







一. 常规用法

可以使用ObjectAnimator,ValueAnimator,View 的animate(),AnimatorSet 等来实现,此处对如何使用不做展开。

ObjectAnimator objectAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(item, "translationX", 0, 40, -30, 20, -10, 5, -5, 0);
objectAnimator.setEvaluator(new FloatEvaluator());
objectAnimator.setInterpolator(new AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator());


产生动画效果可简单理解为:1. 值变; 2. UI更新。ValueAnimator扮演的就是属性值变更和通知的角色,ObjectAnimator,ViewPropertyAnimator则是在他上又一次的封装。



 * Start the animation playing. This version of start() takes a boolean flag that indicates
 * whether the animation should play in reverse. The flag is usually false, but may be set
 * to true if called from the reverse() method.
 * <p>The animation started by calling this method will be run on the thread that called
 * this method. This thread should have a Looper on it (a runtime exception will be thrown if
 * this is not the case). Also, if the animation will animate
 * properties of objects in the view hierarchy, then the calling thread should be the UI
 * thread for that view hierarchy.</p>
 * @param playBackwards Whether the ValueAnimator should start playing in reverse.
private void start(boolean playBackwards) {
    if (Looper.myLooper() == null) {
        throw new AndroidRuntimeException("Animators may only be run on Looper threads");
    mReversing = playBackwards;
    mSelfPulse = !mSuppressSelfPulseRequested;
    // Special case: reversing from seek-to-0 should act as if not seeked at all.
    if (playBackwards && mSeekFraction != -1 && mSeekFraction != 0) {
        if (mRepeatCount == INFINITE) {
            // Calculate the fraction of the current iteration.
            float fraction = (float) (mSeekFraction - Math.floor(mSeekFraction));
            mSeekFraction = 1 - fraction;
        } else {
            mSeekFraction = 1 + mRepeatCount - mSeekFraction;
    mStarted = true;
    mPaused = false;
    mRunning = false;
    mAnimationEndRequested = false;
    // Resets mLastFrameTime when start() is called, so that if the animation was running,
    // calling start() would put the animation in the
    // started-but-not-yet-reached-the-first-frame phase.
    mLastFrameTime = -1;
    mFirstFrameTime = -1;
    mStartTime = -1;
    if (mStartDelay == 0 || mSeekFraction >= 0 || mReversing) {
        // If there's no start delay, init the animation and notify start listeners right away
        // to be consistent with the previous behavior. Otherwise, postpone this until the first
        // frame after the start delay.
        if (mSeekFraction == -1) {
            // No seek, start at play time 0. Note that the reason we are not using fraction 0
            // is because for animations with 0 duration, we want to be consistent with pre-N
            // behavior: skip to the final value immediately.
        } else {
private void addAnimationCallback(long delay) {
    if (!mSelfPulse) {
    getAnimationHandler().addAnimationFrameCallback(this, delay);
 * Register to get a callback on the next frame after the delay.
public void addAnimationFrameCallback(final AnimationFrameCallback callback, long delay) {
    if (mAnimationCallbacks.size() == 0) {
    if (!mAnimationCallbacks.contains(callback)) {
    if (delay > 0) {
        mDelayedCallbackStartTime.put(callback, (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + delay));
//上面的 getProvider()得到的是一个MyFrameCallbackProvider对象。通过postFrameCallback,最终执行到mChoreographer.postFrameCallback(callback);注册到mChoreographer里
 * Default provider of timing pulse that uses Choreographer for frame callbacks.
private class MyFrameCallbackProvider implements AnimationFrameCallbackProvider {
    final Choreographer mChoreographer = Choreographer.getInstance();
    public void postFrameCallback(Choreographer.FrameCallback callback) {
    public void postCommitCallback(Runnable runnable) {
        mChoreographer.postCallback(Choreographer.CALLBACK_COMMIT, runnable, null);
    public long getFrameTime() {
        return mChoreographer.getFrameTime();
    public long getFrameDelay() {
        return Choreographer.getFrameDelay();
    public void setFrameDelay(long delay) {

 * Posts a frame callback to run on the next frame.
 * <p>
 * The callback runs once then is automatically removed.
 * </p>
 * @param callback The frame callback to run during the next frame.
 * @see #postFrameCallbackDelayed
 * @see #removeFrameCallback
public void postFrameCallback(FrameCallback callback) {
    postFrameCallbackDelayed(callback, 0);
private final Choreographer.FrameCallback mFrameCallback = new Choreographer.FrameCallback() {
    public void doFrame(long frameTimeNanos) {
        if (mAnimationCallbacks.size() > 0) {






1. 对于我们自己直接使用ValueAnimator实现的动画,只是提供数值的变化,通过onAnimationUpdate接口回调给我们,我们在这里自己把实时变化的属性值设置到想要设置的View上即可。

2. ObjectAnimator是Android提供的对ValueAnimator的进一步封装,来简化我们的开发。这里则主要分析它的实现原理。


 * Constructs and returns an ObjectAnimator that animates between float values. A single
 * value implies that that value is the one being animated to, in which case the start value
 * will be derived from the property being animated and the target object when {@link #start()}
 * is called for the first time. Two values imply starting and ending values. More than two
 * values imply a starting value, values to animate through along the way, and an ending value
 * (these values will be distributed evenly across the duration of the animation).
 * @param target The object whose property is to be animated.
 * @param property The property being animated.
 * @param values A set of values that the animation will animate between over time.
 * @return An ObjectAnimator object that is set up to animate between the given values.
public static <T> ObjectAnimator ofFloat(T target, Property<T, Float> property,
        float... values) {
    ObjectAnimator anim = new ObjectAnimator(target, property);
    return anim;
 * Private utility constructor that initializes the target object and property being animated.
 * @param target The object whose property is to be animated.
 * @param property The property being animated.
private <T> ObjectAnimator(T target, Property<T, ?> property) {

