





1.The train’s ___ is not very good.火车服务不是很好。

2.My French is ___ than my Spanish.我的法语比西班牙语好。

3.You’ll receive the best ___ treatment.你将得到最好的治疗。

4.His ___ aren’t good enough.他的条件不够出色。

5.She’s a very good ___.他是一名非常优秀的球员。

6.Do you know a good ___?你认识什么好的建筑师吗?

7.Alex is very good at ___.亚历克斯在语言方面很擅长。

8.She’s good at ___ things.她很会做东西。

9.As a politician, you need to be good with ___.当政治家要善于辞令。

10.He’s very good ___ people.他很会和人打交道。

11.Mike’s ___ a very good job of painting the windows.迈克把窗户漆得很好。

12.___ good news.那是好消息啊!

13.I need a ___ of good luck.我需要点好运。

14.It’s ___ to see you again.很高兴再次见到你。

15.Did you have a good ___?你假期里玩得开心吗?

16.That was good ___.那很好玩。

17.She’s ___ of good ideas.她满脑子都是好主意。

18.Well, can you think ___ a better plan?那么,你能想出更好的计划吗?

19.What’s the best way to ___ with this?这件事怎样处理最好呢?

20.The police have a ___ good idea who did it.警方很清楚这是谁干的。

21.I’m not sure, but I could ___ a good guess.我不能确定,但差不多能猜得出来。

22.Is this a ___ time to talk to you?现在和你谈谈方便吗?

23.It was a good place to ___.那是个休息的好去处。

24.It’s a good day for going to the ___.这样的天气去海滩玩很合适。

25.Ten o’clock is ___ for me.十点钟我没问题。

26.Do you ___ some good advice?你想不想听听好的建议?

27.The best ___ you can do is wait here.你最好的办法就是在这里等着。

28.You should make good use ___ your time.你应该善用时间。

29.She’s ___ a good baby.她真是个乖宝宝。

30.The kids are as good as ___.孩子们都很乖。

31.Fresh ___ and vegetables are good for you.新鲜的水果和蔬菜对你有益。

32.Watching ___ much TV isn’t good for you.电视看得太多不好。

33.They have to learn which wild ___ are good to eat.他们必须学会辨别哪些野菜野果能吃。

34.Our products are good for the ___ protection.我们的产品有益于环保。

35.The ___ has been good for business.广告宣传对生意很有帮助。

36.‘How are you?’ ‘___, thanks.’“你怎么样?”“好些了,谢谢。”

