
ARUCO / VISP Hand-Eye CalibrationARUCO / VISP Hand-Eye Calibration

ARUCO / VISP Hand-Eye Calibration

ARUCO / VISP Hand-Eye CalibrationARUCO / VISP Hand-Eye Calibration

实验使用的标定包是 https://github.com/jhu-lcsr/aruco_hand_eye git clone到~/catkin_ws/src/中并编译

或者使用我在realsense sr300和kinova j2s7s300上测试过的代码 https://github.com/FeiYuejiao/aruco_hand_eye

使用aruco在线生成网站生成marker http://chev.me/arucogen/

ARUCO / VISP Hand-Eye CalibrationARUCO / VISP Hand-Eye Calibration


ARUCO / VISP Hand-Eye CalibrationARUCO / VISP Hand-Eye Calibration

启动realsense,查看有哪些frame可以选择,我选的是camera_aligned_depth_to_color_frame下面的camera_color_optical_frame because aruco uses rgb image and depth frame is aligned to color frame here:

roslaunch roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_rgbd.launch

rosrun rqt_tf_frame rqt_tf_frame

ARUCO / VISP Hand-Eye CalibrationARUCO / VISP Hand-Eye Calibration


  <!-- The end-effector frame_id, depend on what robot you use -->
  <arg name="ee_frame" value="/j2s7s300_end_effector"/>

  <!-- Bring up a realsense -->
  <include file="$(find realsense2_camera)/launch/rs_rgbd.launch">

 <!-- Calibrate the extrinsics for a realsense mounted to a robot base -->
 <!-- User need to specify markerid and markersize -->
  <include file="$(find aruco_hand_eye)/launch/aruco_hand_eye.launch">
    <arg name="markerid"   value="571"/>
    <arg name="markersize" value="0.100"/>
    <arg name="publish_tf" value="true"/>
  <!-- In eye-on-base case, marker_parent_frame is the end-effector frame, camera_parent_frame is the world or base frame -->
    <arg name="marker_parent_frame" value="$(arg ee_frame)"/>
    <arg name="camera_parent_frame" value="/world"/>
    <arg name="camera" value="/camera/color/"/>
    <!-- Here I use the realsense's camera_color_optical_frame because aruco uses rgb image and depth frame is aligned to color frame here -->
    <arg name="camera_frame" value="/camera_color_optical_frame"/>



roslaunch kinova_bringup kinova_robot.launch kinova_robotType:=j2s7s300


roslaunch aruco_hand_eye kinova.launch


rosrun rviz rviz

你可以使用moveIt!对kinova进行控制,easy_hand_eye中就是这样的,但是调了半天没调通,我才使用aruco_hand_eye,只要给它/j2s7s300_end_effector 的frame信息就够了。

rviz中看aruco_tracker_result 是这样的有些角度可能没有坐标系产生,这些位置就不能用。

ARUCO / VISP Hand-Eye CalibrationARUCO / VISP Hand-Eye Calibration


roslaunch aruco_hand_eye kinova.launch

窗口应该出现下面的命令行,每capture一个sample,控制机器人末端变换一定的角度或者位置,因为我对moveit!还不是很熟悉,为了方便直接使用的joystick。capture 3张图后计算出的平移和旋转如下,看平移已经比较接近我测量的真实值,但是可以多capture几张,我一般控制在20张左右。有些位置结果不太好要discard。

ARUCO / VISP Hand-Eye CalibrationARUCO / VISP Hand-Eye Calibration


ARUCO / VISP Hand-Eye CalibrationARUCO / VISP Hand-Eye Calibration


Use Cases

This package uses the ARUCO planar target tracker from


and the VISP

hand-eye calibration from


to provide a simple

camera pose estimation package.

If you’re unfamiliar with Tsai’s hand-eye calibration [1], it can be used in two ways:

  • eye-in-hand – To compute the static transform from a robot’s

    end-effector to the optical frame of a camera. In this case, the camera is

    mounted on the end-effector, and you place the visual target so that it is

    fixed relative to the base of the rboot.

  • eye-on-base – To compute the static transform from a robot’s base to the

    optical frame of a camera. In this case, the camera is mounted to the base of

    the robot (or kinematic chain), and you place the visual target so that it is

    fixed relative to the end-effector of the robot.


For both use cases, you can either launch the


launchfile, or you can include it in another launchfile as shown below. Either

way, the launchfile will bring up the


tracker and the


solver, along with an integration script. By

default, the integration script will interactively ask you to accept or discard

each sample.


  <include file="$(find aruco_hand_eye)/launch/aruco_hand_eye.launch">
    <arg name="markerid"   value="582"/>
    <arg name="markersize" value="0.141"/>
    <arg name="publish_tf" value="true"/>

    <arg name="marker_parent_frame" value="/base_link"/>
    <arg name="camera_parent_frame" value="/ee_link"/>

    <arg name="camera" value="/camera/rgb"/>
    <arg name="camera_frame" value="/camera_rgb_optical_frame"/>


  <include file="$(find aruco_hand_eye)/launch/aruco_hand_eye.launch">
    <arg name="markerid"   value="582"/>
    <arg name="markersize" value="0.141"/>
    <arg name="publish_tf" value="true"/>

    <arg name="marker_parent_frame" value="/ee_link"/>
    <arg name="camera_parent_frame" value="/base_link"/>

    <arg name="camera" value="/camera/rgb"/>
    <arg name="camera_frame" value="/camera_rgb_optical_frame"/>


For calibrating a kinect mounted to the base of a manipulator that can grasp the target:

roslaunch aruco_hand_eye kinect.launch ee_frame:=/my/robot/ee_link


[1] Tsai, Roger Y., and Reimar K. Lenz. “A new technique for fully autonomous

and efficient 3D robotics hand/eye calibration.” Robotics and Automation, IEEE

Transactions on 5.3 (1989): 345-358.
