
The Yiyang Municipal Public Security Bureau organized the viewing of films on the deeds of political and legal heroes and models and warning education films

author:Red Net
The Yiyang Municipal Public Security Bureau organized the viewing of films on the deeds of political and legal heroes and models and warning education films

The Yiyang Municipal Public Security Bureau organized the police of the organs to watch the advanced deeds of political and legal heroes and models and the special warning education film "The Price.".

The Yiyang Municipal Public Security Bureau organized the viewing of films on the deeds of political and legal heroes and models and warning education films

The police watched carefully.

Red Net Moment Yiyang May 21 (Correspondent Tang Yi) In order to carry out in-depth education and rectification of the political and legal contingent, further build a solid ideological defense line, and carry forward the spirit of heroic models, on May 20, the Yiyang Municipal Public Security Bureau organized all the police officers of the organs to watch the advanced deeds of political and legal heroes and models and the special warning education film "The Price" in three batches.

Comrade Zhang Baoguo, a heroic political and legal model, is the deputy head of the special police detachment of the Jinan Municipal Public Security Bureau and a policeman who detonates explosives. In the past 20 years of participating in public security work, he has successfully disposed of more than 130 explosion-related scenes, identified, eliminated and destroyed more than 4,000 shells and bombs of various types, and completed more than 1,500 explosion-proof security inspection tasks for major activities. He has successively won the honorary titles of "National Public Security System First-class Heroic Model", "National Most Beautiful Retired Soldier", National "Public Security Model", and National "Civil Servant Satisfied by the People".

Watching Comrade Zhang Baoguo's advanced deeds, the police were deeply moved by the extraordinary experience of detonation that he told in sincere and simple language, and many policemen were even more tearful and deeply baptized. "Comrade Zhang Baoguo scrupulously abided by the mission of the people's police, persisted in fighting at the forefront of the anti-explosives security inspection where life and death are at stake, and practiced his loyalty to the party and his dedication to the cause of public security with practical actions." Kuang Bin, a police officer of the Education and Rectification Office of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, said that in his future work and study, he will be advanced against the standard, learn from their spirit of responsibility of faithfully performing their duties and being willing to dedicate, and bravely undertake the mission and tasks of the new era.

The warning education film "The Price" tells the story of many cases of party members and leading cadres who lost their ideals and convictions, ignored party discipline and state law, lost their political direction, and eventually went to the abyss of crime and lost their personal freedom, sounding a wake-up call to all the people's police. Chen Shengwen, a police officer of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, said: The Municipal Public Security Bureau will continue to organize and watch a series of warning education films to educate the broad masses of the people's police to constantly enhance their political awareness and sense of honesty, always keep a sober mind, consciously resist all kinds of temptations, be aware of reverence, guard against fear, and guard the bottom line, and promote the public security contingent to achieve practical results in the work of self-examination and self-correction in education, rectification, and self-examination and self-correction.

The Chaoyang Sub-Bureau and the Municipal Bureau Forest Detachment, Traffic Police Detachment, Police Academy, Criminal Investigation Detachment, Special Police Detachment, Network Technology Detachment, Liuzhi Care Detachment, Supervision Center and four institutes organized their own viewing in each unit.