
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感


极简公寓 | Wendy Verstrepen

Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感

设计师Wendy Verstrepen操刀设计了这套位于比利时的公寓,整个空间以经典的黑白灰和原木色为主,利用白色的干净纯粹与原木色的温暖,打造出了一个规整而治愈的居住空间。公寓入口处的旋转楼梯设计的十分吸睛,丰富了整体的空间层次。

Designer Wendy Verstrepen designed this apartment in Belgium. The entire space is dominated by classic black, white, gray and natural wood colors. The cleanness and purity of white and the warmth of natural wood are used to create a regular and healing living space. The spiral staircase at the entrance of the apartment is very eye-catching and enriches the overall spatial hierarchy.

Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感


In the bathroom, the designer chooses gray marble to decorate the space. The delicate and exquisite marble pattern enriches the details of the space. The square mirror surface presents a geometric beauty. The bathtub is placed next to the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the light that enters the room through the blinds is bright and soft. There are no extra colors in the space, high-end and beautiful.

Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感


In the bedroom, the soft and delicate bedding is very comfortable. The bedroom continues the minimalist design style without too much pretentiousness in the space, showing the freehand beauty of modern minimalism, creating a warm and comfortable space for the owner.

Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感


The next set of seaside apartment designers chose bright colors to shape the space, adhering to the modern and simple design style, and through the control of different materials and tones, they created a warm and comfortable residence, giving the owner more comfort. Living experience.

Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感


The low-saturation colors in the space create a harmonious and unified space. The selection of natural materials reveals a rustic and intimate modern space. The decoration of the log material adds to the warm atmosphere of the space, and the overall design is beautiful and practical, showing a high-level texture.

Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感


In the bathroom, the sink and cabinet are combined to maximize the simplicity of the design. The white marble and matte black faucet form a color contrast. The ingenious combination of black and white is simple and advanced.

Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感

About.Wendy Verstrepen

Wendy Verstrepen是比利时一位设计师,凭借大约 20 年的新建筑全面翻新的经验,Wendy Verstrepen 的专业知识显然不仅限于一种风格。Wendy Verstrepen 绝对优先考虑在整个施工过程中指导每位客户。这样,为客户打造的建筑过程就变成了一种无忧无虑的愉悦体验。

Wendy Verstrepen is a Belgian designer. With about 20 years of experience in the comprehensive renovation of new buildings, Wendy Verstrepen's expertise is obviously not limited to one style. Wendy Verstrepen gives absolute priority to coaching each client throughout the construction process. In this way, the construction process for the client becomes a carefree and pleasant experience.



Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感


Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
Wendy Verstrepen|比利时极简风,质朴的高级感
