
Wuyishan National Park: The most complete oasis of life

author:Wuyi Mountain, China

Wuyishan National Park

Wuyi Grand Canyon is surrounded by clouds and fog, like a dream

Here is the world's same latitude zone existing most typical, largest area, the most complete preservation

Central subtropical native forest ecosystems;

It is one of the 11 key areas of global significance for terrestrial biodiversity conservation in China;

It is a typical representative of the geological structure of the Pacific Rim belt in eastern Asia;

This is the highest point in the southeast of our continent...

This is Wuyishan National Park.

Wuyishan National Park: The most complete oasis of life

Wuyi Mountain "Natural Code" (Photo by Huang Hai)

The ecosystem is complete and authentic

Follow our perspective along the 27th parallel north latitude, through the Pacific Ocean and Taiwan Island, and walk into Wuyishan National Park together to explore the dense forest of East China.

Wuyishan National Park: The most complete oasis of life

Wuyi Yunhai (Photo by Huang Hai)

The lush greenery here contrasts sharply with the yellow desert areas of Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and other countries at the same latitude, with a forest coverage rate of 96.72%. The rolling hills and the wuyi mountains are like a natural barrier, intercepting the southeast ocean monsoon, forming a warm and humid monsoon climate in the central subtropics, becoming the region with the richest precipitation in southeast China, with an annual precipitation of more than 2000 mm, creating the most complete, typical and largest preservation area of the central subtropical native forest ecosystem in the same latitude of the earth.

Wuyishan National Park: The most complete oasis of life

Hemlock King Precipitates Millennium King's Temperament (Photographed by Huang Hai)

In addition to the unique natural geographical landscape, it is also home to a wealth of biodiversity, known as "bird paradise", "snake kingdom", "insect world", "the key to the study of Asian amphibians and reptiles", "the world biological model specimen origin". Wuyishan National Park is located in the northwest of Fujian Province, located in China's biodiversity key areas and subtropical Zhongshan forest well-preserved intersection, the area involves Wuyishan City, Jianyang District, Guangguang County and Shaowu City 4 counties (cities, districts) in Fujian Province, the park has a population of more than 3,000 people, the total planning area of 1001.41 square kilometers, the integration of Fujian Wuyishan National Nature Reserve, Wuyishan National Scenic Area, Wuyishan National Forest Park, Jiuquxi Guangguang Barbed Catfish National Aquatic Germplasm Resources Conservation Area and other types of protected areas.

Wuyishan National Park: The most complete oasis of life

Sunrise Wuyi (Photo by Huang Hai)

It has a unique natural geographical environment, rich species diversity, a large number of rare and endangered species, a high concentration of endemic species and ancient relics, a primitive and complete subtropical mountain forest ecosystem and a rich historical and cultural heritage. According to the monitoring data, the water, atmosphere and soil indicators of the park have reached the national level of the first class, and the stability is good, and the negative oxygen ion content and pm2.5 index of the air are in excellent all year round, which is a natural forest oxygen bar. Bishui Danshan, Window of Biology, Zhuzi's Hometown, Black Tea Ancestral Land, World Double Heritage... Wuyishan National Park is the only one in the country that has not only joined the World Organization of Man and the Biosphere, but also an important protected area built on the "Double World Heritage".

The natural and cultural landscape is unique

Wuyishan National Park: The most complete oasis of life

Statue of Zhu Xi in Wuyi Jingshe (Photographed by Huang Hai)

Wuyishan National Park has a unique natural landscape resources of the national scenic spots, known as "Wuyi landscape world wonder, thousands of peaks are picturesque" reputation. After a long period of wind and rain, the red Danxia has achieved rock pillars and steep cliffs with different shapes. The deep and clear Jiuqu Creek meanders between the peaks, connecting 36 Qi peaks and 99 rocks into one, forming a unique beauty of "one stream running through the mountains, two rocks and xianyue", forming a typical Danxia landform landscape characterized by "Bishui Danshan". Yunu Peak pavilion jade standing, Dawang Peak majestic and tall, eagle mouth rock flapping wings to fly, here the mountains and rivers are beautiful, lush forests, together constitute the wuyi mountain natural picture beauty, is China's similar landform Zhongshan body is the most beautiful, the most types, the most concentrated landscape, the best combination of landscape and water, the best field of vision landscape, the strongest accessibility of the natural landscape area, enjoys a special position in China's famous mountains. The natural landscape resources of Wuyi Mountain have been endowed with a soul and a rich and colorful cultural connotation.

Wuyishan National Park: The most complete oasis of life

Zhu Xi hand planting osmanthus tree (Photo by Huang Hai)

The Eastern Zhou Dynasty was out of Kongqiu, and the Southern Song Dynasty had Zhu Xi. Ancient Chinese Culture, Taishan and Wuyi. In the Neolithic period, the Minyue people hunted and fished in Wuyi Mountain, and still in the inaccessible cliffs in Wuyi Mountain, there are still 18 important cultural relics such as "Frame Ship Coffin" and "Hongqiao Plate" with a history of more than 4,000 years, which is evidence of the burial customs of this nation at that time; since the Qin and Han Dynasties, Wuyi Mountain has been loved by celebrities, feathers, Zen masters, and Taoists all over China, of which Zhu Xi has formed a scientific culture here; Wuyi Mountain Tea in the Yuan Dynasty is a royal tribute, and tea culture sites are all over Wuyi Mountain... Today, the park has preserved more than 450 stone carvings of the past dynasties that can be called the treasure house of ancient Chinese calligraphy art, 35 academy ruins, more than 60 gongguan temples and ruins, which are the cradle of China's Zhuzi Science, known by Confucians as "Min Bang ZouLu" and "Daonan Li Grotto", and Taoists call it "The Sixteenth Liter Zhenyuanhua Cave Heaven".

