数的比值
			coefs[i] = (double)(num / totalSampleNum);
			double* mVal = mean + 3 * i;
			double* cVal = cov + 9 * i;
			for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
				mVal[j] = sums[i][j] / num;
				for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
					cVal[j * 3 + k] = prods[i][j][k] / num - mVal[j] * mVal[k];
			Mat tmp = (Mat_<double>(3, 3) << cVal[0], cVal[1], cVal[2],
											cVal[3], cVal[4], cVal[5],
											cVal[6], cVal[7], cVal[8]);
			double d = determinant(tmp);
			// 如果行列式小于等于0,则增加白噪声,防止退化成没有逆矩阵的行列式
			if (d <= 0)
				cVal[0] += variance;
				cVal[4] += variance;
				cVal[8] += variance;

int GMM::GetComponent(const Vec3d color)
	int idx = 0;
	double max = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < componentsCount; i++)
		double tmp = GetProbability(i, color);
		if (tmp > max)
			idx = i;
			max = tmp;
	return idx;

double GMM::GetProbability(const Vec3d color)
	double result = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < componentsCount; i++)
		result += coefs[i] * GetProbability(i, color);
	return result;

// 计算当前像素与当前高斯分量的均值的差
// 使用diff转置*inverseCovMats*diff求得mul
double GMM::GetProbability(int index, const Vec3d color)
	double result = 0;
	if (coefs[index] > 0)
		if (covDeterms[index] > 0)
			double* mVal = mean + 3 * index;
			Vec3d diff = color;
			for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
				diff[i] -= mVal[i];
			double mul = 0;
			for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
				for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
					mul += diff[i] * diff[j] * inverseCovMats[index][j][i];
			// 多维变量的联合高斯密度函数求解概率
			result = 1.0 / sqrt(covDeterms[index]) * exp(-0.5f*mul);

	return result;
#pragma once

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

class GMM
	GMM(Mat& _model);
	static const int componentsCount = 5;
	void CalInverseCovAndDeterm(int index);
	void InitGMMLearning();
	void AddSample(int index, Vec3f color);
	void GMMLearning();
	int GetComponent(const Vec3d color);
	double GetProbability(const Vec3d color);
	double GetProbability(int index, const Vec3d color);

	int modelSize = 13;
	Mat model;
	double* cov;
	double* coefs;
	double* mean;
	int sampleNum[componentsCount];
	int totalSampleNum;
	// 储存了每个component的协方差的逆矩阵
	double inverseCovMats[componentsCount][3][3] ;
	// 储存了每个component的协方差的行列式
	vector<double> covDeterms;
	// 每个component的sum
	double sums[componentsCount][3];
	double prods[componentsCount][3][3];

#include "GrabCut.h"

void GrabCut2D::CheckRectAndMask(Mat &_mask, Rect rect, int mode, Size imgSize)
	if (mode == GC_INIT_WITH_RECT)
		InitMaskWithRect(_mask, rect, imgSize);
	else if (mode == GC_INIT_WITH_MASK)



void GrabCut2D::InitMaskWithRect(Mat & _mask, Rect rect, Size imgSize)
	if (_mask.empty())
		_mask.create(imgSize, CV_8UC1);
	// 防止出现矩形越界
	if (rect.x < 0)
		rect.x = 0;
	if (rect.y < 0)
		rect.y = 0;
	if (rect.width > imgSize.width - rect.x)
		rect.width = imgSize.width - rect.x;
	if (rect.height > imgSize.height - rect.y)
		rect.height = imgSize.height - rect.y;
	//cout << GC_PR_FGD << endl;
	//cout << Scalar(GC_PR_FGD) << endl;


// k-means聚类初始化两个GMM
void GrabCut2D::InitGMMs(Mat& img, Mat& mask, GMM& bgdGMM, GMM& fgdGMM)
	const int iterCnt = 10;
	const int kMeansType = KMEANS_PP_CENTERS;
	// 记录前景和背景的像素样本集中每个像素对应GMM中的哪一个高斯模型
	Mat bgdLabels, fgdLabels;
	vector<Vec3f> bgdSamples, fgdSamples;
	// 遍历整个图片的全部像素
	for (int i = 0; i < img.rows; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < img.cols; j++)
			// mask中所有可能是背景的像素都作为背景的样本像素
			if (mask.at<uchar>(i, j) == GC_BGD || mask.at<uchar>(i, j) == GC_PR_BGD)
				bgdSamples.push_back((Vec3d)img.at<Vec3b>(i, j));
			//  mask中所有可能是前景的像素都作为前景的样本像素
				fgdSamples.push_back((Vec3d)img.at<Vec3b>(i, j));
	Mat bgdSamplesMat;
	bgdSamplesMat.create((int)bgdSamples.size(), 3, CV_32FC1);
	kmeans(bgdSamplesMat, GMM::componentsCount, bgdLabels,
		TermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, iterCnt, 0), 0, kMeansType);
	Mat fgdSamplesOutput;
	fgdSamplesOutput.create((int)fgdSamples.size(), 3, CV_32FC1);
	kmeans(fgdSamplesOutput, GMM::componentsCount, fgdLabels,
		TermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, iterCnt, 0), 0, kMeansType);
	// 已经确定每个像素所属的高斯模型,进而估计GMM中每个高斯模型参数
	for (int i = 0; i < bgdSamples.size(); i++)
		bgdGMM.AddSample(bgdLabels.at<int>(i, 0), bgdSamples[i]);
	for (int i = 0; i < fgdSamples.size(); i++)
		fgdGMM.AddSample(fgdLabels.at<int>(i, 0), fgdSamples[i]);
	//Mat bgdSamplesOutput((int)bgdSamples.size(), 3, CV_32FC1, &bgdSamples[0][0]);

double GrabCut2D::CalBeta(const Mat& img)
	double beta = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < img.rows; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < img.cols; j++)
			// 左侧
			if (j > 0)
				Vec3d diff = (Vec3d)img.at<Vec3b>(i, j) - (Vec3d)img.at<Vec3b>(i, j - 1);
				beta += diff.dot(diff);
			// 左上方
			if (i > 0 && j > 0)
				Vec3d diff = (Vec3d)img.at<Vec3b>(i, j) - (Vec3d)img.at<Vec3b>(i - 1, j - 1);
				beta += diff.dot(diff);
			// 上方
			if (i > 0)
				Vec3d diff = (Vec3d)img.at<Vec3b>(i, j) - (Vec3d)img.at<Vec3b>(i - 1, j);
				beta += diff.dot(diff);
			// 右上方
			if (i > 0 && j < img.cols - 1)
				Vec3d diff = (Vec3d)img.at<Vec3b>(i, j) - (Vec3d)img.at<Vec3b>(i - 1, j + 1);
				beta += diff.dot(diff);
	if (beta < 0)
		beta = 0;
		beta = 1.0f / (2 * beta / (4 * img.cols * img.rows - 3 * img.cols - 3 * img.rows + 2));
	return beta;

// 计算图中每个像素顶点的权值,即与其相连的8个像素的权值
void GrabCut2D::CalAllWeights(const Mat& img, Mat& leftWeight, Mat& upLeftWeight, Mat& upWeight, Mat& upRightWeight,
	double beta, double gamma)
	const double gammaNear = gamma;
	const double gammaFar = gamma / sqrt(2.0);
	leftWeight.create(img.rows, img.cols, CV_64FC1);
	upLeftWeight.create(img.rows, img.cols, CV_64FC1);
	upWeight.create(img.rows, img.cols, CV_64FC1);
	upRightWeight.create(img.rows, img.cols, CV_64FC1);
	for (int i = 0; i < img.rows; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < img.cols; j++)
			// 左侧权重
			if (j > 0)
				Vec3d diff = (Vec3d)img.at<Vec3b>(i, j) - (Vec3d)img.at<Vec3b>(i, j - 1);
				leftWeight.at<double>(i, j) = gammaNear * exp(diff.dot(diff) * (beta * -1));
				leftWeight.at<double>(i, j) = 0;
			// 上方权重
			if (i > 0)
				Vec3d diff = (Vec3d)img.at<Vec3b>(i, j) - (Vec3d)img.at<Vec3b>(i - 1, j);
				upWeight.at<double>(i, j) = gammaNear * exp(diff.dot(diff) * (beta * -1));
				upWeight.at<double>(i, j) = 0;
			// 左上方权重
			if (i > 0 && j > 0)
				Vec3d diff = (Vec3d)img.at<Vec3b>(i, j) - (Vec3d)img.at<Vec3b>(i - 1, j - 1);
				upLeftWeight.at<double>(i, j) = gammaFar * exp(diff.dot(diff) * (beta * -1));
				upLeftWeight.at<double>(i, j) = 0;
			// 右上方权重
			if (j < img.cols - 1 && i > 0)
				Vec3d diff = (Vec3d)img.at<Vec3b>(i, j) - (Vec3d)img.at<Vec3b>(i - 1, j + 1);
				upRightWeight.at<double>(i, j) = gammaFar * exp(diff.dot(diff) * (beta * -1));
				upRightWeight.at<double>(i, j) = 0;

// 迭代最小化的步骤一,给每个像素分配GMM中所属的高斯模型
void GrabCut2D::AssignGMMsComponents(const Mat& img, const Mat& mask, GMM& bgdGMM, GMM& fgdGMM,
	Mat& compIdxs)
	for (int i = 0; i < img.rows; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < img.cols; j++)
			if (mask.at<uchar>(i, j) == GC_BGD || mask.at<uchar>(i, j) == GC_PR_BGD)
				Vec3d v = (Vec3d)(img.at<Vec3b>(i, j));
				compIdxs.at<int>(i, j) = bgdGMM.GetComponent(v);
				Vec3d v = (Vec3d)(img.at<Vec3b>(i, j));
				compIdxs.at<int>(i, j) = fgdGMM.GetComponent(v);

