
Goodbye Mr. Bean, this time he's going to reason with you seriously...

author:Film Magazine

The British comedy "Mr. Bean", which premiered on January 1, 1990 and became popular around the world, has an unshakable position in the comedy world.

After 20 years of suspension, it still ranks second among the most popular TV shows on Facebook.

In a series of unfortunate and fun life stories, a character with a little clumsy, naïve, one-way thinking, and a little shy comedy is vividly interpreted.

Goodbye Mr. Bean, this time he's going to reason with you seriously...

In 1991, Rowan Atkinson won the Best Light Entertainment Performance award at the 44th British Academy Film and Television Arts Awards for the series.

That period can also be called the "Bean Age".

Some people call Bean the "contemporary Chaplin", these two comedy giants who are separated by more than half a century, have a deep influence in the film and television field.

They interpret the joys and sorrows of the low-level characters in the comedy of giggling and laughing, but they give the film a deeper connotation, attacking social ugliness and asking questions to people's hearts.

Goodbye Mr. Bean, this time he's going to reason with you seriously...

The film I want to introduce to you today is the film noir starring Mr. Bean (Ron Atkinson) in 2005.

"Keep Silent"

keeping mum

Goodbye Mr. Bean, this time he's going to reason with you seriously...

The film's ratings are not very high, but the plot itself is a British classic with its black humor.

Goodbye Mr. Bean, this time he's going to reason with you seriously...

The film begins with a relaxed and peaceful start.

43 years ago, a train in the middle of a field ran briskly forward, but the screenwriter gave a reversal.

Goodbye Mr. Bean, this time he's going to reason with you seriously...

It was in the baby woman's suitcase that the police found two dissected bodies.

One was her husband and the other was her husband's lover.

The murderer was the calm young woman in front of her, and the result, of course, was that she was imprisoned.

Goodbye Mr. Bean, this time he's going to reason with you seriously...

When the box reappeared 43 years later, it was due to the fact that a small town priest family had hired a new housekeeper.

This old chest, which arrived before the butler himself, caught the priest's attention, and he said with a sullen voice, "This is a sign."

Goodbye Mr. Bean, this time he's going to reason with you seriously...

But the pastor's wife didn't think so.

Goodbye Mr. Bean, this time he's going to reason with you seriously...

She felt that these sort of boring rituals wouldn't make their boring married life better.

Goodbye Mr. Bean, this time he's going to reason with you seriously...

In fact, they have encountered many problems in their lives:

The dog downstairs barked wildly every morning and night, and the owner was an irresponsible grandfather.

The rebellious daughter Holly is only concerned with constantly looking for an unreliable boyfriend for fun.

Goodbye Mr. Bean, this time he's going to reason with you seriously...

The youngest son, Pete, is timid and unsociable, and is always bullied by other children...

Goodbye Mr. Bean, this time he's going to reason with you seriously...

Just when everything was at a standstill, Grace, the housekeeper who had been invited, seemed to be magical.

Since she came home, their lives have begun to take a surprising turn.

Goodbye Mr. Bean, this time he's going to reason with you seriously...

The neighbor's dog is gone, and the rebellious Holly becomes interested in cooking.

Stereotypical pastors even learned to tell jokes and exploded in charisma on the pulpit.

Son Pete successfully deceived the bear child who had been bullying him for a long time and regained his self-confidence.

Goodbye Mr. Bean, this time he's going to reason with you seriously...

One by one, the problems that need to be solved are disappearing, but everyone does not know that all of this is because of Grace's careful "care".

She even found out in time for madame's impending extramarital affair.

Goodbye Mr. Bean, this time he's going to reason with you seriously...

Just when the attentive lady is puzzled, the film shows Grace burying her body one day in a thunderstorm.

The neighbor grandfather who lost his dog heard the noise and went out to inspect, just in time to see this scene, and in a panic, he was discovered by Grace.

The next day, he disappeared.

The truth is clear, it turns out that Grace actually killed the dog on the first night of arrival in order to let the priest's family get the peace of the morning!

