
Commentary: Shouzheng innovation, to be the chinese story of the Chinese voice of the writer and disseminator

author:Preaching Home Network
Commentary: Shouzheng innovation, to be the chinese story of the Chinese voice of the writer and disseminator

On November 6, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, sent a letter congratulating Xinhua News Agency on its 90th anniversary, extending warm congratulations to all comrades of Xinhua News Agency on behalf of the Party Central Committee, and extending festive greetings to the vast number of journalists across the country on the occasion of the 22nd China Journalists' Day.

News and public opinion work is an important task of our party, and all along, from the Xinhua News Agency and other news media to the vast number of journalists, we have unswervingly followed the party, publicized the party's propositions, reflected the voice of the people, recorded the spirit of the times, and disseminated the voice of China, thus playing an important role in the various historical periods of revolution, construction, and reform. In the new journey of comprehensively building socialist modernization, in the face of the new situation and tasks, it is all the more necessary to grasp the correct political direction, strengthen ideals and convictions, adhere to the feelings of the people, continue the red blood, persist in keeping the right and innovating, make the main melody louder, and make the positive energy stronger.

Put it in the right direction and be a disseminator of the party's policy ideas. News and propaganda is an important task under the leadership of the party to lead the way forward of the times. The party's news work is to be born out of the party, to sing for the party, to breathe with the people, and to make progress with the times. Whether it is a revolutionary period or a peaceful era, from the Xinhua News Agency to all kinds of news media to the vast number of journalists, they have always taken the quasi-political direction and truly and profoundly recorded the glorious course of the CPC's unity and leadership of the people of all nationalities throughout the country in their unremitting struggle for national independence, the liberation of the people, and the realization of national prosperity and strength and the happiness of the people. Standing at the historical intersection of the two centenary goals, both the news media and media practitioners must always adhere to the correct political orientation, and reflect their positions and responsibilities in the whole process and all elements of news production, and in all aspects of news works. Adhere to the glorious tradition of working with the party and the state with one heart and one mind and walking in the same direction, adhere to the unchanged original intention of taking root in the people, serving the people, and sharing weal and woe with the people, adhere to the social responsibility of undertaking the historical mission and advancing with the times, and provide a strong ideological guarantee, public opinion support, and spiritual motivation for the comprehensive construction of socialist modernization.

Continue the red bloodline and be the promoter of social progress. Whether in the Central Soviet Region or in the war environment, in the face of various difficulties, the forefathers of journalistic work with stirring words, rushing blood, and indestructible faith withstood the test and tempering of blood and fire, and composed a song of generous and tragic red prologues, from Qu Qiubai, who sang the "Internationale" and calmly walked to the execution ground and was generous and righteous, to Liang Baitai, who was the acting chief writer of "Red China", to Xu Mingzheng, secretary general of the Red China News Agency, at the age of 23, as well as Fan Changjiang, Xia Yan and other people with lofty ideals, braving the smoke and flames of war. Faced with a severe test of life and death, he resolutely established the "China Young Journalists Association" and vowed to "dedicate himself to journalism." They have practiced their incomparable loyalty to the party with their blood and lives, and have kept running for the country's words with practical actions and advocating for the people to die. Embark on a new journey and step into a new era, as a media person, we must continue the red blood, adhere to the original mission, bravely undertake the mission in the great struggle, the great project, the great cause, and the great dream, write the struggle process of the party and the people in the new era, and be the promoter of social progress.

Adhere to the integrity and innovation, and be a practitioner who tells the Chinese story well. Those who know and change win, and those who keep the right and innovate win. Only by adhering to the principle of keeping right can innovation have the direction and return; continuous innovation, only by keeping the right can there be vitality and foundation. With the great changes taking place in the communication pattern, public opinion ecology, and media form, only by taking content as king, orientation as the soul, mobile as the first, innovation as the key, and talent as the root, and giving play to authoritative, objective, and comprehensive professional advantages, can the news media exalt the main theme, spread positive energy, and win the hard battle of integrated development. Only by striving to be all-media talents with strong Internet thinking, compound knowledge structure, and professional skills, and creating more high-level integrated works with thought, temperature, and quality, can journalists tell Chinese stories well, spread Chinese voices, sing triumphant songs of endeavor, and unite national strength.

Don't forget your original intention, you have to be consistent. As news media and media workers, only by always putting responsibility and morality in their chests and shoulders, carefully depicting the picture of the times, vigorously playing the strong voice of the times, and better fulfilling the party's duties and missions in news and public opinion work can we create new achievements worthy of the party, the people, and the times, and can more news emit the eternal light of truth and goodness.

Author: Cao Jianming, Jiangsu Changzhou QiJi Factory Newspaper

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