// 迭代最小化算法step 2:从每个高斯模型的像素样本集中学习每个高斯模型的参数  
void GrabCut2D::LearnGMMs(const Mat & img, const Mat & mask, const Mat & compIdxs, GMM & bgdGMM, GMM & fgdGMM)
	for (int index = 0; index < GMM::componentsCount; index++)
		for (int i = 0; i < img.rows; i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < img.cols; j++)
				if (compIdxs.at<int>(i, j) == index)
					if (mask.at<uchar>(i, j) == GC_BGD || mask.at<uchar>(i, j) == GC_PR_BGD)
						bgdGMM.AddSample(index, img.at<Vec3b>(i, j));
						fgdGMM.AddSample(index, img.at<Vec3b>(i, j));


void GrabCut2D::ConstructGraph(const Mat & img, const Mat & mask, GMM & bgdGMM,  GMM & fgdGMM, double lambda, const Mat & leftWeight, const Mat & upLeftWeight, const Mat & upWeight, const Mat upRightWeight, Graph<double, double, double>& graph)

	for (int i = 0; i < img.rows; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < img.cols; j++)
			int nodeIndex = graph.add_node();
			// 计算每个顶点与source和sink连接的权值,即第一个能量项
			double sourceEdge, sinkEdge;
			// 对于不确定的点,计算第一个能量项
			if (mask.at<uchar>(i, j) == GC_PR_BGD || mask.at<uchar>(i, j) == GC_PR_FGD)
				sourceEdge = -log(bgdGMM.GetProbability(img.at<Vec3b>(i, j)));
				sinkEdge = -log(fgdGMM.GetProbability(img.at<Vec3b>(i, j)));
			// 对于确定的背景点直接赋值
			else if (mask.at<uchar>(i, j) == GC_BGD)
				sourceEdge = 0;
				sinkEdge = lambda;
				sourceEdge = lambda;
				sinkEdge = 0;
			// 设置该node与source和sink点的权值
			graph.add_tweights(nodeIndex, sourceEdge, sinkEdge);
			// 左侧顶点的edge
			if (j > 0)
				double cap = leftWeight.at<double>(i, j);
				graph.add_edge(nodeIndex, nodeIndex - 1, cap, cap);
			// 上方顶点的edge
			if (i > 0)
				double cap = upWeight.at<double>(i, j);
				graph.add_edge(nodeIndex, nodeIndex - img.cols, cap, cap);
			// 左上方顶点的edge
			if (j > 0 && i > 0)
				double cap = upLeftWeight.at<double>(i, j);
				graph.add_edge(nodeIndex, nodeIndex - img.cols - 1, cap, cap);
			// 右上方顶点的edge
			if (i > 0 && j < img.cols - 1)
				double cap = upRightWeight.at<double>(i, j);
				graph.add_edge(nodeIndex, nodeIndex - img.cols + 1, cap, cap);

// 使用最小割最大流算法进行分割估计
void GrabCut2D::EstimateSegmentation(Graph<double, double, double>& graph, Mat & mask)
	for (int i = 0; i < mask.rows; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < mask.cols; j++)
			if (mask.at<uchar>(i, j) == GC_PR_BGD || mask.at<uchar>(i, j) == GC_PR_FGD)
				if (graph.what_segment(i * mask.cols + j))
					// 当返回1时为SINK
					mask.at<uchar>(i, j) = GC_PR_BGD;
					// 当返回0时为SOURCE
					mask.at<uchar>(i, j) = GC_PR_FGD;

void GrabCut2D::GrabCut( cv::InputArray _img, cv::InputOutputArray _mask, cv::Rect rect, cv::InputOutputArray _bgdModel,cv::InputOutputArray _fgdModel, int iterCount, int mode )
    std::cout<<"Execute GrabCut Function: Please finish the code here!"<<std::endl;
	GMM bgdGmm(_bgdModel.getMatRef());
	GMM fgdGmm(_fgdModel.getMatRef());
	CheckRectAndMask(_mask.getMatRef(), rect, mode, _img.size());
	InitGMMs(_img.getMat(), _mask.getMatRef(), bgdGmm, fgdGmm);
	const double gamma = 50;
	const double lambda = 9 * gamma;
	const double beta = CalBeta(_img.getMat());

	Mat leftWeight, upLeftWeight, upWeight, upRightWeight;

	CalAllWeights(_img.getMat(), leftWeight, upLeftWeight, upWeight, upRightWeight, beta, gamma);

	Mat compIdxs(_img.getMat().size(), CV_32SC1);
	for (int i = 0; i < iterCount; i++)
		int vertexCnt = _img.getMat().rows * _img.getMat().cols;
		int edgeCnt = 2 * (4 * vertexCnt - 3 * (_img.getMat().cols + _img.getMat().rows) + 2);
		Graph<double, double, double> graph(vertexCnt, edgeCnt);
		AssignGMMsComponents(_img.getMat(), _mask.getMat(), bgdGmm, fgdGmm, compIdxs);
		LearnGMMs(_img.getMat(), _mask.getMat(), compIdxs, bgdGmm, fgdGmm);
		ConstructGraph(_img.getMat(), _mask.getMatRef(), bgdGmm, fgdGmm, lambda, leftWeight, upLeftWeight,
			upWeight, upRightWeight, graph);
		EstimateSegmentation(graph, _mask.getMatRef());
		// cout << _mask.getMatRef() << endl;
	 //cv::InputArray _img,     :输入的color图像(类型-cv:Mat)
     //cv::Rect rect            :在图像上画的矩形框(类型-cv:Rect) 
  	//int iterCount :           :每次分割的迭代次数(类型-int)

	//cv::InputOutputArray _bgdModel :   背景模型(推荐GMM)(类型-13*n(组件个数)个double类型的自定义数据结构,可以为cv:Mat,或者Vector/List/数组等)
	//cv::InputOutputArray _fgdModel :    前景模型(推荐GMM) (类型-13*n(组件个数)个double类型的自定义数据结构,可以为cv:Mat,或者Vector/List/数组等)

	//cv::InputOutputArray _mask  : 输出的分割结果 (类型: cv::Mat)

//二. 伪代码流程:
	//1.Load Input Image: 加载输入颜色图像;
	//2.Init Mask: 用矩形框初始化Mask的Label值(确定背景:0, 确定前景:1,可能背景:2,可能前景:3),矩形框以外设置为确定背景,矩形框以内设置为可能前景;
	//3.Init GMM: 定义并初始化GMM(其他模型完成分割也可得到基本分数,GMM完成会加分)
	//4.Sample Points:前背景颜色采样并进行聚类(建议用kmeans,其他聚类方法也可)
	//5.Learn GMM(根据聚类的样本更新每个GMM组件中的均值、协方差等参数)
	//4.Construct Graph(计算t-weight(数据项)和n-weight(平滑项))
	//7.Estimate Segmentation(调用maxFlow库进行分割)
	//8.Save Result输入结果(将结果mask输出,将mask中前景区域对应的彩色图像保存和显示在交互界面中)

#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include "GMM.h"
#include "graph.h"
#include "block.h"
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
	GC_WITH_RECT  = 0, 
	GC_WITH_MASK  = 1, 
	GC_CUT        = 2  
class GrabCut2D
	void GrabCut( cv::InputArray _img, cv::InputOutputArray _mask, cv::Rect rect,
		cv::InputOutputArray _bgdModel,cv::InputOutputArray _fgdModel,
		int iterCount, int mode );  

	void CheckRectAndMask(Mat &_mask, Rect rect, int mode, Size imgSize);
	void InitMaskWithRect(Mat &_mask, Rect rect, Size imgSize);
	void InitGMMs(Mat& img, Mat& mask, GMM& bgdGMM, GMM& fgdGMM);
	double CalBeta(const Mat& img);
	void CalAllWeights(const Mat& img, Mat& leftWeight, Mat& upLeftWeight, Mat& upWeight, Mat& upRightWeight,
		double beta, double gamma);
	void AssignGMMsComponents(const Mat& img, const Mat& mask, GMM& bgdGMM, GMM& fgdGMM,
		Mat& compIdxs);
	void LearnGMMs(const Mat& img, const Mat& mask, const Mat& compIdxs, GMM& bgdGMM, GMM& fgdGMM);
	void ConstructGraph(const Mat& img, const Mat& mask, GMM& bgdGMM, GMM& fgdGMM,
		double lambda, const Mat& leftWeight, const Mat& upLeftWeight, const Mat& upWeight,
		const Mat upRightWeight, Graph<double, double, double>& graph);
	void EstimateSegmentation(Graph<double, double, double>& graph, Mat& mask);

#pragma once
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include "GrabCut.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "BorderMatting.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

const Scalar BLUE = Scalar(255,0,0); // Background 
const Scalar GREEN = Scalar(0,255,0);//Foreground
const Scalar LIGHTBLUE = Scalar(255,255,160);//ProbBackground
const Scalar PINK = Scalar(230,130,255); //ProbBackground
const Scalar RED = Scalar(0,0,255);//color of Rectangle

const int BGD_KEY = CV_EVENT_FLAG_CTRLKEY;// When press "CTRL" key,the value of flags return.
const int FGD_KEY = CV_EVENT_FLAG_SHIFTKEY;// When press "SHIFT" key, the value of flags return.

