
Literary and Historical Memory 丨The past and present life of the Jinhua Series

author:Zhejiang Daily

2018-11-06 15:43 | Zhejiang news client

Literary and Historical Memory 丨The past and present life of the Jinhua Series

【Editor's Note】"Xiao Zoulu" Jinhua is rich in cultural resources and has a unique status. In order to fully excavate and display this rich resource and enhance the cultural connotation of the ecological corridor in central Zhejiang, the Cultural and Historical Committee of the Jinhua Municipal CPPCC joined hands with the Municipal Federation of Social Sciences, the Municipal Fangzhi Office, the Municipal Cultural Relics Bureau, the Municipal Archives Bureau, the Municipal Wu Cultural Research Association, the Jinhua All-Media Center, the Jinhua Evening News, the Zhejiang News Client, and the Voice of Jinhua to jointly launch the "Cultural and Historical Memory" to find the cultural power of Bawu to build, share, and win-win results.

One day in early March 1946, Hu Shi, a famous modern scholar, was invited to give a lecture at Columbia University. That night, he Bingdi, one of the "Three Masters of the He Family", the historian and historian, had dinner with Hu Shi and sat to Hu Shi's left. Before taking a seat, Hu Shi asked He Bingdi about his background. He Bingdi said that he was originally from Jinhua, Zhejiang Province, was born in Tianjin, and had studied at Nankai Middle School and Tsinghua University. Hu Shi immediately talked about the prosperity of humanities during the Southern Song Dynasty in Jinhua: "Look at the existing Jinhua Series, how remarkable. ”

This is accurately recorded in Mr. He Bingdi's autobiography "Sixty Years of Reading History".

Literary and Historical Memory 丨The past and present life of the Jinhua Series

Cover of jinhua series

Is the "Jinhua Series" "so remarkable" that Hu Shi praised it so much?

Jinhua was founded in the Six Dynasties and has gathered ancient chinese, and jinhua has always been selected to be listed in the catalogue of works in the Junyi Zhi. Someone sighed: "Whoops, it is only one county, and the author is like this, is his wealth not extremely prosperous?" However, as the introduction says, as the years passed and history changed, many works gradually fell apart, or even completely disappeared.

During the reign of the Qing Dynasty, Hu Fengdan, a Yongkang man, was deeply worried about this, and decided to compile the works left by the ancestors of Jinhua, and recorded 165 kinds of bibliographies of famous people from Jinhua from the "Four Inventory Catalogues". Due to the limitations of the conditions at that time, Hu Fengdan only found nearly 70 kinds of books in existence, and he "carefully revised and carefully revised, ten years of cold window", and compiled and engraved the "Jinhua Series" according to the four parts of the classics, history, sub-collections, a total of 340 volumes. After that, Hu Fengdan's son Hu Zongmao continued his unfinished business and successively found 42 kinds of books and cultivated the "Continuation Jinhua Series", a total of 120 volumes. The two books contain a total of 112 titles, 460 volumes, and about 46 million words.

The Jinhua Series includes works reflecting the situation in jinhua in ancient times, such as "Donglai Collection", "Donglai Zuoshi Bo discussion", "Jinhua Ancestor Biography", "Jinhua Zhengxian Strategy", "Jinhua Zhengxue Compilation", "Jinhua Wentong", "Jinhua Xianda Biography", "Jinhua Tang's Testament", "Yiwu Character History", "Puyang Character Record" and many other works reflecting the situation in jinhua in ancient times, as well as many works of Jinhua celebrities such as "Seventeen Historical Details", "Essence of the Eastern Han Dynasty", "Tang Jian", "Summary of the History of the Western Han Dynasty" (by Lü Zuqian) and many other works of Jinhua celebrities.

The advent of the "Jinhua Series" has produced a very good effect in society, and it can be said that it is the first generation to compile local books. Fu Zengxiang, a well-known bibliophile of the Qing Dynasty, said that since the "Jinhua Series" was available, "in Hangzhou, there is Ding's "Wulin Xiangzhe's Testament" and "Palm Ancestral Series Compilation", Jiaxing has Sun's "Testament of Qi Li", Huzhou has "Lu's Series", Shaoxing has Xu's "Xianzheng Testament", Wenzhou has Sun's "Yongjia Testament", Jiangning has Fu's "Jinling Cong", and Changzhou has Sheng's "Testament of Xianzhe", all of which are heeled by Jinhua." However, these local series of books, no matter the scale and social impact, cannot be compared with the Jinhua Series.