B.在动画渐进过程,进行通知回调,回调中设置View属性, 接口回调的链路上文已记录,这里从回调之后开始,即回调doAnimationFrame(...)后的处理逻辑。大致时序图如下。



 * Internal function to set the value on the target object, using the setter set up
 * earlier on this PropertyValuesHolder object. This function is called by ObjectAnimator
 * to handle turning the value calculated by ValueAnimator into a value set on the object
 * according to the name of the property.
 * @param target The target object on which the value is set
void setAnimatedValue(Object target) {
    if (mFloatProperty != null) {
        mFloatProperty.setValue(target, mFloatAnimatedValue);
    if (mProperty != null) {
        mProperty.set(target, mFloatAnimatedValue);
    if (mJniSetter != 0) {
        nCallFloatMethod(target, mJniSetter, mFloatAnimatedValue);
    if (mSetter != null) {
        try {
            mTmpValueArray[0] = mFloatAnimatedValue;
            mSetter.invoke(target, mTmpValueArray);
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
            Log.e("PropertyValuesHolder", e.toString());
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            Log.e("PropertyValuesHolder", e.toString());




 * This method is called with the elapsed fraction of the animation during every
 * animation frame. This function turns the elapsed fraction into an interpolated fraction
 * and then into an animated value (from the evaluator. The function is called mostly during
 * animation updates, but it is also called when the <code>end()</code>
 * function is called, to set the final value on the property.
 * <p>Overrides of this method must call the superclass to perform the calculation
 * of the animated value.</p>
 * @param fraction The elapsed fraction of the animation.
void animateValue(float fraction) {
    fraction = mInterpolator.getInterpolation(fraction);
    mCurrentFraction = fraction;
    int numValues = mValues.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < numValues; ++i) {
    if (mUpdateListeners != null) {
        int numListeners = mUpdateListeners.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < numListeners; ++i) {
void calculateValue(float fraction) {
    mFloatAnimatedValue = mFloatKeyframes.getFloatValue(fraction);
public float getFloatValue(float fraction) {
    if (fraction <= 0f) {
        final FloatKeyframe prevKeyframe = (FloatKeyframe) mKeyframes.get(0);
        final FloatKeyframe nextKeyframe = (FloatKeyframe) mKeyframes.get(1);
        float prevValue = prevKeyframe.getFloatValue();
        float nextValue = nextKeyframe.getFloatValue();
        float prevFraction = prevKeyframe.getFraction();
        float nextFraction = nextKeyframe.getFraction();
        final TimeInterpolator interpolator = nextKeyframe.getInterpolator();
        if (interpolator != null) {
            fraction = interpolator.getInterpolation(fraction);
        float intervalFraction = (fraction - prevFraction) / (nextFraction - prevFraction);
        return mEvaluator == null ?
                prevValue + intervalFraction * (nextValue - prevValue) :
                ((Number)mEvaluator.evaluate(intervalFraction, prevValue, nextValue)).
    } else if (fraction >= 1f) {
        final FloatKeyframe prevKeyframe = (FloatKeyframe) mKeyframes.get(mNumKeyframes - 2);
        final FloatKeyframe nextKeyframe = (FloatKeyframe) mKeyframes.get(mNumKeyframes - 1);
        float prevValue = prevKeyframe.getFloatValue();
        float nextValue = nextKeyframe.getFloatValue();
        float prevFraction = prevKeyframe.getFraction();
        float nextFraction = nextKeyframe.getFraction();
        final TimeInterpolator interpolator = nextKeyframe.getInterpolator();
        if (interpolator != null) {
            fraction = interpolator.getInterpolation(fraction);
        float intervalFraction = (fraction - prevFraction) / (nextFraction - prevFraction);
        return mEvaluator == null ?
                prevValue + intervalFraction * (nextValue - prevValue) :
                ((Number)mEvaluator.evaluate(intervalFraction, prevValue, nextValue)).
    FloatKeyframe prevKeyframe = (FloatKeyframe) mKeyframes.get(0);
    for (int i = 1; i < mNumKeyframes; ++i) {
        FloatKeyframe nextKeyframe = (FloatKeyframe) mKeyframes.get(i);
        if (fraction < nextKeyframe.getFraction()) {
            final TimeInterpolator interpolator = nextKeyframe.getInterpolator();
            float intervalFraction = (fraction - prevKeyframe.getFraction()) /
                (nextKeyframe.getFraction() - prevKeyframe.getFraction());
            float prevValue = prevKeyframe.getFloatValue();
            float nextValue = nextKeyframe.getFloatValue();
            // Apply interpolator on the proportional duration.
            if (interpolator != null) {
                intervalFraction = interpolator.getInterpolation(intervalFraction);
            return mEvaluator == null ?
                    prevValue + intervalFraction * (nextValue - prevValue) :
                    ((Number)mEvaluator.evaluate(intervalFraction, prevValue, nextValue)).
        prevKeyframe = nextKeyframe;
    // shouldn't get here
    return ((Number)mKeyframes.get(mNumKeyframes - 1).getValue()).floatValue();