//Copy the value of comMask to binMask
static void getBinMask( const Mat& comMask, Mat& binMask )
	if( comMask.empty() || comMask.type()!=CV_8UC1 )
		CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "comMask is empty or has incorrect type (not CV_8UC1)" );
	if( binMask.empty() || binMask.rows!=comMask.rows || binMask.cols!=comMask.cols )
		binMask.create( comMask.size(), CV_8UC1 );
	binMask = comMask & 1;

class GCApplication
	enum{ NOT_SET = 0, IN_PROCESS = 1, SET = 2 };
	static const int radius = 2;
	static const int thickness = -1;

	void reset();
	void setImageAndWinName( const Mat& _image, const string& _winName );
	void showImage() const;
	void mouseClick( int event, int x, int y, int flags, void* param );
	int nextIter();
	int getIterCount() const { return iterCount; }
	void borderMatting();
	void setRectInMask();
	void setLblsInMask( int flags, Point p, bool isPr );

	const string* winName;
	const Mat* image;
	Mat mask, alphaMask;
	Mat bgdModel, fgdModel;

	uchar rectState, lblsState, prLblsState;
	bool isInitialized;

	Rect rect;
	vector<Point> fgdPxls, bgdPxls, prFgdPxls, prBgdPxls;
	int iterCount;
	GrabCut2D gc;
	BorderMatting bm;

#include "GCApplication.h"

//Set value for the class
void GCApplication::reset()
	if( !mask.empty() )
	bgdPxls.clear(); fgdPxls.clear();
	prBgdPxls.clear();  prFgdPxls.clear();

	isInitialized = false;
	rectState = NOT_SET;    
	lblsState = NOT_SET;
	prLblsState = NOT_SET;
	iterCount = 0;

//Set image and window name
void GCApplication::setImageAndWinName( const Mat& _image, const string& _winName  )
	if( _image.empty() || _winName.empty() )
	image = &_image;
	winName = &_winName;
	mask.create( image->size(), CV_8UC1);

//Show the result image
void GCApplication::showImage() const
	if( image->empty() || winName->empty() )

	Mat res;
	Mat binMask;
	if( !isInitialized )
		image->copyTo( res );
		getBinMask( mask, binMask );
		image->copyTo( res, binMask );  //show the GrabCuted image

	vector<Point>::const_iterator it;
	//Using four different colors show the point which have been selected
	for( it = bgdPxls.begin(); it != bgdPxls.end(); ++it )  
		circle( res, *it, radius, BLUE, thickness );
	for( it = fgdPxls.begin(); it != fgdPxls.end(); ++it )  
		circle( res, *it, radius, GREEN, thickness );
	for( it = prBgdPxls.begin(); it != prBgdPxls.end(); ++it )
		circle( res, *it, radius, LIGHTBLUE, thickness );
	for( it = prFgdPxls.begin(); it != prFgdPxls.end(); ++it )
		circle( res, *it, radius, PINK, thickness );
	imwrite("result.jpg", res);
	//Draw the rectangle
	if( rectState == IN_PROCESS || rectState == SET )
		rectangle( res, Point( rect.x, rect.y ), Point(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height ), RED, 2);

	imshow( *winName, res );

//Using rect initialize the pixel 
void GCApplication::setRectInMask()
	assert( !mask.empty() );
	mask.setTo( GC_BGD );   //GC_BGD == 0
	rect.x = max(0, rect.x);
	rect.y = max(0, rect.y);
	rect.width = min(rect.width, image->cols-rect.x);
	rect.height = min(rect.height, image->rows-rect.y);
	(mask(rect)).setTo( Scalar(GC_PR_FGD) );    //GC_PR_FGD == 3 

void GCApplication::setLblsInMask( int flags, Point p, bool isPr )
	vector<Point> *bpxls, *fpxls;
	uchar bvalue, fvalue;
	if( !isPr ) //Points which are sure being FGD or BGD
		bpxls = &bgdPxls;
		fpxls = &fgdPxls;
		bvalue = GC_BGD;    //0
		fvalue = GC_FGD;    //1
	else    //Probably FGD or Probably BGD
		bpxls = &prBgdPxls;
		fpxls = &prFgdPxls;
		bvalue = GC_PR_BGD; //2
		fvalue = GC_PR_FGD; //3
	if( flags & BGD_KEY )
		circle( mask, p, radius, bvalue, thickness );   //Set point value = 2
	if( flags & FGD_KEY )
		circle( mask, p, radius, fvalue, thickness );   //Set point value = 3

//Mouse Click Function: flags work with CV_EVENT_FLAG 
void GCApplication::mouseClick( int event, int x, int y, int flags, void* )
	switch( event )
	case CV_EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: // Set rect or GC_BGD(GC_FGD) labels
			bool isb = (flags & BGD_KEY) != 0,
				isf = (flags & FGD_KEY) != 0;
			if( rectState == NOT_SET && !isb && !isf )//Only LEFT_KEY pressed
				rectState = IN_PROCESS; //Be drawing the rectangle
				rect = Rect( x, y, 1, 1 );
			if ( (isb || isf) && rectState == SET ) //Set the BGD/FGD(labels).after press the "ALT" key or "SHIFT" key,and have finish drawing the rectangle
			lblsState = IN_PROCESS;
			bool isb = (flags & BGD_KEY) != 0,
				isf = (flags & FGD_KEY) != 0;
			if ( (isb || isf) && rectState == SET ) //Set the probably FGD/BGD labels
				prLblsState = IN_PROCESS;
		if( rectState == IN_PROCESS )
			rect = Rect( Point(rect.x, rect.y), Point(x,y) );   //After draw the rectangle
			rectState = SET;
			assert( bgdPxls.empty() && fgdPxls.empty() && prBgdPxls.empty() && prFgdPxls.empty() );
		if( lblsState == IN_PROCESS )   
			setLblsInMask(flags, Point(x,y), false);    // Draw the FGD points
			lblsState = SET;
		if( prLblsState == IN_PROCESS )
			setLblsInMask(flags, Point(x,y), true); //Draw the BGD points
			prLblsState = SET;
		if( rectState == IN_PROCESS )
			rect = Rect( Point(rect.x, rect.y), Point(x,y) );
			assert( bgdPxls.empty() && fgdPxls.empty() && prBgdPxls.empty() && prFgdPxls.empty() );
			showImage();   //Continue showing image
		else if( lblsState == IN_PROCESS )
			setLblsInMask(flags, Point(x,y), false);
		else if( prLblsState == IN_PROCESS )
			setLblsInMask(flags, Point(x,y), true);

void GCApplication::borderMatting() {
	bm.BorderMattingInterface(*image, mask, alphaMask);

//Execute GrabCut algorithm,and return the iter count.
int GCApplication::nextIter()
	if( isInitialized )
		gc.GrabCut(*image, mask, rect, bgdModel, fgdModel,1,GC_CUT);
		if( rectState != SET )
			return iterCount;

		if( lblsState == SET || prLblsState == SET )
		 gc.GrabCut( *image, mask, rect, bgdModel, fgdModel, 1, GC_WITH_MASK );
		 gc.GrabCut(*image, mask, rect, bgdModel, fgdModel,1,GC_WITH_RECT);
		isInitialized = true;

	bgdPxls.clear(); fgdPxls.clear();
	prBgdPxls.clear(); prFgdPxls.clear();

	return iterCount;
#include <iostream>
#include "GCApplication.h"
static void help()
	std::cout << "\nThis program demonstrates GrabCut segmentation -- select an object in a region\n"
		"and then grabcut will attempt to segment it out.\n"
		"./grabcut <image_name>\n"
		"\nSelect a rectangular area around the object you want to segment\n" <<
		"\nHot keys: \n"
		"\tESC - quit the program\n"
		"\tr - restore the original image\n"
		"\tn - next iteration\n"
		"\tleft mouse button - set rectangle\n"
		"\tCTRL+left mouse button - set GC_BGD pixels\n"
		"\tSHIFT+left mouse button - set CG_FGD pixels\n"
		"\tCTRL+right mouse button - set GC_PR_BGD pixels\n"
		"\tSHIFT+right mouse button - set CG_PR_FGD pixels\n" << endl;

GCApplication gcapp;

static void on_mouse( int event, int x, int y, int flags, void* param )
	gcapp.mouseClick( event, x, y, flags, param );

int main()
	string filename = "img.jpg";
	Mat image = imread( filename, 1 );
	//resize(image, image, Size(image.cols / 4, image.rows / 4));
	if( image.empty() )
		cout << "\n , couldn't read image filename " << filename << endl;
		return 1;


	const string winName = "image";
	cvNamedWindow( winName.c_str(), CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
	cvSetMouseCallback( winName.c_str(), on_mouse, 0 );

	gcapp.setImageAndWinName( image, winName );

		int c = cvWaitKey(0);
		switch( (char) c )
		case '\x1b':
			cout << "Exiting ..." << endl;
			goto exit_main;
		case 'r':
			cout << endl;
		case 'b':
			cout << "done" << endl;
		case 'n':
			int iterCount = gcapp.getIterCount();
			cout << "<" << iterCount << "... ";
			int newIterCount = gcapp.nextIter();
			if( newIterCount > iterCount )
				cout << iterCount << ">" << endl;
				cout << "rect must be determined>" << endl;


	cvDestroyWindow( winName.c_str() );
	return 0;

	return 0;
/* graph.h */
	This software library implements the maxflow algorithm
	described in

		"An Experimental Comparison of Min-Cut/Max-Flow Algorithms for Energy Minimization in Vision."
		Yuri Boykov and Vladimir Kolmogorov.
		In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 
		September 2004

	This algorithm was developed by Yuri Boykov and Vladimir Kolmogorov
	at Siemens Corporate Research. To make it available for public use,
	it was later reimplemented by Vladimir Kolmogorov based on open publications.

	If you use this software for research purposes, you should cite
	the aforementioned paper in any resulting publication.



	Starting with version 3.0, there is a also an option of reusing search
	trees from one maxflow computation to the next, as described in

		"Efficiently Solving Dynamic Markov Random Fields Using Graph Cuts."
		Pushmeet Kohli and Philip H.S. Torr
		International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2005

	If you use this option, you should cite
	the aforementioned paper in any resulting publication.

	For description, license, example usage see README.TXT.

#ifndef __GRAPH_H__
#define __GRAPH_H__

#include <string.h>
#include "block.h"

#include <assert.h>
// NOTE: in UNIX you need to use -DNDEBUG preprocessor option to supress assert's!!!