Literary and Historical Memory 丨The past and present life of the Jinhua Series

Inside page of Jinhua Series

According to Huang Linggeng, professor of the School of Humanities of Zhejiang Normal University, doctoral supervisor of Chinese classical philology, and one of the editors-in-chief of the "Reconstruction jinhua series", the Jinhua series has left precious literature for Zhejiang culture and even Chinese culture, and has made indelible contributions to the inheritance and development of traditional culture, especially the preservation and circulation of Jinhua Wuxue works from the Southern Song Dynasty to the early Yuan Dynasty, which is largely due to the "Jinhua Series".

Because the Jinhua Series enjoys high popularity and academic value, it has been reprinted four times in just one hundred years, and has also been circulated in Japan, South Korea, the United Kingdom, the United States and other countries.

In order to compile the Jinhua Series, the Hu father and son poured out their family property and exhausted their efforts

During the Tongzhi and Guangxu years of the Qing Dynasty, Yongkang Hu Fengdan and Hu Zongmao successively compiled the Jinhua Series and the Jinhua Series, which was the first large-scale collection of local documents in jinhua history. In order to repair the "Jinhua Series", the Hu father and son poured out their family property and exhausted their life's energy.

In fact, Hu Fengdan's (1828-1890) family was quite wealthy. According to historical records, Hu Fengdan's father was named Hu Renkai, and his solid family foundation was evidenced by the surviving "Rongludi", a huge house composed of 72 houses, and its scale was a must in Yongkang.

Hu Fengdan is the fourth son of Hu Renkai, who has been influenced by traditional moral culture since childhood, but after entering the county school, he went to the examination and could not pass the examination. Later, his mother asked him to go to the capital to look for opportunities. Hu Fengdan came to the capital with money and "donated aid to enter the Guanglu Temple Bureau."

During his time in the capital, he traveled extensively, fought righteously and spared money, and had a good reputation, and was later recommended as a soldier and a foreign lang. In the sixth year of Qing Tongzhi (1867), Li Hanzhang, the governor of Huguang and the governor of Hubei, asked the imperial court to set up a Hubei bookstore in Wuchang, and Hu Fengdan came here to preside over the affairs of the bureau. In the ninth year of Tongzhi (1870), Li Hanzhang transformed the official bookstore into the Wuchang Chongshu Bureau with a commercial nature of the "Gentleman Inspector Zuozhi" style, and Hu Fengdan served as the editor and director of the bookstore. Compiling and engraving books has become Hu Fengdan's main business and his greatest hobby.

During his work in the Chongwen Bureau, Hu Fengdan, in order to avoid the "annihilation and non-transmission" of poems left by literati rioters in local scenic spots, often traveled and searched for them, and compiled "Dabie Mountain Zhi", "Huang Hu Shan Zhi" and "Parrot Island Xiao Zhi". Hu Fengdan, a "foreigner" from Yongkang, wrote a landscape history of Hubei, which made the literati in Hubei at that time quite ashamed.

Of course, Hu Fengdan's greatest achievement is to edit and publish the Jinhua Series. At that time, precious books in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Experienced the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom War. The damage was complete, and the historical documents of Jinhua also suffered great damage. In order to rescue the documents of the ancestors of Jinhua, Hu Fengdan searched and gathered in many ways, poured out his family property, and spared no effort. Later, he went to Hangzhou to open a bookstore of "Retreating and Supplementing Fasting", which specialized in engraving and printing Jinhua literature.

Literary and Historical Memory 丨The past and present life of the Jinhua Series

Hu Zongmao in his youth

At the beginning, Hu Fengdan engraved under the name of "Jinhua Wencui", divided into four parts: classics, histories, sub-collections, and collections, bringing together 67 kinds of ancient books from the Tang Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty, and finally in the twenty-first year of the Qing Dynasty (1895), he was engraved by his son into a book, a total of 340 volumes, called "Jinhua Series".

Don't look at such a "Jinhua Series", in the absence of government funding at that time, all the funds for compiling and publishing books had to be personally spent by Hu Fengdan, and Hu Fengdan poured out his family property for this "Jinhua Series".

Hu Fengdan was still very wealthy when he first became an official, and he returned to his hometown to build a "130,000-volume building", which is equivalent to a small library now, and the number of books in the local area is one of the best. But shortly after his death, the books in the "130,000-volume building" were sold to the bookseller.

