

linux 下常用的创建多线程函数pthread_create(pthread_t * thread , pthread_attr_t * attr , void *(*start_routine)(void*) , void *args);其中第一个参数用来保存线程信息,第二个参数指新线程的运行属性,可以设置为NULL,第三个参数为自定义的线程函数,第四个参数就是线程函数需要用到的参数,一般如果要传递多个参数,可以设置为结构体(struct)类型,这里我们使用int类型的变量。 下面我着重讨论一个用for结构来创建多个线程时参数传递的问题





using namespace std;

#define th_pop 20 //

pthread_mutex_t mutex;

pthread_t a_thread[th_pop];

void * thread_func(void *args)



    int t_id = *(int*)args;

    cout<<"the id of this thread is "<<t_id<<endl;


    return (void*)NULL;


void init()


    pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);

    for(int i=0; i<th_pop; i++)


        pthread_create(&a_thread[i] , NULL , thread_func , &i);


    //wait the end of the threads;

    for(int i=0; i<th_pop; i++)


        int res = pthread_join(a_thread[i] , NULL);

        if(res != 0)

            cout<<"the thread id: "<< i<<" ends fail"<<endl;




int main()



    return 0;



g++ -fpermissive args.cc -o args.o -pthread



the id of this thread is 2

the id of this thread is 8

the id of this thread is 9

the id of this thread is 9

the id of this thread is 20

the id of this thread is 20

the id of this thread is 20

the id of this thread is 20

the id of this thread is 20

the id of this thread is 20

the id of this thread is 20

the id of this thread is 20

the id of this thread is 20

the id of this thread is 20

the id of this thread is 20

the id of this thread is 20

the id of this thread is 20

the id of this thread is 20

the id of this thread is 20

the id of this thread is 20



for(int i=0; i<th_pop; i++)


        pthread_create(&a_thread[i] , NULL , thread_func , &i);


该块快速执行完成,并且将i置为20,故而传递的地址指向的内容为20,同时其它的线程还没来得及执行              int t_id = *(int*)args;,这样就使得多个线程都指向同一个地址,内容为20,解决该问题的一个办法为中for结构中加入sleep(1),这样当sleep时间大于线程函数执行时间,就可以得到一个正确的结果,不过这种办法剥掉了并发性,并不可取,下面我们采用另一种方法。


void init()


    pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);

    int thread_id[th_pop];

    for(int i=0; i<th_pop; i++)

        thread_id[i] = i;

    for(int i=0; i<th_pop; i++)


        int *t = thread_id +i;

        pthread_create(&a_thread[i] , NULL , thread_func , (void*)t);


    //wait the end of the threads;

    for(int i=0; i<th_pop; i++)


        int res = pthread_join(a_thread[i] , NULL);

        if(res != 0)

            cout<<"the thread id: "<< i<<" ends fail"<<endl;





the id of this thread is 0

the id of this thread is 4

the id of this thread is 2

the id of this thread is 5

the id of this thread is 1

the id of this thread is 3

the id of this thread is 6

the id of this thread is 7

the id of this thread is 8

the id of this thread is 9

the id of this thread is 10

the id of this thread is 11

the id of this thread is 12

the id of this thread is 13

the id of this thread is 14

the id of this thread is 15

the id of this thread is 16

the id of this thread is 17

the id of this thread is 18

the id of this thread is 19







struct mypara


       var para1;//参数1

       var para2;//参数2


将这个结构体指针,作为void *形参的实际参数传递

struct mypara pstru;

pthread_create(&ntid, NULL, thr_fn,& (pstru));


void *thr_fn(void *arg)


       mypara *pstru;

       pstru = (* struct mypara) arg;




pthread_create函数接受的参数只有一个void *型的指针,这就意味着你只能通过结构体封装超过一个以上的参数作为一个整体传递。这是pthread_create函数的接口限定的,别人已经明确表明我只接受一个参数,你硬要塞给他两个肯定会出错了。所以通过结构体这种组合结构变通一下,同样实现了只通过一个参数传递,但通过结构指针对结构数据成员的引用实现多参数的传递





  1. #include<stdio.h>  
  2. #include<stdlib.h>  
  3. #include<pthread.h>  
  4. #include<errno.h>  
  5. #include<unistd.h>  
  6. typedef void* (*fun)(void*);    
  7. static pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;  
  8. static pthread_cond_t recv_over = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;  
  9. static pthread_cond_t decode_over = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;  
  10. static pthread_cond_t play_over = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;  
  11. void* receive(void*);  
  12. void* decode(void*);  
  13. void* play(void*);  
  14. pthread_t tdec, tplay, trecv;  
  15. struct mypara   
  16. {   
  17.     int thread_id;  
  18.     char *thread_name;   
  19. };  
  20. int main(int argc, char** argv)  
  21. {  
  22.     struct mypara para;  
  23.     para.thread_id = 1;  
  24.     para.thread_name = "recv";  
  25.     int t1 = 0, t2 = 0, t3 = 0;  
  26.     t1 = pthread_create(&trecv, NULL, receive,& (para));  
  27.     if(t1 != 0)  
  28.         printf("Create thread receive error!\n");  
  29.     t2 = pthread_create(&tdec, NULL, decode, NULL);  
  30.     if(t2 != 0)  
  31.         printf("Create thread decode error!\n");  
  32.     t3 = pthread_create(&tplay, NULL, play, NULL);  
  33.     if(t3 != 0)  
  34.         printf("Create thread play error!\n");  
  35.     pthread_join(trecv, NULL);  
  36.     pthread_join(tdec, NULL);  
  37.     pthread_join(tplay, NULL);  
  38.     printf("leave main\n");  
  39.     exit(0);      
  40. }  
  41. void* receive(void* arg)  
  42. {  
  43.     printf("Start receive\n");  
  44.     int i = 0;  
  45.     char *s = NULL;  
  46.     struct mypara *recv_para;  
  47.     recv_para = (struct mypara *)arg;  
  48.     i = (*recv_para).thread_id;  
  49.     s = (*recv_para).thread_name;  
  50.     printf("NO : %d Name : %s\n",i,s);  
  51.     sleep(2);  
  52.     pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);  
  53.     while (1)  
  54.     {  
  55.         printf("Receiving...\n");  
  56.         sleep(1);  
  57.         pthread_cond_signal(&recv_over);  
  58.         pthread_cond_wait(&decode_over, &mutex);   
  59.     }  
  60.     printf("End receive\n");  
  61.     pthread_exit(0);  
  62. }  
  63. void* decode(void* arg)  
  64. {  
  65.     printf("Start decode\n");  
  66.     while (1)  
  67.     {  
  68.         pthread_cond_wait(&recv_over, &mutex);   
  69.         printf("Decoding...\n");  
  70.         sleep(1);  
  71.         pthread_cond_broadcast(&decode_over);   //inform player ready to play  
  72.     }  
  73.     printf("End decode\n");  
  74.     pthread_exit(0);  
  75. }  
  76. void* play(void* arg)  
  77. {  
  78.     int ret;  
  79.     printf("Start play\n");  
  80.     while(1)  
  81.     {  
  82.         pthread_cond_wait(&decode_over, &mutex); //wait the signal from decoder  
  83.         printf("Playing...\n");  
  84.         sleep(1);  
  85.     }  
  86.     pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);  
  87.     printf("End play\n");  
  88.     pthread_exit(0);  
  89. }