// captype: type of edge capacities (excluding t-links)
// tcaptype: type of t-links (edges between nodes and terminals)
// flowtype: type of total flow
// Current instantiations are in instances.inc
template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> class Graph
	typedef enum
		SOURCE	= 0,
		SINK	= 1
	} termtype; // terminals 
	typedef int node_id;

	//                     BASIC INTERFACE FUNCTIONS                       //
    //              (should be enough for most applications)               //

	// Constructor. 
	// The first argument gives an estimate of the maximum number of nodes that can be added
	// to the graph, and the second argument is an estimate of the maximum number of edges.
	// The last (optional) argument is the pointer to the function which will be called 
	// if an error occurs; an error message is passed to this function. 
	// If this argument is omitted, exit(1) will be called.
	// IMPORTANT: It is possible to add more nodes to the graph than node_num_max 
	// (and node_num_max can be zero). However, if the count is exceeded, then 
	// the internal memory is reallocated (increased by 50%) which is expensive. 
	// Also, temporarily the amount of allocated memory would be more than twice than needed.
	// Similarly for edges.
	// If you wish to avoid this overhead, you can download version 2.2, where nodes and edges are stored in blocks.
	Graph(int node_num_max, int edge_num_max, void (*err_function)(char *) = NULL);

	// Destructor

	// Adds node(s) to the graph. By default, one node is added (num=1); then first call returns 0, second call returns 1, and so on. 
	// If num>1, then several nodes are added, and node_id of the first one is returned.
	// IMPORTANT: see note about the constructor 
	node_id add_node(int num = 1);

	// Adds a bidirectional edge between 'i' and 'j' with the weights 'cap' and 'rev_cap'.
	// IMPORTANT: see note about the constructor 
	void add_edge(node_id i, node_id j, captype cap, captype rev_cap);

	// Adds new edges 'SOURCE->i' and 'i->SINK' with corresponding weights.
	// Can be called multiple times for each node.
	// Weights can be negative.
	// NOTE: the number of such edges is not counted in edge_num_max.
	//       No internal memory is allocated by this call.
	void add_tweights(node_id i, tcaptype cap_source, tcaptype cap_sink);

	// Computes the maxflow. Can be called several times.
	// FOR DESCRIPTION OF reuse_trees, SEE mark_node().
	// FOR DESCRIPTION OF changed_list, SEE remove_from_changed_list().
	flowtype maxflow(bool reuse_trees = false, Block<node_id>* changed_list = NULL);

	// After the maxflow is computed, this function returns to which
	// segment the node 'i' belongs (Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::SOURCE or Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::SINK).
	// Occasionally there may be several minimum cuts. If a node can be assigned
	// to both the source and the sink, then default_segm is returned.
	termtype what_segment(node_id i, termtype default_segm = SOURCE);

	//      (provide access to the graph)       //

	struct node;
	struct arc;


	// 1. Reallocating graph. //

	// Removes all nodes and edges. 
	// After that functions add_node() and add_edge() must be called again. 
	// Advantage compared to deleting Graph and allocating it again:
	// no calls to delete/new (which could be quite slow).
	// If the graph structure stays the same, then an alternative
	// is to go through all nodes/edges and set new residual capacities
	// (see functions below).
	void reset();

	// 2. Functions for getting pointers to arcs and for reading graph structure. //
	//    NOTE: adding new arcs may invalidate these pointers (if reallocation    //
	//    happens). So it's best not to add arcs while reading graph structure.   //

	// The following two functions return arcs in the same order that they
	// were added to the graph. NOTE: for each call add_edge(i,j,cap,cap_rev)
	// the first arc returned will be i->j, and the second j->i.
	// If there are no more arcs, then the function can still be called, but
	// the returned arc_id is undetermined.
	typedef arc* arc_id;
	arc_id get_first_arc();
	arc_id get_next_arc(arc_id a);

	// other functions for reading graph structure
	int get_node_num() { return node_num; }
	int get_arc_num() { return (int)(arc_last - arcs); }
	void get_arc_ends(arc_id a, node_id& i, node_id& j); // returns i,j to that a = i->j

	// 3. Functions for reading residual capacities. //

	// returns residual capacity of SOURCE->i minus residual capacity of i->SINK
	tcaptype get_trcap(node_id i); 
	// returns residual capacity of arc a
	captype get_rcap(arc* a);

	// 4. Functions for setting residual capacities.               //
	//    NOTE: If these functions are used, the value of the flow //
	//    returned by maxflow() will not be valid!                 //

	void set_trcap(node_id i, tcaptype trcap); 
	void set_rcap(arc* a, captype rcap);

	// 5. Functions related to reusing trees & list of changed nodes. //

	// If flag reuse_trees is true while calling maxflow(), then search trees
	// are reused from previous maxflow computation. 
	// In this case before calling maxflow() the user must
	// specify which parts of the graph have changed by calling mark_node():
	//   add_tweights(i),set_trcap(i)    => call mark_node(i)
	//   add_edge(i,j),set_rcap(a)       => call mark_node(i); mark_node(j)
	// This option makes sense only if a small part of the graph is changed.
	// The initialization procedure goes only through marked nodes then.
	// mark_node(i) can either be called before or after graph modification.
	// Can be called more than once per node, but calls after the first one
	// do not have any effect.
	// NOTE: 
	//   - This option cannot be used in the first call to maxflow().
	//   - It is not necessary to call mark_node() if the change is ``not essential'',
	//     i.e. sign(trcap) is preserved for a node and zero/nonzero status is preserved for an arc.
	//   - To check that you marked all necessary nodes, you can call maxflow(false) after calling maxflow(true).
	//     If everything is correct, the two calls must return the same value of flow. (Useful for debugging).
	void mark_node(node_id i);

	// If changed_list is not NULL while calling maxflow(), then the algorithm
	// keeps a list of nodes which could potentially have changed their segmentation label.
	// Nodes which are not in the list are guaranteed to keep their old segmentation label (SOURCE or SINK).
	// Example usage:
	//		typedef Graph<int,int,int> G;
	//		G* g = new Graph(nodeNum, edgeNum);
	//		Block<G::node_id>* changed_list = new Block<G::node_id>(128);
	//		... // add nodes and edges
	//		g->maxflow(); // first call should be without arguments
	//		for (int iter=0; iter<10; iter++)
	//		{
	//			... // change graph, call mark_node() accordingly
	//			g->maxflow(true, changed_list);
	//			G::node_id* ptr;
	//			for (ptr=changed_list->ScanFirst(); ptr; ptr=changed_list->ScanNext())
	//			{
	//				G::node_id i = *ptr; assert(i>=0 && i<nodeNum);
	//				g->remove_from_changed_list(i);
	//				// do something with node i...
	//				if (g->what_segment(i) == G::SOURCE) { ... }
	//			}
	//			changed_list->Reset();
	//		}
	//		delete changed_list;
	// NOTE:
	//  - If changed_list option is used, then reuse_trees must be used as well.
	//  - In the example above, the user may omit calls g->remove_from_changed_list(i) and changed_list->Reset() in a given iteration.
	//    Then during the next call to maxflow(true, &changed_list) new nodes will be added to changed_list.
	//  - If the next call to maxflow() does not use option reuse_trees, then calling remove_from_changed_list()
	//    is not necessary. ("changed_list->Reset()" or "delete changed_list" should still be called, though).
	void remove_from_changed_list(node_id i) 
		assert(i>=0 && i<node_num && nodes[i].is_in_changed_list); 
		nodes[i].is_in_changed_list = 0;

	// internal variables and functions

	struct node
		arc			*first;		// first outcoming arc

		arc			*parent;	// node's parent
		node		*next;		// pointer to the next active node
								//   (or to itself if it is the last node in the list)
		int			TS;			// timestamp showing when DIST was computed
		int			DIST;		// distance to the terminal
		int			is_sink : 1;	// flag showing whether the node is in the source or in the sink tree (if parent!=NULL)
		int			is_marked : 1;	// set by mark_node()
		int			is_in_changed_list : 1; // set by maxflow if 

		tcaptype	tr_cap;		// if tr_cap > 0 then tr_cap is residual capacity of the arc SOURCE->node
								// otherwise         -tr_cap is residual capacity of the arc node->SINK 


	struct arc
		node		*head;		// node the arc points to
		arc			*next;		// next arc with the same originating node
		arc			*sister;	// reverse arc

		captype		r_cap;		// residual capacity

	struct nodeptr
		node    	*ptr;
		nodeptr		*next;
	static const int NODEPTR_BLOCK_SIZE = 128;

	node				*nodes, *node_last, *node_max; // node_last = nodes+node_num, node_max = nodes+node_num_max;
	arc					*arcs, *arc_last, *arc_max; // arc_last = arcs+2*edge_num, arc_max = arcs+2*edge_num_max;

	int					node_num;

	DBlock<nodeptr>		*nodeptr_block;

	void	(*error_function)(char *);	// this function is called if a error occurs,
										// with a corresponding error message
										// (or exit(1) is called if it's NULL)

	flowtype			flow;		// total flow

	// reusing trees & list of changed pixels
	int					maxflow_iteration; // counter
	Block<node_id>		*changed_list;


	node				*queue_first[2], *queue_last[2];	// list of active nodes
	nodeptr				*orphan_first, *orphan_last;		// list of pointers to orphans
	int					TIME;								// monotonically increasing global counter


	void reallocate_nodes(int num); // num is the number of new nodes
	void reallocate_arcs();

	// functions for processing active list
	void set_active(node *i);
	node *next_active();

	// functions for processing orphans list
	void set_orphan_front(node* i); // add to the beginning of the list
	void set_orphan_rear(node* i);  // add to the end of the list

	void add_to_changed_list(node* i);

	void maxflow_init();             // called if reuse_trees == false
	void maxflow_reuse_trees_init(); // called if reuse_trees == true
	void augment(arc *middle_arc);
	void process_source_orphan(node *i);
	void process_sink_orphan(node *i);

	void test_consistency(node* current_node=NULL); // debug function

// Implementation - inline functions //

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	inline typename Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::node_id Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::add_node(int num)
	assert(num > 0);

	if (node_last + num > node_max) reallocate_nodes(num);

	if (num == 1)
		node_last -> first = NULL;
		node_last -> tr_cap = 0;
		node_last -> is_marked = 0;
		node_last -> is_in_changed_list = 0;

		node_last ++;
		return node_num ++;
		memset(node_last, 0, num*sizeof(node));

		node_id i = node_num;
		node_num += num;
		node_last += num;
		return i;

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	inline void Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::add_tweights(node_id i, tcaptype cap_source, tcaptype cap_sink)
	assert(i >= 0 && i < node_num);

	tcaptype delta = nodes[i].tr_cap;
	if (delta > 0) cap_source += delta;
	else           cap_sink   -= delta;
	flow += (cap_source < cap_sink) ? cap_source : cap_sink;
	nodes[i].tr_cap = cap_source - cap_sink;