37.Lyn’s not ___ too good today.林恩今天身体不适。

38.It’s ___ pretty good condition for an old car.以旧车来说,这样的车况算是不错了。


39.Boris had always kept his body in good ___.鲍里斯的身体一向保养得很好。

40.The Chancellor announced that the ___ is in good shape.总理宣布经济状况良好。

41.___ the boat’s repaired, it’ll be as good as new.船修好了以后就会和新的一样。

42.He sat up, supporting himself ___ his good arm.他用自己的那条好胳膊支撑着坐了起来。

43.Dad lent me the money. He was very good ___ it.爸爸把钱借给我了,对此他毫不吝啬。

44.It was good of him to offer you a ___.他真好,让你搭他的车。

45.The company’s always ___ very good to me.公司一向对我很好。

46.He’s a good ___.他是个好人。

47.I try to be ___, but it isn’t always easy.我想做个好人,可这并非总是一件容易的事。

48.Well, that’s my good ___ for the day.好了,这是我今天做的好事。

49.I’m on the ___ of the good guys.我支持好人。

50.We’ve had a good ___ of apples.我们的苹果大丰收。

51.There’s a good range of ___ facilities.有很多娱乐设施。

52.I’d been waiting a ___ while.我已经等了好久了。

53.Our team has a good ___ of winning.我们队获胜机会很大。

54.Thirty dollars ___ like a good price to me.三十美元在我看来是个合理的价格。

55.You ___ a good rest.你需要好好休息。

56.Take a good look ___ it.好好看一看它。

57.She sat down and ___ a good cry.她坐下来痛哭了一场。

58.This time he waited until he was good and ___.这一次他一直等到完全准备好了。

59.It cost a good ___, I can tell you.我可以告诉你,这要很多钱。

60.I went to a good deal of ___ to get this ticket.我费了好大劲才弄到这张票。

61.He was a ___ deal older than her.他比她大得多。

62.The three-course menu is good ___ for money.这种三道菜的套餐物有所值。

63.Your passport is ___ for another three years.你的护照还可以用三年。

64.This old truck is good for ___ 100,000 miles.这辆旧卡车还能跑十万英里。

65.Dad should be good for a few ___.爸爸应该会给我几块钱的。

66.It’s a good mile ___.至少有一英里路。

67.He’s a ___ ten years younger than her.他比她至少小十岁。

68.The summer’s as good as ___.夏天差不多已经过去了。

69.This carpet’s as good as ___.这块地毯差不多已经不能用了。

70.I’ve done this a good ___ times now.这件事我到现在已经做了许多遍了。

71.A good many people were ___ about the new tax.许多人对新的税项不满。

72.Their relationship had always seemed too good to be ___.他们的关系一向好得不像是真的。

73.George is a good ___, too good for you!乔治是个优秀青年,你配不上!

74.I’ll tell him ___ my own good time.我在合适的时候会告诉他的。

75.Ben arrived in good time ___ dinner.本到达时正好赶上吃晚饭。

76.I suppose this is as good a place as any to ___.我看待在这里也不错。

77.Dan put in a good ___ for you at the meeting.丹在会上为你说了句好话。

78.No one had a good word to ___ for her.没有人说她好话。

79.I’ll ask my boss for the day off – I’m in her good ___ just now.我要向老板请一天假 – 现在她对我青睐有加。


80.They’ve got a good thing ___ with that little shop of theirs.他们的那家小店生意做得很红火。

81.Andrew knew when he was ___ a good thing.安德鲁知道什么时候是取得成功的时机。

82.He is a country boy who made ___ in New York.他是一个在纽约发迹的乡下男孩。

83.The loss to the company was made good by ___ from its subsidiaries.公司的这一损失由子公司上缴的利润弥补了。

84.He has the ___ for women and the good life.他有贪念女色和奢靡生活的毛病。

85.We talked for hours about the good ___ days.我们谈了很久,回忆过去的美好时光。

86.Good, I’m glad that’s ___.好了,我很高兴那件事做完了。

87.‘I got an A in ___, Mum.’ ‘Oh, good.’“我生物考了个A,妈妈。”“哦,很好。”

88.‘Is the ___ five?’ ‘Yes, good.’“答案是5吗?”“对,很好。”

89.‘I’ve ___ a table.’ ‘Oh, that’s good.’“我订了位子。”“哦,很好。”

90.‘But it’s Sunday, the bank will be closed.’ ‘Good ___.’“可今天是星期天,银行不开门。”“说得对。”

91.Good ___ in your exams.祝你考试好运。

92.‘They’re hoping to finish it ___ November.’ ‘Good luck to them.’“他们希望11月之前完成。”“祝他们好运。”

93.‘I’ve decided to ___ the job.’ ‘Good for you.’“我决定接受这份工作了。”“挺好的。”

94.It’s a good thing you’re at home. I’ve ___ my keys.幸亏你在家,我的钥匙丢了。

95.She’s ___, and a good thing too.她走了,倒也是好事。

96.It’s just not good ___. I’ve been waiting an hour! 太可恶,我等了一个小时了。

97.We’ll go when I’m good and ready and not ___.等我准备就绪我们就走,没弄好不能走。

98.You won $50,000? That’s a good ___!你中了五万美元?开玩笑吧!

99.It’s Hazel’s party tomorrow. Should be good for a ___.明天是黑兹尔的派对,应该很好玩。

100.Good old Ed! I knew he wouldn’t let us ___.埃德是好样的!我知道他不会让我们失望的。

101.‘It’s going to cost us $500.’ ‘Good ___.’“我们得花500美元”“天啊!”

102.Do ___ he says, if you know what’s good for you!如果你知道好歹的话,就照他说的做吧!

103.Would you be good ___ to help me with my bags?请你帮我搬一下这些行李,好吗?