Hu Zongmao (1867~1939), the fourth son of Hu Fengdan, who studied the "Continuation Jinhua Series", loved to read, because there was a "library" at home, and often went into the study to read after class, so that he forgot to eat and sleep. He was known as a child prodigy since he was a child, and at the age of 20, he took the county government examination and won the first place three times. Maybe the world loves to joke with their father and son, and Hu Zongmao also failed to pass the imperial examination. In the sixteenth year of Guangxu (1890), his father died, and Hu Zongmao accepted his will with tears in his eyes, vowing to complete his father's unfinished business as his mission.

Due to the unexpected blow to the examination room, he had no intention of taking the exam again. Forced to make a living, he had no choice but to take up a teaching position in Fenghua County. In his spare time, he devoted himself to sorting out the books that his father had engraved during his lifetime. In the twenty-first year of Guangxu (1895), he finally published the "Jinhua Series" that his father spent a lot of painstaking efforts to engrave before his death.

In the twenty-ninth year of Guangxu (1903), Hu Zongmao, under the repeated persuasion of his mentor, took the imperial examination again, and passed the examination and became a zhizhou under the direct administration. Although he wanted to make a difference in the official arena and make his talents useful to the world. But soon after, he was disappointed, and the famous industrialists and the sun dotson brothers, the founder of Shanghai Fufeng Company, embarked on the road of industrial salvation. In 1919, due to the death of his superior and friend Sun Duosen, who had always admired his talent, Hu Zongmao resigned from public office and settled in Tianjin, concentrating on completing his father's last will. When collecting the works of Zheng Gangzhong, a sage of Jinhua in the Song Dynasty, because of Zheng Gangzhong's "Zhou Yi Peeping Yu", it is rarely seen in various literature and classics related to the collection, and only the "Four Libraries Complete Book" of the Beijing Normal Library (now the National Library) is included. However, when you go to the Beijing Normal Library to copy, you must first buy coupons, and you need to use heavy gold as a deposit to buy coupons, and the time is limited. Hu Zongmao had more than 10 kilometers of road from his residence to the Beijing Division Library in the city, and on a cold day, he braved the wind and snow to go out, hiding dry food in his arms and going on foot, in order to save time, he used dry food to fill his hunger at noon. Sometimes it was too late to bring dry food, and I starved for a day in order to copy more books.

Hu Zongmao said in the preface to the "Continuation Jinhua Series": "Since tearfully accepting my father's deathbed, I dare not forget a moment. Even when I was forced to run north and south of the river for my livelihood, I always carried books with me for examination, and I did not dare to slacken off in the slightest. ”

After 10 years, Hu Zongmao finally completed the compilation of 58 kinds of classics, histories, sub-works and collections of his hometown sages, which were written in 120 volumes in 1924, entitled "Continuing Jinhua Series".

Professor Huang Linggeng said that the dedication and contribution of Hu Fengdan's father and son to local literature is rare in history.

Today, more than 100 years later, why should we revise the Jinhua Series again?

When a local economy goes up, cultural construction is naturally on the agenda. However, how to start cultural construction and what kind of content to build often require a more comprehensive and clear understanding of the past history and culture.

What is the history and culture of Jinhua? In compiling the "Rebuild jinhua series of books", one of the problems that we want to solve is to find out the "bottom of Jinhua's family". For example, what kind of characters jinhua appeared in history and how it was affected at that time, turning over the series of books will be roughly understood. For scholars who study local history or local culture, it can also provide richer and more convenient information to verify.

At that time, Hu's father and son compiled the "Jinhua Series" and "Continuing Jinhua Series", and devoted their life to the collection and engraving of Jinhua literature, but due to the limitations of the conditions of the times, personal energy and financial resources, the two sets of books included a total of 125 kinds of books, and the time roughly ran through the Liang Dynasty to the end of the Ming Dynasty.

In today's view, the "Jinhua Series" compiled by hu's father and son is not a complete collection of Jinhua documents in previous dynasties. These two series of books only record the literature before the Ming Dynasty, and there are many omissions, and as for the ancient books after the Qing Dynasty, none of them are included.

For example, the five volumes of Song Lian's "Luoshan Collection" are rumored to have been passed down as early as the middle of the Ming Dynasty, and through the investigation of the compilation team of the "Reconstruction of Jinhua Series", this book was actually found in the Neifu Library in Japan, which is the only banknote at home and abroad, of which there are more than 410 poems, and more than 320 poems do not appear in the existing "Complete Works of Song Lian".