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	inline void Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::add_edge(node_id _i, node_id _j, captype cap, captype rev_cap)
	assert(_i >= 0 && _i < node_num);
	assert(_j >= 0 && _j < node_num);
	assert(_i != _j);
	assert(cap >= 0);
	assert(rev_cap >= 0);

	if (arc_last == arc_max) reallocate_arcs();

	arc *a = arc_last ++;
	arc *a_rev = arc_last ++;

	node* i = nodes + _i;
	node* j = nodes + _j;

	a -> sister = a_rev;
	a_rev -> sister = a;
	a -> next = i -> first;
	i -> first = a;
	a_rev -> next = j -> first;
	j -> first = a_rev;
	a -> head = j;
	a_rev -> head = i;
	a -> r_cap = cap;
	a_rev -> r_cap = rev_cap;

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	inline typename Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::arc* Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::get_first_arc()
	return arcs;

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	inline typename Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::arc* Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::get_next_arc(arc* a) 
	return a + 1; 

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	inline void Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::get_arc_ends(arc* a, node_id& i, node_id& j)
	assert(a >= arcs && a < arc_last);
	i = (node_id) (a->sister->head - nodes);
	j = (node_id) (a->head - nodes);

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	inline tcaptype Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::get_trcap(node_id i)
	assert(i>=0 && i<node_num);
	return nodes[i].tr_cap;

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	inline captype Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::get_rcap(arc* a)
	assert(a >= arcs && a < arc_last);
	return a->r_cap;

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	inline void Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::set_trcap(node_id i, tcaptype trcap)
	assert(i>=0 && i<node_num); 
	nodes[i].tr_cap = trcap;

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	inline void Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::set_rcap(arc* a, captype rcap)
	assert(a >= arcs && a < arc_last);
	a->r_cap = rcap;

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	inline typename Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::termtype Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::what_segment(node_id i, termtype default_segm)
	if (nodes[i].parent)
		return (nodes[i].is_sink) ? SINK : SOURCE;
		return default_segm;

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	inline void Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::mark_node(node_id _i)
	node* i = nodes + _i;
	if (!i->next)
		/* it's not in the list yet */
		if (queue_last[1]) queue_last[1] -> next = i;
		else               queue_first[1]        = i;
		queue_last[1] = i;
		i -> next = i;
	i->is_marked = 1;

/* graph.cpp */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "graph.h"

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::Graph(int node_num_max, int edge_num_max, void (*err_function)(char *))
	: node_num(0),
	if (node_num_max < 16) node_num_max = 16;
	if (edge_num_max < 16) edge_num_max = 16;

	nodes = (node*) malloc(node_num_max*sizeof(node));
	arcs = (arc*) malloc(2*edge_num_max*sizeof(arc));
	if (!nodes || !arcs) { if (error_function) (*error_function)("Not enough memory!"); exit(1); }

	node_last = nodes;
	node_max = nodes + node_num_max;
	arc_last = arcs;
	arc_max = arcs + 2*edge_num_max;

	maxflow_iteration = 0;
	flow = 0;

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	if (nodeptr_block) 
		delete nodeptr_block; 
		nodeptr_block = NULL; 

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	void Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::reset()
	node_last = nodes;
	arc_last = arcs;
	node_num = 0;

	if (nodeptr_block) 
		delete nodeptr_block; 
		nodeptr_block = NULL; 

	maxflow_iteration = 0;
	flow = 0;

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	void Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::reallocate_nodes(int num)
	int node_num_max = (int)(node_max - nodes);
	node* nodes_old = nodes;

	node_num_max += node_num_max / 2;
	if (node_num_max < node_num + num) node_num_max = node_num + num;
	nodes = (node*) realloc(nodes_old, node_num_max*sizeof(node));
	if (!nodes) { if (error_function) (*error_function)("Not enough memory!"); exit(1); }

	node_last = nodes + node_num;
	node_max = nodes + node_num_max;

	if (nodes != nodes_old)
		arc* a;
		for (a=arcs; a<arc_last; a++)
			a->head = (node*) ((char*)a->head + (((char*) nodes) - ((char*) nodes_old)));

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	void Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::reallocate_arcs()
	int arc_num_max = (int)(arc_max - arcs);
	int arc_num = (int)(arc_last - arcs);
	arc* arcs_old = arcs;

	arc_num_max += arc_num_max / 2; if (arc_num_max & 1) arc_num_max ++;
	arcs = (arc*) realloc(arcs_old, arc_num_max*sizeof(arc));
	if (!arcs) { if (error_function) (*error_function)("Not enough memory!"); exit(1); }

	arc_last = arcs + arc_num;
	arc_max = arcs + arc_num_max;

	if (arcs != arcs_old)
		node* i;
		arc* a;
		for (i=nodes; i<node_last; i++)
			if (i->first) i->first = (arc*) ((char*)i->first + (((char*) arcs) - ((char*) arcs_old)));
		for (a=arcs; a<arc_last; a++)
			if (a->next) a->next = (arc*) ((char*)a->next + (((char*) arcs) - ((char*) arcs_old)));
			a->sister = (arc*) ((char*)a->sister + (((char*) arcs) - ((char*) arcs_old)));

#include "instances.inc"
/* maxflow.cpp */

#include <stdio.h>
#include "graph.h"

	special constants for node->parent
#define TERMINAL ( (arc *) 1 )		/* to terminal */
#define ORPHAN   ( (arc *) 2 )		/* orphan */

#define INFINITE_D ((int)(((unsigned)-1)/2))		/* infinite distance to the terminal */


	Functions for processing active list.
	i->next points to the next node in the list
	(or to i, if i is the last node in the list).
	If i->next is NULL iff i is not in the list.

	There are two queues. Active nodes are added
	to the end of the second queue and read from
	the front of the first queue. If the first queue
	is empty, it is replaced by the second queue
	(and the second queue becomes empty).

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	inline void Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::set_active(node *i)
	if (!i->next)
		/* it's not in the list yet */
		if (queue_last[1]) queue_last[1] -> next = i;
		else               queue_first[1]        = i;
		queue_last[1] = i;
		i -> next = i;

	Returns the next active node.
	If it is connected to the sink, it stays in the list,
	otherwise it is removed from the list
template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	inline typename Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::node* Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::next_active()
	node *i;

	while ( 1 )
		if (!(i=queue_first[0]))
			queue_first[0] = i = queue_first[1];
			queue_last[0]  = queue_last[1];
			queue_first[1] = NULL;
			queue_last[1]  = NULL;
			if (!i) return NULL;

		/* remove it from the active list */
		if (i->next == i) queue_first[0] = queue_last[0] = NULL;
		else              queue_first[0] = i -> next;
		i -> next = NULL;

		/* a node in the list is active iff it has a parent */
		if (i->parent) return i;


template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	inline void Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::set_orphan_front(node *i)
	nodeptr *np;
	i -> parent = ORPHAN;
	np = nodeptr_block -> New();
	np -> ptr = i;
	np -> next = orphan_first;
	orphan_first = np;

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	inline void Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::set_orphan_rear(node *i)
	nodeptr *np;
	i -> parent = ORPHAN;
	np = nodeptr_block -> New();
	np -> ptr = i;
	if (orphan_last) orphan_last -> next = np;
	else             orphan_first        = np;
	orphan_last = np;
	np -> next = NULL;


template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	inline void Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::add_to_changed_list(node *i)
	if (changed_list && !i->is_in_changed_list)
		node_id* ptr = changed_list->New();
		*ptr = (node_id)(i - nodes);
		i->is_in_changed_list = true;


template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	void Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::maxflow_init()
	node *i;

	queue_first[0] = queue_last[0] = NULL;
	queue_first[1] = queue_last[1] = NULL;
	orphan_first = NULL;

	TIME = 0;

	for (i=nodes; i<node_last; i++)
		i -> next = NULL;
		i -> is_marked = 0;
		i -> is_in_changed_list = 0;
		i -> TS = TIME;
		if (i->tr_cap > 0)
			/* i is connected to the source */
			i -> is_sink = 0;
			i -> parent = TERMINAL;
			i -> DIST = 1;
		else if (i->tr_cap < 0)
			/* i is connected to the sink */
			i -> is_sink = 1;
			i -> parent = TERMINAL;
			i -> DIST = 1;
			i -> parent = NULL;

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	void Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::maxflow_reuse_trees_init()
	node* i;
	node* j;
	node* queue = queue_first[1];
	arc* a;
	nodeptr* np;

	queue_first[0] = queue_last[0] = NULL;
	queue_first[1] = queue_last[1] = NULL;
	orphan_first = orphan_last = NULL;

	TIME ++;

	while ((i=queue))
		queue = i->next;
		if (queue == i) queue = NULL;
		i->next = NULL;
		i->is_marked = 0;

		if (i->tr_cap == 0)
			if (i->parent) set_orphan_rear(i);

		if (i->tr_cap > 0)
			if (!i->parent || i->is_sink)
				i->is_sink = 0;
				for (a=i->first; a; a=a->next)
					j = a->head;
					if (!j->is_marked)
						if (j->parent == a->sister) set_orphan_rear(j);
						if (j->parent && j->is_sink && a->r_cap > 0) set_active(j);
			if (!i->parent || !i->is_sink)
				i->is_sink = 1;
				for (a=i->first; a; a=a->next)
					j = a->head;
					if (!j->is_marked)
						if (j->parent == a->sister) set_orphan_rear(j);
						if (j->parent && !j->is_sink && a->sister->r_cap > 0) set_active(j);
		i->parent = TERMINAL;
		i -> TS = TIME;
		i -> DIST = 1;


	/* adoption */
	while ((np=orphan_first))
		orphan_first = np -> next;
		i = np -> ptr;
		nodeptr_block -> Delete(np);
		if (!orphan_first) orphan_last = NULL;
		if (i->is_sink) process_sink_orphan(i);
		else            process_source_orphan(i);
	/* adoption end */


template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	void Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::augment(arc *middle_arc)
	node *i;
	arc *a;
	tcaptype bottleneck;