104.‘When can we open our presents, Mum?’ ‘All in ___ time, Billy.’“我们什么时候能打开礼物,妈妈?”“别急,比利。”

105.I’ve ___ my shoes and I’m good to go.鞋子穿上了,我都准备好了。

106.Enjoy yourself while you can. This is as good as it ___.你就能享受且享受吧,反正事情就是这样了。

107.Don’t worry about it, man – it’s ___ good.别担心了,伙计,没有问题的。

108.‘Tell the ___ to come in.’ ‘Very good, sir.’“叫那些人进来。”“是,老爷。”

109.One lesson’s not ___ good – you need five or six.一堂课没有用 – 要五六堂课才行。

110.‘I could come next week.’ ‘That’s ___ good. I’ll be away.’“我可以下个礼拜来。”“那不行,我不在。”

111.The ___ here isn’t any good for agricultural crops.这里的土地不适合种庄稼。

112.You’re ___ good to me if you can’t drive a car.如果你不能开车,对我就没有用。

113.The movie wasn’t ___ good.这部影片不是很好。

114.Is the new headteacher ___ good?新校长好吗?

115.I’m no good at speaking in ___.我不太擅长当众说话。

116.___ away from Jerry – he’s no good.离杰里远点 – 他不是什么好东西。

117.It’s no good ___ him – he won’t listen.跟他说没有用 – 他不会听的。

118.She works for a small ___ where she feels she can do some good.她在一家小慈善机构工作,觉得自己在那里能做点有用的事情。

119.I’ll talk to him but I don’t think it will ___ any good.我会找他谈谈,但我觉得不会有用。

120.A bit more ___ would do you good.稍微锻炼锻炼对你有好处。

121.What’s the good of buying a boat if you’re ___ busy to use it?如果你忙的连用它的时间都没有,那买了船有什么意义?

122.What ___ is money when you haven’t any friends?如果没有朋友,钱有什么用?

123.The injury may keep him out of football ___ good.这次受伤可能会使他永远告别足球。

124.We must ___ together for the good of the community.为了社区的利益我们必须共同努力。

125.___ the medicine – it’s for your own good!把药吃了 – 那是为你自己好!

126.She is definitely an ___ for good on those boys.她对那些男孩绝对能产生好的影响。

127.There’s a lot of good in him, in ___ of his rudeness.他虽然粗鲁,但也有很多优点。

128.This is a struggle between good and ___.这是一场善恶之争。

129.Those guys look like they’re ___ to no good.那些家伙好像不是在干什么好事。

130.Fighting the pandemic COVID-19 needs joint efforts from countries ___ for the common good.抗击新冠肺炎需要为了共同利益而联合起来的国家的共同努力。

131.If further improvements can be ___, that would be all to the good.如果还能改进,那就更好了。

132.With United two ___ to the good, the result seemed a certainty.联队领先两个球,比分似乎已经无法改变了。

133.The business is ___ good now.现在生意做得很好。

134.Listen to me ___!好好听我说!

135.We ___ our goodbye and left.我们告辞后便离开了。

136.I must ___ back. Good day to you.我得回去了,再见。

137.The company had ___ in good faith.这家公司诚实无欺。

138.A ceasefire was declared as a sign of good ___.作为一种善意的表示宣布了停火。

139.He is an ___ good-for-nothing drunk.他是一个懒惰,没有用的酒鬼。

140.Ian’s a ___ good-for-nothing.伊恩是个一无是处的饭桶。

141.At 80 her eyes still ___ with good humor.她八十岁了,眼神里依然闪烁着乐观的光芒。

142.He was patient and good-___.他有耐心,脾气好。

143.It threatened to ___ the good name of the firm.这事危及公司的名声。

144.He had his father’s good looks and his mother’s good ___.他拥有父亲的好相貌和母亲的好心肠。

145.My ___, you have spent a lot!啊呀,你花了这么多的钱!

146.For goodness’s ___ stop arguing!看在老天爷的面上,别吵了!