Goodbye Mr. Bean, this time he's going to reason with you seriously...

Pete succeeds in taking revenge on the bad boy who bullied him because Grace quietly cuts the brake line of their bike.

She and Pete smiled together as they witnessed a group of children falling out of the car at a steep bend.

The owner of the dog was silenced for seeing a scene of Grace disposing of the corpse.

In order to prevent the lady from falling into the abyss of extramarital affairs, Grace kills the rogue lover who spied on Holly ...

Goodbye Mr. Bean, this time he's going to reason with you seriously...

It turns out that under all the peace and happiness lies the unknown cruelty and bloodshed.

The paper wrapper could not hold the fire, and as the photos played on the TV news were screened in front of them one by one.

It turns out that Grace turned out to be the sensational "suitcase killer" 43 years ago!

The surprised two wanted to go to the attic to look through the suitcases when they were touched by Grace.

They hurriedly hid under the bed, thinking of calling their lovers for help, and their mobile phones rang in the suitcase.

Hurriedly hung up, but Grace had heard the noise and rushed to the scene.

She sat calmly at the head of the bed, dialed the number of the missed call, and said to madame in a calm tone, "Can you get out from under the bed?" ”

Goodbye Mr. Bean, this time he's going to reason with you seriously...

At the moment of confronting the murderer, the mother and daughter learn that Grace is the mother that madame has never contacted!

Remember the killer pregnant woman at the beginning of the film? At that time, it was the lady who was pregnant in the young woman's belly.

At this moment when three generations are in the same room, Grace has explained all her "problem solving" process.

Holly's mother and daughter could only keep silent, as if nothing had happened.

Many of the problems in life's predicaments are difficult to solve, and if you try to cover up sin, you can easily trigger other sins.

Goodbye Mr. Bean, this time he's going to reason with you seriously...

In this black fairy tale, Granny Grace is a being who transcends reality.

It seems that he is a rescuer sent by God, but in fact, all the beauty and conformity in life are just pieces of illusion and absurdity.

Towards the end, Grace chose to say goodbye.

All sin seemed to be gone, and life in the pastor's family was no longer as bad as it had been.

Would that be a good ending?

Goodbye Mr. Bean, this time he's going to reason with you seriously...

Of course, it was not so easy, and soon the workers wanted to drain the pool to control the crazy algae.

But what about the many corpses at the bottom of the pool?

Mrs. Pastor chose to be like her mother and continue to bury the truth...

Goodbye Mr. Bean, this time he's going to reason with you seriously...

At this last moment, the screenwriter didn't give you the chance to look forward to hope. Pragmatic problem solving, light and humorous understatement.

The movie seems to proclaim loudly:

What makes me feel troubled, afraid, worried, or dissatisfied cannot be tolerated, so it is better to let them cease to exist.

A lot of abrupt coldness, a lot of seeming perfection, the music is light and peaceful, and the most important places are not exaggerated.

Goodbye Mr. Bean, this time he's going to reason with you seriously...

The human heart is ever-changing at the slightest thought, and positions and principles are precious things that everyone must have.

Under the seemingly cheerful tone of the film, there is a deep despair.

The crazy logic that gives the film a "humorous" color will one day sink us all into the algae under the pond, looking at each other and having nowhere to hide.

Goodbye Mr. Bean, this time he's going to reason with you seriously...

The film's "irony, high-cold, politically incorrect" summed up the style of British black humor in three words.

After combining the self-deprecation, irony, and high-minded expression of full firepower, no matter how shaky and clever, it must be calm, elegant, and serious.

Under a series of clever satire and contrast, it is natural to harvest a good dramatic tension.

Goodbye Mr. Bean, this time he's going to reason with you seriously...

Every character in this story seems to have an ordinary archetype.

Goodfellow good man, wife Gloria glory, housekeeper Grace (grace), lover Reims (lance javelin)... Even the name is a metaphor.

Life presents most of the helplessness, and sometimes it does need some "favor" from God to become beautiful. But the converse of this statement is not necessarily true.