Wuyishan National Park: The most complete oasis of life

The Nine-Curve Creek winds between the peaks, forming a unique beauty of "one stream running through the mountains, two rocks and immortals". In the process of thousands of years of historical development, Wuyishan has formed the cultural landscape and historical and cultural relics of Wuyishan, which have accumulated profoundly, rich connotations and are quite distinctive. Well-preserved religious temples, ruins, cliff inscriptions, as well as far-reaching scientific culture, tea culture, religious culture, etc., are the most prominent embodiment of the characteristic culture of Wuyishan National Park. This side of the water and soil has bred a profound tea culture, becoming the only "tea culture and art town" in China, the birthplace of black tea and oolong tea in the world, especially the oldest rock tea - the mother tree Da Hong Pao, which has brewed a unique aroma of rock bone flowers. The long-standing tea culture has created a trade legend of the "Wanli Tea Ceremony" and the "Maritime Silk Road", and has become a link between China and the world economy and cultural exchanges.

Key areas for global biodiversity conservation

Wuyishan National Park has a variety of ecosystem types, with 11 vegetation types and more than 170 cluster groups, covering all vegetation types in central subtropical China. Here 210.7 square kilometers of native forest vegetation has not been damaged by human beings, rich in biodiversity, with extremely rich species resources, is the germplasm gene bank of central subtropical wild animals and plants, the world-famous biological model specimen production area and one of the only key areas of biodiversity conservation of global significance in southeast China.

Wuyishan National Park: The most complete oasis of life

Tibetan Chief Monkey (Photo by Huang Hai)

Let's walk into this ecological grand view garden and feel its rich biodiversity. Huanggang Mountain, with an altitude of 2160.8 meters, is the highest point of the national park and the first peak in the southeast of mainland China, known as the "roof ridge of East China". Looking down from the mountains, the magnificent Wuyi Grand Canyon is surrounded by clouds and fog, like a dream. With the increase of altitude and the decrease of temperature, the vegetation showed obvious vertical banding phenomenon, and there were evergreen broad-leaved forest belts, mixed coniferous broad-leaved forest belts, temperate coniferous forest belts, Zhongshan moss dwarf forest belts, and Zhongshan meadow belts with five vertical bands, which constituted the peculiar style of "one mountain and many scenes". Here is the largest wild population in China - the southern hemlock group, the strong branches are dry, showing the beauty of the wild, the hemlock king stands majestically, precipitating the king of the millennium.

Wuyishan National Park: The most complete oasis of life

Wuyi Mountain vs. Ye Lan (Photo by Huang Hai)

A total of 2799 species of higher plants were recorded in Wuyishan National Park, including 345 species of bryophytes in 70 families, 314 species in 40 families of ferns, 26 species in 7 families of gymnosperms and 2114 species in 152 families of angiosperms. There are a large number of subtropical species, as well as species that are distributed from the northern temperate zone and extend to the southern tropics, which can be called "natural botanical gardens". Among the 558 species of wild vertebrates, 74 species are endemic to China; 6849 species of insects, accounting for about 1/5 of the number of insect species in China, a total of 34 orders of insects in the world, 31 orders can be found here. It is also an important distribution area for rare and endangered species such as the yellow-bellied horned pheasant and the golden-spotted beaked phoenix butterfly in China, and has been praised by Chinese and foreign biologists as "the paradise of birds", "the kingdom of snakes", "the world of insects" and "the key to the study of Asian amphibians and reptiles".

Wuyishan National Park: The most complete oasis of life

Yellow-bellied horned pheasant (photo by Huang Hai)

In the hinterland of Wuyishan National Park, Hangdun and Dazhu Lan are famous for discovering numerous specimens of amphibians, reptiles and new species of insects. For more than 100 years, Chinese and foreign biologists have collected more than 1,000 kinds of specimens of new biological species here. At present, there are 91 species of plant pattern specimens such as Wuyishan Yuzhu and Chong'an Sage, and 1163 species of insect pattern specimens, which is the famous "World Biological Model Specimen Origin". Since the pilot of the national park system, 5 new species have been discovered, including the Rain God Horned Toad, Fujian Tianma, Wuyi Hydrangea, Wuyi Mountain Orchid, wuyi mountain baby ginseng and so on. Wuyishan National Park is one of the most authentic and complete oasis of life, a mysterious ecological relic hidden between heaven and earth. This thriving natural paradise and species paradise tells the calm changes of the earth.

Source 丨Nanping Cultural Tourism

Wuyishan information, please pay attention to the WeChat public account "Wuyishan Municipal People's Government Network" (id: wyssrmzfw)

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