Another example is the "Four Gentlemen of Beishan", namely He Ji and Wang Bai of the Southern Song Dynasty and Jin Luxiang and Xu Qian of the Yuan Dynasty, the "Four Gentlemen" are all famous for interpreting Zhu Xi's "Notes on the Four Books", and are also the founders and heirs of Zhu Zi's "Four Books", but in reality, their influence and attention are not commensurate with their historical value. In the "Reconstruction of Jinhua Series", there are more than 20 kinds of books about "Mr. Beishan Four", and the text content is at least 5 million words or more.

Literary and Historical Memory 丨The past and present life of the Jinhua Series

In addition to the problem of historical documents missing in the first two parts, the version of the document included by Hu Shi was also neglected to choose, and failed to use the best engraving as the base. For example, Lü Zuqian's collection of poems is the most important work in Jinhua literature, and Hu Fengdan used a twenty-volume "Donglai Collection" instead of the complete forty-volume "Donglai Collection".

The version is neglected to choose, and the Hu father and son cannot be harshly demanded. After all, at that time, due to the restriction of funds and information channels, hu father and son could not collect or did not see a better version. The Jinhua Series, compiled by personal strength, has become very difficult.

"Compiling the "Re-editing Jinhua Series", collecting complete information and finding out the 'family background', which is also a protection." If there were no Hu father and son, perhaps some of these ancient books would not have been passed down by accident. Today, through such a large-scale compilation, we protect ancient books in this way and make them passed on. Huang Linggeng said.

The compilation process of the "Reconstruction of jinhua series" has also received widespread attention from all walks of life. Zhan Furui, former executive deputy director of the National Library of China, said: "Jinhua is already famous at home and abroad in today's China. The reason why it is famous is that in the impression of ordinary people is that the economy is developed... The publication of the "Reconstruction of Jinhua Series" will make everyone know that Jinhua is not only an economic city, but also a country of literature. ”

Jinhua, as a place in central Zhejiang, although the literature cannot be called vast, it is also rich in volumes and volumes. And China has also been known for the economic prosperity and the tradition of revising books, presumably the advent of the "Reconstruction of jinhua series" will cause a chain reaction in society to compile local literature series. It is reported that at present, Quzhou, Jiaxing, Huzhou and other places have also begun to compile local series of books.

After 7 years, how did the "Rebuild Jinhua Series" recreate the huge production?

When the "Rebuild Jinhua Series" project was launched in 2008, the compilation team set a "rule": all books by Jinhua authors, or works written exclusively by Jinhua who are not Jinhua people, must be collected, the lower limit is to the late Qing Dynasty, and must be fully included, at least within a hundred years, do not let future generations repeat such things.

Therefore, on the basis of the original two series of books by the Hu father and son, the "Reconstruction of jinhua series" retains the premise of the first two "series of books", and adds the Jinhua literature that was previously missing, and the added literature is attached to the two "series of books" and is compiled into the "jinhua series of books".

In the process of compiling books, the most difficult thing is to find books, and it is not easy to find out how many books there are in the history of Jinhua. At first, the compilation team also crossed the river by feeling the stones, starting with the local history, and the local history published during the Republic of China period was usually accompanied by art and literature, and the list of books listed above provided some of the books to be found. However, the list of books recorded in the local chronicle is also incomplete, and the compilation team then inquired about the "General Catalogue of Chinese Books" and "Examination of the Works of the Two Zhejiang Provinces"...

The compilation team spent more than 1 year, and finally roughly counted more than 6700 kinds of books in jinhua history, including those that have been scattered and not passed on, and more than 920 kinds of collections can be found today, and 877 of them are included in the "Re-edited Jinhua Series". It can be said that "Rebuilding jinhua series" is the most complete Jinhua literature series at present.

With 877 kinds of books, it is not easy to find. In order to find and collect more than 700 kinds of books and documents that were not collected in the first two series of books, the members of the compilation team ran through almost all the collection departments, from near to far, first from the libraries or museums in Jinhua counties and cities to find more than 300 kinds of books, and successively went to Ningbo Tianyige Museum, Zhejiang Library, Shanghai Library, National Library, etc., of which Zhejiang Library involved jinhua the most books, with more than 400 kinds.