	/* 1. Finding bottleneck capacity */
	/* 1a - the source tree */
	bottleneck = middle_arc -> r_cap;
	for (i=middle_arc->sister->head; ; i=a->head)
		a = i -> parent;
		if (a == TERMINAL) break;
		if (bottleneck > a->sister->r_cap) bottleneck = a -> sister -> r_cap;
	if (bottleneck > i->tr_cap) bottleneck = i -> tr_cap;
	/* 1b - the sink tree */
	for (i=middle_arc->head; ; i=a->head)
		a = i -> parent;
		if (a == TERMINAL) break;
		if (bottleneck > a->r_cap) bottleneck = a -> r_cap;
	if (bottleneck > - i->tr_cap) bottleneck = - i -> tr_cap;

	/* 2. Augmenting */
	/* 2a - the source tree */
	middle_arc -> sister -> r_cap += bottleneck;
	middle_arc -> r_cap -= bottleneck;
	for (i=middle_arc->sister->head; ; i=a->head)
		a = i -> parent;
		if (a == TERMINAL) break;
		a -> r_cap += bottleneck;
		a -> sister -> r_cap -= bottleneck;
		if (!a->sister->r_cap)
			set_orphan_front(i); // add i to the beginning of the adoption list
	i -> tr_cap -= bottleneck;
	if (!i->tr_cap)
		set_orphan_front(i); // add i to the beginning of the adoption list
	/* 2b - the sink tree */
	for (i=middle_arc->head; ; i=a->head)
		a = i -> parent;
		if (a == TERMINAL) break;
		a -> sister -> r_cap += bottleneck;
		a -> r_cap -= bottleneck;
		if (!a->r_cap)
			set_orphan_front(i); // add i to the beginning of the adoption list
	i -> tr_cap += bottleneck;
	if (!i->tr_cap)
		set_orphan_front(i); // add i to the beginning of the adoption list

	flow += bottleneck;


template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	void Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::process_source_orphan(node *i)
	node *j;
	arc *a0, *a0_min = NULL, *a;
	int d, d_min = INFINITE_D;

	/* trying to find a new parent */
	for (a0=i->first; a0; a0=a0->next)
	if (a0->sister->r_cap)
		j = a0 -> head;
		if (!j->is_sink && (a=j->parent))
			/* checking the origin of j */
			d = 0;
			while ( 1 )
				if (j->TS == TIME)
					d += j -> DIST;
				a = j -> parent;
				d ++;
				if (a==TERMINAL)
					j -> TS = TIME;
					j -> DIST = 1;
				if (a==ORPHAN) { d = INFINITE_D; break; }
				j = a -> head;
			if (d<INFINITE_D) /* j originates from the source - done */
				if (d<d_min)
					a0_min = a0;
					d_min = d;
				/* set marks along the path */
				for (j=a0->head; j->TS!=TIME; j=j->parent->head)
					j -> TS = TIME;
					j -> DIST = d --;

	if (i->parent = a0_min)
		i -> TS = TIME;
		i -> DIST = d_min + 1;
		/* no parent is found */

		/* process neighbors */
		for (a0=i->first; a0; a0=a0->next)
			j = a0 -> head;
			if (!j->is_sink && (a=j->parent))
				if (a0->sister->r_cap) set_active(j);
				if (a!=TERMINAL && a!=ORPHAN && a->head==i)
					set_orphan_rear(j); // add j to the end of the adoption list

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	void Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::process_sink_orphan(node *i)
	node *j;
	arc *a0, *a0_min = NULL, *a;
	int d, d_min = INFINITE_D;

	/* trying to find a new parent */
	for (a0=i->first; a0; a0=a0->next)
	if (a0->r_cap)
		j = a0 -> head;
		if (j->is_sink && (a=j->parent))
			/* checking the origin of j */
			d = 0;
			while ( 1 )
				if (j->TS == TIME)
					d += j -> DIST;
				a = j -> parent;
				d ++;
				if (a==TERMINAL)
					j -> TS = TIME;
					j -> DIST = 1;
				if (a==ORPHAN) { d = INFINITE_D; break; }
				j = a -> head;
			if (d<INFINITE_D) /* j originates from the sink - done */
				if (d<d_min)
					a0_min = a0;
					d_min = d;
				/* set marks along the path */
				for (j=a0->head; j->TS!=TIME; j=j->parent->head)
					j -> TS = TIME;
					j -> DIST = d --;

	if (i->parent = a0_min)
		i -> TS = TIME;
		i -> DIST = d_min + 1;
		/* no parent is found */

		/* process neighbors */
		for (a0=i->first; a0; a0=a0->next)
			j = a0 -> head;
			if (j->is_sink && (a=j->parent))
				if (a0->r_cap) set_active(j);
				if (a!=TERMINAL && a!=ORPHAN && a->head==i)
					set_orphan_rear(j); // add j to the end of the adoption list


template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	flowtype Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::maxflow(bool reuse_trees, Block<node_id>* _changed_list)
	node *i, *j, *current_node = NULL;
	arc *a;
	nodeptr *np, *np_next;

	if (!nodeptr_block)
		nodeptr_block = new DBlock<nodeptr>(NODEPTR_BLOCK_SIZE, error_function);

	changed_list = _changed_list;
	if (maxflow_iteration == 0 && reuse_trees) { if (error_function) (*error_function)("reuse_trees cannot be used in the first call to maxflow()!"); exit(1); }
	if (changed_list && !reuse_trees) { if (error_function) (*error_function)("changed_list cannot be used without reuse_trees!"); exit(1); }

	if (reuse_trees) maxflow_reuse_trees_init();
	else             maxflow_init();

	// main loop
	while ( 1 )
		// test_consistency(current_node);

		if ((i=current_node))
			i -> next = NULL; /* remove active flag */
			if (!i->parent) i = NULL;
		if (!i)
			if (!(i = next_active())) break;

		/* growth */
		if (!i->is_sink)
			/* grow source tree */
			for (a=i->first; a; a=a->next)
			if (a->r_cap)
				j = a -> head;
				if (!j->parent)
					j -> is_sink = 0;
					j -> parent = a -> sister;
					j -> TS = i -> TS;
					j -> DIST = i -> DIST + 1;
				else if (j->is_sink) break;
				else if (j->TS <= i->TS &&
				         j->DIST > i->DIST)
					/* heuristic - trying to make the distance from j to the source shorter */
					j -> parent = a -> sister;
					j -> TS = i -> TS;
					j -> DIST = i -> DIST + 1;
			/* grow sink tree */
			for (a=i->first; a; a=a->next)
			if (a->sister->r_cap)
				j = a -> head;
				if (!j->parent)
					j -> is_sink = 1;
					j -> parent = a -> sister;
					j -> TS = i -> TS;
					j -> DIST = i -> DIST + 1;
				else if (!j->is_sink) { a = a -> sister; break; }
				else if (j->TS <= i->TS &&
				         j->DIST > i->DIST)
					/* heuristic - trying to make the distance from j to the sink shorter */
					j -> parent = a -> sister;
					j -> TS = i -> TS;
					j -> DIST = i -> DIST + 1;

		TIME ++;

		if (a)
			i -> next = i; /* set active flag */
			current_node = i;

			/* augmentation */
			/* augmentation end */

			/* adoption */
			while ((np=orphan_first))
				np_next = np -> next;
				np -> next = NULL;

				while ((np=orphan_first))
					orphan_first = np -> next;
					i = np -> ptr;
					nodeptr_block -> Delete(np);
					if (!orphan_first) orphan_last = NULL;
					if (i->is_sink) process_sink_orphan(i);
					else            process_source_orphan(i);

				orphan_first = np_next;
			/* adoption end */
		else current_node = NULL;
	// test_consistency();

	if (!reuse_trees || (maxflow_iteration % 64) == 0)
		delete nodeptr_block; 
		nodeptr_block = NULL; 

	maxflow_iteration ++;
	return flow;


template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	void Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::test_consistency(node* current_node)
	node *i;
	arc *a;
	int r;
	int num1 = 0, num2 = 0;

	// test whether all nodes i with i->next!=NULL are indeed in the queue
	for (i=nodes; i<node_last; i++)
		if (i->next || i==current_node) num1 ++;
	for (r=0; r<3; r++)
		i = (r == 2) ? current_node : queue_first[r];
		if (i)
		for ( ; ; i=i->next)
			num2 ++;
			if (i->next == i)
				if (r<2) assert(i == queue_last[r]);
				else     assert(i == current_node);
	assert(num1 == num2);

	for (i=nodes; i<node_last; i++)
		// test whether all edges in seach trees are non-saturated
		if (i->parent == NULL) {}
		else if (i->parent == ORPHAN) {}
		else if (i->parent == TERMINAL)
			if (!i->is_sink) assert(i->tr_cap > 0);
			else             assert(i->tr_cap < 0);
			if (!i->is_sink) assert (i->parent->sister->r_cap > 0);
			else             assert (i->parent->r_cap > 0);
		// test whether passive nodes in search trees have neighbors in
		// a different tree through non-saturated edges
		if (i->parent && !i->next)
			if (!i->is_sink)
				assert(i->tr_cap >= 0);
				for (a=i->first; a; a=a->next)
					if (a->r_cap > 0) assert(a->head->parent && !a->head->is_sink);
				assert(i->tr_cap <= 0);
				for (a=i->first; a; a=a->next)
					if (a->sister->r_cap > 0) assert(a->head->parent && a->head->is_sink);
		// test marking invariants
		if (i->parent && i->parent!=ORPHAN && i->parent!=TERMINAL)
			assert(i->TS <= i->parent->head->TS);
			if (i->TS == i->parent->head->TS) assert(i->DIST > i->parent->head->DIST);

#include "instances.inc"
/* block.h */
	Template classes Block and DBlock
	Implement adding and deleting items of the same type in blocks.

	If there there are many items then using Block or DBlock
	is more efficient than using 'new' and 'delete' both in terms
	of memory and time since
	(1) On some systems there is some minimum amount of memory
	    that 'new' can allocate (e.g., 64), so if items are
	    small that a lot of memory is wasted.
	(2) 'new' and 'delete' are designed for items of varying size.
	    If all items has the same size, then an algorithm for
	    adding and deleting can be made more efficient.
	(3) All Block and DBlock functions are inline, so there are
	    no extra function calls.

