



fever是亢奋,pitch是球场,你能猜到fever pitch是什么意思吗?

The 2022 World Cup kicked off on November 20. The unusually late start to the weeks-long tournament was set due to the extremely hot summers of the host country, Qatar.


fever pitch 形容的就是a state of very strong emotion,意思是“极度兴奋、极为激动;狂热”,你猜对了吗?

The crowd's cheering reached a fever pitch when the band finally appeared on stage.


1. 他在传球、带球和头球方面都表现出了令人钦佩的技术。

He displayed admirable skills in passing, dribbling, and heading.

2. 上半场最后一分钟,中国队守门员彭诗梦扑出了韩国队利用角球机会发出的一个近距离头球,但是球反弹进网。

In the last minute of the first half, Chinese goalkeeper Peng Shimeng saved a close-range header from a corner, but couldn't keep the ball out of the net from a rebound shot.

3. 角球已成为射门得分的重要手段。

Corner kicks have become an important way to shoot and score.

4. 他将球攻进门时已经越位了。

He was offside when he scored.

5. “乌龙球”将视为对方的进球,即使球是被“挤入”球门的也一样。

"Own goals" will be treated as a goal to the opposition, even if the ball is "pushed" into the goal.

6. 在这场点球大战中,他所在的球队竟然弹无虚发。

His team made ever kick count during the penalty kick match.

7. 今晚他发挥很好,可惜没帽子戏法。

He's done very well tonight and could've scored a hat-trick.

8. 上周,比利亚在对阵列支敦士登的比赛中梅开二度,但罚失一个点球,没能上演帽子戏法。Last week Villa scored twice against Liechtenstein but missed a penalty to post a hat trick.


射门 shots

球门范围内射门 shots on goal

进球数 goals scored

犯规 fouls committed

任意球 free kick

控球率 possession percentage

money fever的意思很容易理解,就是指“对赚钱和有钱抱有极大的热情。”

 I'm not surprised that Alex has become a millionaire—he's always had money fever, even when he was young.

run a fever,与run a temperature同义,指“因为生病体温异常高”,其实就是发烧。这里的fever指的是发烧、发热,而不是激动、狂热。

She was running a fever so I kept her home from school.


curve ball 是棒球用语,指曲线球。不过curve ball还有另一个意思,指的是“能引起混乱或不确定的意外事件”。

I had only been reading the textbook instead of going to classes, so a few of the questions on the final exam really pitched me a curve ball.