147.That bar’s been closed for goodness ___ how long.天晓得那家酒吧已经关了多久。

148.Goodness knows, I ___ to help him!天晓得,我还想办法帮他哩。

149.We all have the ___ to see goodness and justice in the world.我们都向往世间的善良和正义。

150.All the goodness of an egg is in the ___.蛋的营养全部在蛋黄里。

151.Please ___ the goodness to wait.劳驾您等一下。

152.He did it ___ of the goodness of his heart.他这么做是出于好心。

153.Good night. Sleep ___.晚安,睡个好觉。

154.Mrs. Booth showed a lot of good ___.布思夫人表现出不俗的见地。

155.Mark had the good sense not to ___.马可很明智地没有争辩。

156.It ___ good sense to do some research before buying.购买之前先做些调研,这是很明智的。

157.A ___ was set up as a goodwill gesture to survivors and their families.成立了基金会,以向幸存者及其家属做出善意的表示。

158.The sale price also covers the ___ of the business.售价中还包含公司的商誉。

159.If you buy good quality shoes, they ___ much longer.如果你买质量好的鞋子,就会耐穿很多。

160.The restaurant ___ the finest food in Florence.这家餐厅的饭菜是佛罗伦萨最好的。

161.If it’s ___ tomorrow, we’ll go for a walk.明天如果天气好,我们就去散步。

162.That’s a ___ idea.这主意不错。

163.Going home for dinner was a more ___ proposition than completing his run.回家吃完饭比起完成跑步,对他来说更具吸引力。

164.They have achieved ___ achievements.他们取得了了不起的成就。

165.Your English is ___.你的英文棒极了。

166.She’s a ___ teacher.她是一位出色的教师。

167.It’s a ___ film.电影很棒。

168.The play was absolutely ___.这部戏绝对精彩。

169.New York is an ___ place.纽约是个令人惊叹的城市。

170.It’s a ___ day. 天气很好。

171.The weather was just ___.天气真是非常好。

172.It’s an ___ performance.表演很精彩。

173.The service is always first-___.服务总是一流的。

174.Occasionally, we get a student with ___ talent.偶尔我们会招到个别天赋出众的学生。

175.The movie was ___.这部电影好极了。

176.Their chocolate cake is just ___ of this world!他们的巧克力蛋糕是好的没比的了!


朗文当代高级英语词典[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, PEARSON. 2014


1 service 2 better 3 medical 4 qualifications 5 player 6 builder 7 languages 8 making 9 words 10 with 11 done 12 That’s 13 bit 14 good 15 vacation 16 fun 17 full 18 of 19 deal 20 pretty 21 make 22 good 23 rest 24 reach 25 good 26 want 27 thing 28 of 29 such 30 gold 31 fruit 32 too 33 foods 34 environmental 35 publicity 36 Better 37 feeling 38 in 39 shape 40 economy 41 Once 42 on 43 about 44 lift 45 been 46 man 47 good 48 deed 49 side 50 crop 51 leisure 52 good 53 chance 54 sounds 55 need 56 at 57 had 58 ready 59 deal 60 trouble 61 good 62 value 63 good 64 another 65 bucks 66 away 67 good 68 over 69 ruined 70 few 71 upset 72 true 73 lad 74 in 75 for 76 stay 77 word 78 say 79 books 80 going 81 onto 82 good 83 contributions 84 weakness 85 old 86 finished 87 Biology 88 answer 89 booked 90 point 91 luck 92 by 93 accept 94 last 95 gone 96 enough 97 before 98 on 99 laugh 100 down 101 grief 102 as 103 enough 104 good 105 got 106 gets 107 all 108 men 109 much 110 no 111 land 112 no 113 much 114 any 115 public 116 Stay 117 telling 118charity 119 do 120 exercise 121 too 122 good 123 for 124 work 125 Take 126 influence 127 spite 128 evil 129 up 130 united 131 made 132 goals 133 doing 134 good 135 said 136 get 137 acted 138 faith 139 idle 140 stupid 141 sparkled 142 humored 143 damage 144 nature 145 goodness 146 sake 147 knows 148 tried 149 desire 150 yolk 151 have 152 out 153 well 154 sense 155 argue 156 makes 157 fund 158 goodwill 159 last 160 service 161 fine 162 neat 163 attractive 164 impressive 165 excellent 166 superb 167 great 168 brilliant 169 amazing 170 beautiful 171 glorious 172 outstanding 173 class 174 exceptional 175 awesome 176 out