	Differences between Block and DBlock:
	(1) DBlock allows both adding and deleting items,
	    whereas Block allows only adding items.
	(2) Block has an additional operation of scanning
	    items added so far (in the order in which they were added).
	(3) Block allows to allocate several consecutive
	    items at a time, whereas DBlock can add only a single item.

	Note that no constructors or destructors are called for items.

	Example usage for items of type 'MyType':

	#include "block.h"
	#define BLOCK_SIZE 1024
	typedef struct { int a, b; } MyType;
	MyType *ptr, *array[10000];


	Block<MyType> *block = new Block<MyType>(BLOCK_SIZE);

	// adding items
	for (int i=0; i<sizeof(array); i++)
		ptr = block -> New();
		ptr -> a = ptr -> b = rand();

	// reading items
	for (ptr=block->ScanFirst(); ptr; ptr=block->ScanNext())
		printf("%d %d\n", ptr->a, ptr->b);

	delete block;


	DBlock<MyType> *dblock = new DBlock<MyType>(BLOCK_SIZE);
	// adding items
	for (int i=0; i<sizeof(array); i++)
		array[i] = dblock -> New();

	// deleting items
	for (int i=0; i<sizeof(array); i+=2)
		dblock -> Delete(array[i]);

	// adding items
	for (int i=0; i<sizeof(array); i++)
		array[i] = dblock -> New();

	delete dblock;


	Note that DBlock deletes items by marking them as
	empty (i.e., by adding them to the list of free items),
	so that this memory could be used for subsequently
	added items. Thus, at each moment the memory allocated
	is determined by the maximum number of items allocated
	simultaneously at earlier moments. All memory is
	deallocated only when the destructor is called.

#ifndef __BLOCK_H__
#define __BLOCK_H__

#include <stdlib.h>


template <class Type> class Block
	/* Constructor. Arguments are the block size and
	   (optionally) the pointer to the function which
	   will be called if allocation failed; the message
	   passed to this function is "Not enough memory!" */
	Block(int size, void (*err_function)(char *) = NULL) { first = last = NULL; block_size = size; error_function = err_function; }

	/* Destructor. Deallocates all items added so far */
	~Block() { while (first) { block *next = first -> next; delete[] ((char*)first); first = next; } }

	/* Allocates 'num' consecutive items; returns pointer
	   to the first item. 'num' cannot be greater than the
	   block size since items must fit in one block */
	Type *New(int num = 1)
		Type *t;

		if (!last || last->current + num > last->last)
			if (last && last->next) last = last -> next;
				block *next = (block *) new char [sizeof(block) + (block_size-1)*sizeof(Type)];
				if (!next) { if (error_function) (*error_function)("Not enough memory!"); exit(1); }
				if (last) last -> next = next;
				else first = next;
				last = next;
				last -> current = & ( last -> data[0] );
				last -> last = last -> current + block_size;
				last -> next = NULL;

		t = last -> current;
		last -> current += num;
		return t;

	/* Returns the first item (or NULL, if no items were added) */
	Type *ScanFirst()
		for (scan_current_block=first; scan_current_block; scan_current_block = scan_current_block->next)
			scan_current_data = & ( scan_current_block -> data[0] );
			if (scan_current_data < scan_current_block -> current) return scan_current_data ++;
		return NULL;

	/* Returns the next item (or NULL, if all items have been read)
	   Can be called only if previous ScanFirst() or ScanNext()
	   call returned not NULL. */
	Type *ScanNext()
		while (scan_current_data >= scan_current_block -> current)
			scan_current_block = scan_current_block -> next;
			if (!scan_current_block) return NULL;
			scan_current_data = & ( scan_current_block -> data[0] );
		return scan_current_data ++;

	/* Marks all elements as empty */
	void Reset()
		block *b;
		if (!first) return;
		for (b=first; ; b=b->next)
			b -> current = & ( b -> data[0] );
			if (b == last) break;
		last = first;



	typedef struct block_st
		Type					*current, *last;
		struct block_st			*next;
		Type					data[1];
	} block;

	int		block_size;
	block	*first;
	block	*last;

	block	*scan_current_block;
	Type	*scan_current_data;

	void	(*error_function)(char *);


template <class Type> class DBlock
	/* Constructor. Arguments are the block size and
	   (optionally) the pointer to the function which
	   will be called if allocation failed; the message
	   passed to this function is "Not enough memory!" */
	DBlock(int size, void (*err_function)(char *) = NULL) { first = NULL; first_free = NULL; block_size = size; error_function = err_function; }

	/* Destructor. Deallocates all items added so far */
	~DBlock() { while (first) { block *next = first -> next; delete[] ((char*)first); first = next; } }

	/* Allocates one item */
	Type *New()
		block_item *item;

		if (!first_free)
			block *next = first;
			first = (block *) new char [sizeof(block) + (block_size-1)*sizeof(block_item)];
			if (!first) { if (error_function) (*error_function)("Not enough memory!"); exit(1); }
			first_free = & (first -> data[0] );
			for (item=first_free; item<first_free+block_size-1; item++)
				item -> next_free = item + 1;
			item -> next_free = NULL;
			first -> next = next;

		item = first_free;
		first_free = item -> next_free;
		return (Type *) item;

	/* Deletes an item allocated previously */
	void Delete(Type *t)
		((block_item *) t) -> next_free = first_free;
		first_free = (block_item *) t;



	typedef union block_item_st
		Type			t;
		block_item_st	*next_free;
	} block_item;

	typedef struct block_st
		struct block_st			*next;
		block_item				data[1];
	} block;

	int			block_size;
	block		*first;
	block_item	*first_free;

	void	(*error_function)(char *);


/* graph.h */
	This software library implements the maxflow algorithm
	described in

		"An Experimental Comparison of Min-Cut/Max-Flow Algorithms for Energy Minimization in Vision."
		Yuri Boykov and Vladimir Kolmogorov.
		In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 
		September 2004

	This algorithm was developed by Yuri Boykov and Vladimir Kolmogorov
	at Siemens Corporate Research. To make it available for public use,
	it was later reimplemented by Vladimir Kolmogorov based on open publications.

	If you use this software for research purposes, you should cite
	the aforementioned paper in any resulting publication.



	Starting with version 3.0, there is a also an option of reusing search
	trees from one maxflow computation to the next, as described in

		"Efficiently Solving Dynamic Markov Random Fields Using Graph Cuts."
		Pushmeet Kohli and Philip H.S. Torr
		International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2005

	If you use this option, you should cite
	the aforementioned paper in any resulting publication.

	For description, license, example usage see README.TXT.

#ifndef __GRAPH_H__
#define __GRAPH_H__

#include <string.h>
#include "block.h"

#include <assert.h>
// NOTE: in UNIX you need to use -DNDEBUG preprocessor option to supress assert's!!!

// captype: type of edge capacities (excluding t-links)
// tcaptype: type of t-links (edges between nodes and terminals)
// flowtype: type of total flow
// Current instantiations are in instances.inc
template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> class Graph
	typedef enum
		SOURCE	= 0,
		SINK	= 1
	} termtype; // terminals 
	typedef int node_id;

	//                     BASIC INTERFACE FUNCTIONS                       //
    //              (should be enough for most applications)               //

	// Constructor. 
	// The first argument gives an estimate of the maximum number of nodes that can be added
	// to the graph, and the second argument is an estimate of the maximum number of edges.
	// The last (optional) argument is the pointer to the function which will be called 
	// if an error occurs; an error message is passed to this function. 
	// If this argument is omitted, exit(1) will be called.
	// IMPORTANT: It is possible to add more nodes to the graph than node_num_max 
	// (and node_num_max can be zero). However, if the count is exceeded, then 
	// the internal memory is reallocated (increased by 50%) which is expensive. 
	// Also, temporarily the amount of allocated memory would be more than twice than needed.
	// Similarly for edges.
	// If you wish to avoid this overhead, you can download version 2.2, where nodes and edges are stored in blocks.
	Graph(int node_num_max, int edge_num_max, void (*err_function)(char *) = NULL);

	// Destructor

	// Adds node(s) to the graph. By default, one node is added (num=1); then first call returns 0, second call returns 1, and so on. 
	// If num>1, then several nodes are added, and node_id of the first one is returned.
	// IMPORTANT: see note about the constructor 
	node_id add_node(int num = 1);

	// Adds a bidirectional edge between 'i' and 'j' with the weights 'cap' and 'rev_cap'.
	// IMPORTANT: see note about the constructor 
	void add_edge(node_id i, node_id j, captype cap, captype rev_cap);

	// Adds new edges 'SOURCE->i' and 'i->SINK' with corresponding weights.
	// Can be called multiple times for each node.
	// Weights can be negative.
	// NOTE: the number of such edges is not counted in edge_num_max.
	//       No internal memory is allocated by this call.
	void add_tweights(node_id i, tcaptype cap_source, tcaptype cap_sink);

	// Computes the maxflow. Can be called several times.
	// FOR DESCRIPTION OF reuse_trees, SEE mark_node().
	// FOR DESCRIPTION OF changed_list, SEE remove_from_changed_list().
	flowtype maxflow(bool reuse_trees = false, Block<node_id>* changed_list = NULL);

	// After the maxflow is computed, this function returns to which
	// segment the node 'i' belongs (Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::SOURCE or Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::SINK).
	// Occasionally there may be several minimum cuts. If a node can be assigned
	// to both the source and the sink, then default_segm is returned.
	termtype what_segment(node_id i, termtype default_segm = SOURCE);

	//      (provide access to the graph)       //

	struct node;
	struct arc;


	// 1. Reallocating graph. //

	// Removes all nodes and edges. 
	// After that functions add_node() and add_edge() must be called again. 
	// Advantage compared to deleting Graph and allocating it again:
	// no calls to delete/new (which could be quite slow).
	// If the graph structure stays the same, then an alternative
	// is to go through all nodes/edges and set new residual capacities
	// (see functions below).
	void reset();

	// 2. Functions for getting pointers to arcs and for reading graph structure. //
	//    NOTE: adding new arcs may invalidate these pointers (if reallocation    //
	//    happens). So it's best not to add arcs while reading graph structure.   //