From 2008 to 2009, members of the compilation team carried bulky scanners and traveled everywhere, copying nearly a thousand ancient books. Nowadays, many libraries, museums or private collections at home and abroad have their own principles for the protection and management of ancient books and documents, and the reproduction of each ancient book is also charged according to the publication standard.

The compilation team entrusted the local people to copy and transmit a small amount of books and documents scattered in Taiwan and Japan. For example, during the Chongzhen period of the Ming Dynasty, Ruan Yuansheng, a prefect of Jinhua, wrote a book called "Jinhua Wenzheng" in twenty volumes while in office. The Qing "Chronicle of Jinhua Fu" and "Kangxi Jinhua FuZhi" both contain the title of the book, but they cannot be found in the mainland.

Once, when Professor Huang Linggeng encountered a Taiwanese scholar on a business trip, he asked this Taiwanese scholar to help find it in the local area, and finally found a clear engraved copy of the book in the library of National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan. The library of National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan has strict regulations on the reproduction of orphan books and rare books, only part of them can be copied at a time, and the old man helped copy for more than half a year before the copy arrived in Jinhua.

Since the launch of the "Rebuild Jinhua Series" project, it has also immediately solicited papers from the whole society and has received responses from many private collectors.

Chen Ziqiu, a collector of ancient books in Qianxiang Town, Dongyang, saw the report on the collection of local literature from the newspaper, and immediately contacted the person in charge of the project and expressed his willingness to provide ancient book materials free of charge. Among the nearly 40 kinds of local ancient books he provided, more than 10 kinds of books such as "Wu opera singing book" and "Selected Course Test Book" were included in the "Series".

Literary and Historical Memory 丨The past and present life of the Jinhua Series

It is this machine that has copied a large number of ancient texts from all over the country

Chen Ziqiu is a person who loves books, likes to read and likes to collect books, and has a collection of more than 10,000 books at home, of which ancient books account for a quarter. He said that most of these ancient books were collected by him from the people. When asked why he was willing to take out his hard-earned books for everyone to share, Chen Ziqiu said sincerely: "Books are placed in my own home, it is better to take them out and read them together, so that they can turn one into a hundred, a hundred into a thousand, and it is more meaningful." ”

In addition to Chen Ziqiu, Li Shiyang, former director of the Yongkang Municipal Bureau of Statistics, also donated 17 kinds of Yongkang ancient books that he collected and copied, which were used free of charge by the editing team of the series. Zhang Genfang, former chairman of the Jindong District Literary Association, Zhang Wende, a retired cadre in Pujiang, and others have also actively campaigned for the editing of the series of books.

Unlike the previous two series, the Reconstructed Jinhua Series contains 20 volumes of local genealogies, the preface and preface, as well as the biographies and poems of celebrities in the family, and re-typeset them into volumes. In the process of compilation, some books that cannot be found in libraries are found in genealogies, and there are many such cases.

For example, during the Tang and Song dynasties, Shu Yuanyu, a Dongyang man, served as a prime minister, and there are a large number of Shu Yuanyu's literature in his Dongyang family tree, and to study him, it is a very reliable source. And the books about Song Lian's handover are not complete in the family tree.

But why is it that of the more than 920 books that can be found, only 877 are included in the end? This is because some are duplicate versions, a few are inferior versions, some are not clear about their hiding places, and others are known where they are but cannot be copied back. Professor Huang Linggeng lamented helplessly that at least 11 books could not be included. For example, the Library of National Taiwan University has a book about Cao Kaitai, a Qing Dynasty Cao Zhairen and founder of the Beilu Book Club, which is a lonely book, and the other party has always refused to copy it.

Finally, the "Reconstruction of Jinhua Series" carefully examined the editions and authenticity of each book received, and wrote a summary, including the author's ancestral home, resume, birth and death, and the circulation of the edition, and introduced the basic content, documentary value, and advantages and disadvantages of the book. Therefore, the series of books is not only a complete Jinhua literature, but also a credible literature.

Looking at the rule that was originally set, in fact, there is also a hidden goal for the future: a hundred years ago, the pioneers of Jinhua began to publish a series of books, and this generation a hundred years later continued the third series, and I hope that in another hundred years, the next generation of Jinhua people will expand on the basis of "continuation" and continue the fourth series; in another hundred years, continue the fifth part... Thus the Jinhua literary vein has been passed down from generation to generation.