


  • 1 警告
  • 2 描述
  • 3 用法
  • 4 C#-AManager.cs




下面的代码段演示如何添加一个名为 instance,将自动在scene 找到的类的实例并返回它的静态属性。

这是有用的managers 和其他行为,在场景中仅有一个实例 和需要从其他类访问,因为它避免了每个类保持对管理器对象的引用。

提示:把游戏managers 在场景的hierarchy 中的好地方是创建一个空的游戏对象,所谓的Managers 并附加到它上面的所有manager 行为。


使用代码示例作为模板,当创建一个manager类型的脚本。记住要用您的类的名称替换所有的AManager 。若要访问一个函数,你调用它与manager 中的 foo () (在"AManager"再次应替换您的类的名称):


C# - AManager.cs

/// Contribution Create Missing Instance 10/2010: Daniel P. Rossi (DR9885)
using UnityEngine;
 using System.Collections; 
 /// AManager is a singleton.
 /// To avoid having to manually link an instance to every class that needs it, it has a static property called
 /// instance, so other objects that need to access it can just call:
 ///        AManager.instance.DoSomeThing();
 public class AManager : MonoBehaviour {
    // s_Instance is used to cache the instance found in the scene so we don't have to look it up every time.
    private static AManager s_Instance = null;
    // This defines a static instance property that attempts to find the manager object in the scene and
    // returns it to the caller.
    public static AManager instance {
        get {
            if (s_Instance == null) {
                // This is where the magic happens.
                //  FindObjectOfType(...) returns the first AManager object in the scene.
                s_Instance =  FindObjectOfType(typeof (AManager)) as AManager;
            // If it is still null, create a new instance
            if (s_Instance == null) {
                GameObject obj = new GameObject("AManager");
                s_Instance = obj.AddComponent(typeof (AManager)) as AManager;
                Debug.Log ("Could not locate an AManager object. \ AManager was Generated Automaticly.");
            return s_Instance;
    // Ensure that the instance is destroyed when the game is stopped in the editor.
    void OnApplicationQuit() {
        s_Instance = null;
    // Add the rest of the code here...
    public void DoSomeThing() {
        Debug.Log("Doing something now", this);
