
Let's talk about the four stages of Xiangfan City

author:Talk about the reason

Xiangfan City is the former name of Xiangyang City. The foundation of Xiangyang City originates from Xiangyang City and Fancheng City.

Xiangyang City was established in the early Western Han Dynasty (see Zizhi Tongjian). Since the establishment of the county, it has appeared on the stage of history with states, counties, prefectures and provinces; or with the commissioner's office, region, and city as the administrative framework to show the style of the ancient city. For more than a thousand years, Xiangyang City has been the seat of the government and administrative departments.

Let's talk about the four stages of Xiangfan City

Standing with Xiangyang looking at Fancheng

Fancheng was founded earlier than Xiangyang City. Taken literally, the word "fan" means fence. The earliest Fancheng was a fenced village in the Shang Dynasty. Later, the Shang king enfeoffed Fan Guo (now Zuo Zhuan) and later Fan Cheng. Fancheng has often been known for its commerce in history.

Xiangyang City and Fancheng are across the river. Although Xiangyang once administered Hubei, Hunan, and parts of Guangdong, Guangxi, and Henan as the seat of zhouzhi, in a special historical period, Xiangyang and Fancheng also did not belong to each other, and the two cities were across the river, thus forming "Xiangfan", which is a regional name that is not based on the administrative framework.

Let's talk about the four stages of Xiangfan City

The Song Dynasty had the title of Xiangfan

Xiangfan City, supported by an administrative framework, was established in January 1949. From this day on, Xiangfan City, as a first-level government, stepped onto the historical stage. Subsequently, it went through four stages, and by 2010, it completed the sixty-one-year history of Xiangfan City.

Phase 1:


During the Liberation War, the "Xiangfan Campaign" launched by Liu Deng's army began on July 2, 1948, and ended on July 16, 1948. Due to the military needs of the greater Huaihai Campaign, our army abandoned Xiangyang, concentrated its forces, and participated in the Huaihai Campaign. In December, our army re-liberated Xiangyang.

Let's talk about the four stages of Xiangfan City

In the Battle of Xiangfan, Kang Ze, a member of the Kuomintang Central Standing Committee, was captured alive

On December 22, 1948, our Party established the Xiangyang County Government in Xinye County, Henan Province.

In January 1949, due to the strategic location of Xiangyang, the Hannan Working Committee established a county-level Xiangfan Municipal Government in Fancheng, which had jurisdiction over Xiangcheng District and Fancheng District. The mayor and commander of the garrison was Hu Zhen, who was later transferred to Liu Zhiyuan as the secretary of the municipal party committee.

In May 1949, the Hanjiang Administration decided again: the Xiangyang County Government, which had been established for less than five months, merged with the Xiangfan Municipal Government and the Xiangxi Office to form the Xiangyang County Government. The county party committee has jurisdiction over ten districts, including Xiangcheng, Fancheng, Zhangwan, Taiping, Shuanggou and Chenghe. Song Gangshi served as the secretary of the county party committee, and Zhou Yong served as the county chief. The county government is located in the current Xiangyang No. 1 Middle School Campus.

These five months are the first phase of Xiangfan City. Xiangfan City before the liberation of our party was founded, and 99% of the people in Xiangyang City now do not know this period of history.

Let's talk about the four stages of Xiangfan City

This source is related to the "Historical Events of Xiangfan City"

Phase II (1950.5-1979.)

On October 1, 1949, the People's Republic of China was founded. In December, Zhang Tingfa was appointed secretary of the Xiangyang District Party Committee.

In May 1950, Xiangcheng District and Fancheng District were separated from Xiangyang County to establish Xiangfan City. The main reason for the re-establishment of Xiangfan City is to play the role of Xiangyang as a military transportation hub.

For example, on May 20, 1949, more than 80,000 people of the Northeast Field Army passed through Xiangyang. On August 8 and 9, more than 30,000 people of the Northeast Field Army passed through Xiangyang. The number of other PLA troops 10,000 or 20,000 passed through Xiangyang.

In addition, xiangyang county's task of suppressing bandits and land reform work is also very busy. Therefore, the establishment of a county-level Xiangfan city is a historical need.

Xiangfan City, which was established at that time, had a population of only 50,000 people. When it was first liberated, the suburbs only had Tanxi and Caiyue. After that, it was expanded to Dongtai, Shiying, and PangGong.

In the 1970s, the people remembered the secretary of the municipal party committee, Cao Ye, who emancipated his mind, introduced technical personnel from Beijing and Shanghai, developed the economy of Xiangyang, and the county-level city of Xiangfan became a star city in the country.