	// The following two functions return arcs in the same order that they
	// were added to the graph. NOTE: for each call add_edge(i,j,cap,cap_rev)
	// the first arc returned will be i->j, and the second j->i.
	// If there are no more arcs, then the function can still be called, but
	// the returned arc_id is undetermined.
	typedef arc* arc_id;
	arc_id get_first_arc();
	arc_id get_next_arc(arc_id a);

	// other functions for reading graph structure
	int get_node_num() { return node_num; }
	int get_arc_num() { return (int)(arc_last - arcs); }
	void get_arc_ends(arc_id a, node_id& i, node_id& j); // returns i,j to that a = i->j

	// 3. Functions for reading residual capacities. //

	// returns residual capacity of SOURCE->i minus residual capacity of i->SINK
	tcaptype get_trcap(node_id i); 
	// returns residual capacity of arc a
	captype get_rcap(arc* a);

	// 4. Functions for setting residual capacities.               //
	//    NOTE: If these functions are used, the value of the flow //
	//    returned by maxflow() will not be valid!                 //

	void set_trcap(node_id i, tcaptype trcap); 
	void set_rcap(arc* a, captype rcap);

	// 5. Functions related to reusing trees & list of changed nodes. //

	// If flag reuse_trees is true while calling maxflow(), then search trees
	// are reused from previous maxflow computation. 
	// In this case before calling maxflow() the user must
	// specify which parts of the graph have changed by calling mark_node():
	//   add_tweights(i),set_trcap(i)    => call mark_node(i)
	//   add_edge(i,j),set_rcap(a)       => call mark_node(i); mark_node(j)
	// This option makes sense only if a small part of the graph is changed.
	// The initialization procedure goes only through marked nodes then.
	// mark_node(i) can either be called before or after graph modification.
	// Can be called more than once per node, but calls after the first one
	// do not have any effect.
	// NOTE: 
	//   - This option cannot be used in the first call to maxflow().
	//   - It is not necessary to call mark_node() if the change is ``not essential'',
	//     i.e. sign(trcap) is preserved for a node and zero/nonzero status is preserved for an arc.
	//   - To check that you marked all necessary nodes, you can call maxflow(false) after calling maxflow(true).
	//     If everything is correct, the two calls must return the same value of flow. (Useful for debugging).
	void mark_node(node_id i);

	// If changed_list is not NULL while calling maxflow(), then the algorithm
	// keeps a list of nodes which could potentially have changed their segmentation label.
	// Nodes which are not in the list are guaranteed to keep their old segmentation label (SOURCE or SINK).
	// Example usage:
	//		typedef Graph<int,int,int> G;
	//		G* g = new Graph(nodeNum, edgeNum);
	//		Block<G::node_id>* changed_list = new Block<G::node_id>(128);
	//		... // add nodes and edges
	//		g->maxflow(); // first call should be without arguments
	//		for (int iter=0; iter<10; iter++)
	//		{
	//			... // change graph, call mark_node() accordingly
	//			g->maxflow(true, changed_list);
	//			G::node_id* ptr;
	//			for (ptr=changed_list->ScanFirst(); ptr; ptr=changed_list->ScanNext())
	//			{
	//				G::node_id i = *ptr; assert(i>=0 && i<nodeNum);
	//				g->remove_from_changed_list(i);
	//				// do something with node i...
	//				if (g->what_segment(i) == G::SOURCE) { ... }
	//			}
	//			changed_list->Reset();
	//		}
	//		delete changed_list;
	// NOTE:
	//  - If changed_list option is used, then reuse_trees must be used as well.
	//  - In the example above, the user may omit calls g->remove_from_changed_list(i) and changed_list->Reset() in a given iteration.
	//    Then during the next call to maxflow(true, &changed_list) new nodes will be added to changed_list.
	//  - If the next call to maxflow() does not use option reuse_trees, then calling remove_from_changed_list()
	//    is not necessary. ("changed_list->Reset()" or "delete changed_list" should still be called, though).
	void remove_from_changed_list(node_id i) 
		assert(i>=0 && i<node_num && nodes[i].is_in_changed_list); 
		nodes[i].is_in_changed_list = 0;

	// internal variables and functions

	struct node
		arc			*first;		// first outcoming arc

		arc			*parent;	// node's parent
		node		*next;		// pointer to the next active node
								//   (or to itself if it is the last node in the list)
		int			TS;			// timestamp showing when DIST was computed
		int			DIST;		// distance to the terminal
		int			is_sink : 1;	// flag showing whether the node is in the source or in the sink tree (if parent!=NULL)
		int			is_marked : 1;	// set by mark_node()
		int			is_in_changed_list : 1; // set by maxflow if 

		tcaptype	tr_cap;		// if tr_cap > 0 then tr_cap is residual capacity of the arc SOURCE->node
								// otherwise         -tr_cap is residual capacity of the arc node->SINK 


	struct arc
		node		*head;		// node the arc points to
		arc			*next;		// next arc with the same originating node
		arc			*sister;	// reverse arc

		captype		r_cap;		// residual capacity

	struct nodeptr
		node    	*ptr;
		nodeptr		*next;
	static const int NODEPTR_BLOCK_SIZE = 128;

	node				*nodes, *node_last, *node_max; // node_last = nodes+node_num, node_max = nodes+node_num_max;
	arc					*arcs, *arc_last, *arc_max; // arc_last = arcs+2*edge_num, arc_max = arcs+2*edge_num_max;

	int					node_num;

	DBlock<nodeptr>		*nodeptr_block;

	void	(*error_function)(char *);	// this function is called if a error occurs,
										// with a corresponding error message
										// (or exit(1) is called if it's NULL)

	flowtype			flow;		// total flow

	// reusing trees & list of changed pixels
	int					maxflow_iteration; // counter
	Block<node_id>		*changed_list;


	node				*queue_first[2], *queue_last[2];	// list of active nodes
	nodeptr				*orphan_first, *orphan_last;		// list of pointers to orphans
	int					TIME;								// monotonically increasing global counter


	void reallocate_nodes(int num); // num is the number of new nodes
	void reallocate_arcs();

	// functions for processing active list
	void set_active(node *i);
	node *next_active();

	// functions for processing orphans list
	void set_orphan_front(node* i); // add to the beginning of the list
	void set_orphan_rear(node* i);  // add to the end of the list

	void add_to_changed_list(node* i);

	void maxflow_init();             // called if reuse_trees == false
	void maxflow_reuse_trees_init(); // called if reuse_trees == true
	void augment(arc *middle_arc);
	void process_source_orphan(node *i);
	void process_sink_orphan(node *i);

	void test_consistency(node* current_node=NULL); // debug function

// Implementation - inline functions //

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	inline typename Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::node_id Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::add_node(int num)
	assert(num > 0);

	if (node_last + num > node_max) reallocate_nodes(num);

	if (num == 1)
		node_last -> first = NULL;
		node_last -> tr_cap = 0;
		node_last -> is_marked = 0;
		node_last -> is_in_changed_list = 0;

		node_last ++;
		return node_num ++;
		memset(node_last, 0, num*sizeof(node));

		node_id i = node_num;
		node_num += num;
		node_last += num;
		return i;

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	inline void Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::add_tweights(node_id i, tcaptype cap_source, tcaptype cap_sink)
	assert(i >= 0 && i < node_num);

	tcaptype delta = nodes[i].tr_cap;
	if (delta > 0) cap_source += delta;
	else           cap_sink   -= delta;
	flow += (cap_source < cap_sink) ? cap_source : cap_sink;
	nodes[i].tr_cap = cap_source - cap_sink;

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	inline void Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::add_edge(node_id _i, node_id _j, captype cap, captype rev_cap)
	assert(_i >= 0 && _i < node_num);
	assert(_j >= 0 && _j < node_num);
	assert(_i != _j);
	assert(cap >= 0);
	assert(rev_cap >= 0);

	if (arc_last == arc_max) reallocate_arcs();

	arc *a = arc_last ++;
	arc *a_rev = arc_last ++;

	node* i = nodes + _i;
	node* j = nodes + _j;

	a -> sister = a_rev;
	a_rev -> sister = a;
	a -> next = i -> first;
	i -> first = a;
	a_rev -> next = j -> first;
	j -> first = a_rev;
	a -> head = j;
	a_rev -> head = i;
	a -> r_cap = cap;
	a_rev -> r_cap = rev_cap;

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	inline typename Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::arc* Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::get_first_arc()
	return arcs;

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	inline typename Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::arc* Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::get_next_arc(arc* a) 
	return a + 1; 

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	inline void Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::get_arc_ends(arc* a, node_id& i, node_id& j)
	assert(a >= arcs && a < arc_last);
	i = (node_id) (a->sister->head - nodes);
	j = (node_id) (a->head - nodes);

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	inline tcaptype Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::get_trcap(node_id i)
	assert(i>=0 && i<node_num);
	return nodes[i].tr_cap;

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	inline captype Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::get_rcap(arc* a)
	assert(a >= arcs && a < arc_last);
	return a->r_cap;

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	inline void Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::set_trcap(node_id i, tcaptype trcap)
	assert(i>=0 && i<node_num); 
	nodes[i].tr_cap = trcap;

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	inline void Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::set_rcap(arc* a, captype rcap)
	assert(a >= arcs && a < arc_last);
	a->r_cap = rcap;

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	inline typename Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::termtype Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::what_segment(node_id i, termtype default_segm)
	if (nodes[i].parent)
		return (nodes[i].is_sink) ? SINK : SOURCE;
		return default_segm;

template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> 
	inline void Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::mark_node(node_id _i)
	node* i = nodes + _i;
	if (!i->next)
		/* it's not in the list yet */
		if (queue_last[1]) queue_last[1] -> next = i;
		else               queue_first[1]        = i;
		queue_last[1] = i;
		i -> next = i;
	i->is_marked = 1;

#include "graph.h"

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable: 4661)

// Instantiations: <captype, tcaptype, flowtype>
//    flowtype should be 'larger' than tcaptype 
//    tcaptype should be 'larger' than captype

template class Graph<int,int,int>;
template class Graph<short,int,int>;
template class Graph<float,float,float>;
template class Graph<double,double,double>;


使用了maxflow库:http://vision.csd.uwo.ca/code/ 中Max-flow/min-cut
