
Small tropical ornamental fish – head and tail lights

author:Lord Bao said

Name: head and tail lights, aliases: electric light fish, roof fish, lantern fish

Feeding difficulty: Easy

Origin: South American Guyana and amazon basin

Environmental requirements: water temperature 22 ~ 28 °C, weak acidic ~ neutral water quality.

Body size: 4 to 6 cm

Habits: A bit fierce

Active aquifer: Lower middle

Diet: The bait is mainly small live food, and artificial feed is acceptable

Appendix: Long and laterally flattened, short head, rounded abdomen. There is a golden yellow spot on the upper part and the tail of each eye, which reflects the golden and red colors under the illumination of the light. In the process of swimming, due to the relationship between light, the color spots on the head and tail appear from time to time, like fireflies in the depths of the dense forest, glittering.

Small tropical ornamental fish – head and tail lights

Head and tail lights

It is petite and prefers to swim in groups and can be polycultured with other species of fish. The water quality requirements are not strict. It prefers to move in the middle of the aquarium and forage for food.

Small tropical ornamental fish – head and tail lights

Males are darker in color, with transparent transverse stripes in the middle of their fins, while females do not; females are wider and fatter than males, with rounded abdomens

Small tropical ornamental fish – head and tail lights

There is a large golden spot at the eye edge and the tail stalk, and under the golden spot at the tail stem is a dark black spot, which makes the golden spot more prominent, and if it is combined with the refraction of the light, the light of the metal can be seen.