
Is Zhou Yu really a narrow-minded person?


You can rely on your face, but people who want to be talented know that Zhou Yu is mostly a narrow-minded person in the center of the Three Kingdoms Under Zhuge Liang's big red flower.

However, you must know that Zhou Yu is actually a winner in life in the chaotic world of the Three Kingdoms. Zhou Yu (周瑜), courtesy name Gongjin, was a famous general at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Many people look down on Zhou Yu because we were deceived by the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

What is written in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms? Zhou Yu attacked Huang Gai and embarrassed Zhuge Liang, but Zhuge Liang was endless. Such a narrow-minded person, there is really nothing to praise.

But we must have eyes that are diligent in discovering the truth. Zhou Yu in history is actually a well-deserved handsome man. That's what the history books say.

Zhou Yu is tall and handsome. At that time, there were only two handsome men in Wuzhong. One is sun ce and sun quan's younger brother, and the other is Zhou Yu. The last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

People are accustomed to using wolves to refer to young and handsome men. Everyone called them Sun Lang and Zhou Lang. As you can see, both are handsome.

Others not only think they are handsome, but they also think they are handsome. For example, in Jiang Biao's biography, it is recorded that this calm drama, Yu Yan and Qiao's second daughter were displaced.

It was a joy for both of us. Meaning, Sun Ce once joked with Zhou Yu that although Qiao Gong's daughters Big Qiao and Little Qiao were displaced, the two of us could be husbands.

This is not a waste of life. Hahaha. As the saying goes, the marriage of beautiful women and heroes Zhou Yu and Xiao Qiao can be said to be a match made in heaven.

But Zhou Yu is actually the kind of person we often say, eating by the face and winning by talent. He was the most important general in Suzhou.

His status was not inferior to Zhuge Liang's position in Liu Bei's camp. Various historical books such as the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and the Book of the Later Han Dynasty record Zhou Yu's glorious battle exploits. measurement.

In order to attack Jingzhou, Yu commanded the Jiangxia prefect Zhongwei. Xun Yang attacked the vicinity of Anhui and consulted Liu Xun on Jiangxia, and was also scheduled to stay in Zhang Luling.

In the spring of Liu Zhen's thirteenth year, the rest of the islands were on the front line, and most of them were waiting. It can be said that Zhou Yu grew up step by step by watching his grandson camp.

Not only that, he, Sun Ce and Sun Quan were also brothers of the people. Yan Ruting went to the back hall to have a banquet with her family. Such a number, this is the real brother.

Every time I go to Sun Ce's house, I have to go to the back hall to visit Sun Ce's parents. This is the friendship of wearing pants in ancient times. The fifth year of Jian'an is 200 AD.

The young Sun Ce died of illness, and Zhou Yu personally returned to Jiangdong to raise the young Sun Quan with Zhang Zhao. One person in charge of the outside, one person in charge of the Eastern Wu camp.

There will be no division because the Lord leaves the King. It can be said that Zhou Yu not only vomited blood for the Sun brothers, but also became his needle for the sea god when Sun Quan's foundation was unstable.

This location in Gangdong is naturally unshakable. The most subtle thing is that Zhou Yu is a talent who can do a good job and will do a good job. Jian'an eleven years.

Cao Cao attacked Jingzhou, and Liu Cong led his people to surrender to Cao Cao and get Liu Cong's navy. The development of the two armies of the Ministry of Water Resources has reached hundreds of thousands. Hearing this news, the soldiers of Eastern Wu were very frightened.

Sun Quan summoned soldiers to discuss countermeasures, but no one fought. Only Zhou Yu analyzed the situation for Sun Quan. The death of the bitter general Cao Jun also made Sun Quan determined to meet the enemy.

Otherwise, we probably wouldn't have seen a full three-pointer or the famous Battle of Chibi. It can be seen that Zhou Yu is not just a samurai who specializes in samurai.

In fact, Zhou Yu was the ideal literati of the Tang and Song Dynasties, and Su Shi wrote that after thinking of Gong Jin, Xiao Qiao married and looked majestic. 2. Lupine scarf, there is talk between laughter.

In the dust, the Tang and Song poets praised Zhou Yu for attributing the main hero of Chibi Breaking Grass to Zhou Yu, which is reasonable and in line with historical facts.

Looking at gold with a lupine was a fashion at the time. He wears a blue silk turban and holds a fan made of feathers in his hand. This kind of strategy, thousands of miles away, is like a general style.

I don't know how many later literati inkers were dumped, Zhou Yu is still tuning. At that time, everyone in the Wuzhong area sent out a word.

Ju Jingyi Zhou Langgu means that when Zhou Lang is drunk, as long as The Moon Ji plays the wrong sound, he can hear such a rich handsome man who is both literate and martial.

Little Joe is such a white rich beauty, I have also won. The leader of Jiangdong is his younger brother, who is a winner in life. Does he need to envy others? Zhuge Liang has.

He also had beauty, talent, and the trust of a lord. He was no less than Zhuge Liang, and Zhuge Liang also married an ugly wife. No matter how detached Zhuge Liang was.

Facing a world-famous ugly woman may be more pleasing to the eye than a seductive beauty. And Zhou Lang's regret in this life should also be the peak of this life.

It is fleeting, but his departure also leaves the most brilliant Zhou Gongjin in our hearts.

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