Let's talk about the four stages of Xiangfan City

Xiangyang City Jingzhou Guzhi

Phase III


The rapid economic development of Xiangfan City has been valued by the Xiangyang Prefectural Committee, Hubei Province, and even the State Council. In order to give full play to the role of Xiangyang City in industrial construction, the State Council approved the establishment of Xiangfan City as a prefecture-level city. At that time, the Xiangfan Municipal Party Committee and the Xiangfan Municipal Government were stationed in Fancheng. The Xiangyang regional government is in Xiangyang City.

After Xiangfan City, the prefecture-level city of Tige reduced its restraints, but there were mutual constraints. For example, in the case of the planned economy at that time, the recruitment index Xiangfan City, Xiangyang District Xiangfan City. The supply of fish, meat and eggs to Xiangfan City requires the Xiangyang area.

In terms of economic development, the two prefecture-level units are also prone to duplicate construction. For example, cement was hard to find in a bag at the time. There is a cement plant in the Xiangyang area, and a cement plant must also be built in Xiangfan City. Contradictions in economic construction are also not easy to coordinate.

Let's talk about the four stages of Xiangfan City

In 1983, when the prefecture and city were merged, the map of Xiangyang District, the small red circle in the middle was Xiangfan City

Stage IV


In 1983, Xiangfan City, like many regions in the country, abolished the district and formed a city management and county system. For example, the Nanyang area of Henan was changed to Nanyang City. The Xiangyang area could have been changed to Xiangyang City, but the regional leaders at that time believed that Xiangfan City was already very loud throughout the country, so let's still call it Xiangfan City. As a result, the "prefecture and city merged", and the Xiangyang area merged with Xiangfan City to become the new Xiangfan City. This Xiangfan City includes Xiangcheng District, Fancheng District, Xiangyang County, Gucheng County, Baokang County, Nanzhang County, as well as Zaoyang City, Yicheng City, and Hekou City. It is separated from the city of Suizhou. It has a population of 6.5 million. The area is about 2,000 square kilometers.

In 2010, Xiangfan City was renamed

Xiangyang City

By 2000, the country's reform and opening up had accelerated, and some places had changed the names of cities to conform to the will of the people. Loud city names are also convenient for attracting investment.

At this time, a senior reporter from the People's Daily published an article in the People's Daily entitled "Why Xiangfan Is Not Called Xiangyang" This article caused a great shock in Xiangfan City. Tang Liangzhi, secretary of the municipal party committee, led a group of people from the municipal party committee to investigate this for many times.

In the meantime, there was also an episode. China's navy 053h Xiangfan ship to Singapore to participate in the naval international competition, Xiangyang warship officers and men's shells without false hair, out of the lead. Overseas Chinese in Singapore happily beat gongs and drums all night to celebrate. But they don't know where Xiangfan is in China? Later, the officers and men of the Xiangyang ship told them that Xiangfan was Xiangyang. Speaking of Xiangyang, the overseas Chinese in Singapore know the Xiangyang mentioned in the 120 chapters of the Four Famous Works "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and the 32nd chapter.

When the leaders of Xiangfan City visited the officers and men of the Xiangfan ship, after hearing this episode, they strengthened the confidence of Xiangfan in changing its name.

Let's talk about the four stages of Xiangfan City

After ten years of hard work, in 2010, with the approval of the State Council: Xiangfan City was renamed Xiangyang City. Why use the word "rename"? Because Xiangfan was originally called Xiangyang. Just change back to the original name. Some Nanyang people do not know this history and shake their lips and drums about it almost every day.

Let's talk about the four stages of Xiangfan City

The major events of this article are basically derived from this book

The name of Xiangyang is the soul of Xiangyang.

In the middle of the last century, the county-level city of Xiangfan, which was led by the Xiangyang region, had 30 years (1949-1979).

The district-level Xiangfan City coexisted with Xiangyang District and Xiangyang County for 4 years (1979-1983).

Xiangfan City at the regional level has jurisdiction over Xiangyang County and other counties and cities for 27 years (1984-2010).

In the 61 years from the birth of Xiangfan City to the completion of her historical tasks, the two characters of Xiangyang have always accompanied Xiangfan City. From a historical point of view, Xiangfan City is only a glorious moment in the history of Xiangyang.

Let's talk about the four stages of Xiangfan City

Xiangyang high-speed rail station

At present, Xiangyang City is a sub-central city of Hubei Province, a central city of the Han River Basin, and a national railway transportation hub city. Xiangyang High-speed Railway Xiangyang East Station Platform 16 Platform 20 Line, can be compared with Wuhan High-speed Rail Station. Xiangyang's GDP in 2020 has reached 560 billion.

Let's talk about the four stages of Xiangfan City

Xiangyang famous tourist attraction film and television base Tangcheng