



A:Hi! I'm Dr.Thompson.

B:Hi Dr.Thompson, I'm Christina. And this is my dog, Buddy.

A:Hi Christian! Hi there, Buddy! Christina, what brings you in today?

B:I just got Buddy from a bulldog rescue group. He's here for his first check-up.

A:Excellent! Christina, can you lift Buddy onto the exam table?


A:Okay, the first thing I'm going to do is listen to Buddy's heart. There we go! You are a very good boy, Buddy.

B:He is a really happy dog. I'm lucky to have him.

A:You are doing very well, Buddy! Next, I'm going to look at Buddy's teeth. Buddy's teeth are discolored. I recommend that he have a cleaning sometime soon.

B:Okay. Is that why there are small, yellow spots on his teeth?

A:Yes, exactly. And when the assistant cleans Buddy's teeth, she will use a special brush to scrub away those spots.

B:Okay. Does Buddy need any shots today?

A:Yes, the shots can protect Buddy against several different diseases.

B:Will the shots hurt Buddy?

A:Not too much. It happens very quickly.

B:Okay. Buddy is a very loving dog. I don't want to hurt him.

A:I understand, but it is important to keep Buddy healthy. Okay, the assistant will be in shortly to give Buddy his shots. Thanks for coming!

B:Thank you Doctor!

##肖战时影# xz #肖战肖春生#

