
Zhanggong District: The past and present life of Ganzhou Park

author:Furui Hall

The past and present life of Ganzhou Park

Text/Wenrui, Photo/Network

Zhanggong District: The past and present life of Ganzhou Park

Ganzhou Park is located in the jurisdiction of Jiefang Subdistrict, north of Nanjing Road, south of Beijing Road, west of Jiankang Road, and east of Wenqing Road.

In the Ming Dynasty, it was the Viceroy Du cha yuan (that is, the Inspector of Nangan), which began in the eighth year of The Ming Dynasty (1495) of the capital Yushi Jinze. In the thirteenth year of Ming Zhengde (1518), the imperial prince Shouren expanded and expanded. In the Qing Dynasty, it was the Yamen of the Jigan Nanning Provincial Bureau, and in the 23rd year of the Republic of China (1934), it was set up as Ganzhou Park.

During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, Daotai Ding Wei, Dong Rong, and Li Benren built a lot of civil engineering in their hands, and constantly built it, making it like a garden, known as the Yong Garden.

In 1939, Chiang Ching-kuo's family, who had just arrived in Ganzhou City, first lived in the Yushu QionghuaLou in the Yongyuan Garden, which was then the Guangdong Army Officers' Club.

Zhanggong District: The past and present life of Ganzhou Park

In Ganzhou Park, there are dozens of ancient trees, a high platform, and there is originally a pool of clear water. The ancient banyan tree on the high platform is particularly eye-catching because it stands tall.

All year round, the canopy is lush, the green leaves are green, the abundance is sharp into the clouds, the platform is praised as the golden platform, Yantai, the tree is known as the feng shui tree. With such leafy trees growing on such a high ground, there is only one place in the ancient city of 2200 - that is, Fengtai in Ganzhou Park.

Fengtai is a cultural highland for people to hang on to all seasons. However, this highland is no longer the Qing Dynasty's Taoist Yamen, nor is it a closed park at the end of the twentieth century, today it has undergone tremendous changes in form and content with the progress of the times, and has become a beautiful scene showing the harmonious society of Ganzhou - tourists are weaving, Rongfeng mountain rhyme, sunshine and Xu...

Zhanggong District: The past and present life of Ganzhou Park

About 250 years later, this ancient banyan tree is still thriving and full of life. Looking at the past from a distance, it stretches its branches and creates more than 100 square meters of green shade, like a giant umbrella, sending the most simple green care to tourists who play cards, chat and read.

The boundless heavenly dome, year after year, looked at such a most leisurely and sparse picture of the city, recorded its poetry, and then returned it to the green banyan tree. The green banyan has memorized too many times and character stories, from the initial touch to the depth, the most important thing is that it is manifested in the intertwined roots and whiskers like a dragon.

Therefore, it is very easy for humans to approach this ancient banyan tree to find a cultural force in it. In fact, wise people can perceive at a glance that the cascading stone steps of Fengtai are printed with the feet of tourists, in addition to the deep feelings of the literati and rioters of the past. As a result, the intertwined roots of this tree naturally became the cultural root of Fengtai.

Knowing this, those who return to Fengtai and leisurely will have less boredom and noise, and more memories and nostalgia.

Zhanggong District: The past and present life of Ganzhou Park

Fengtai has belonged to culture from the beginning. It was built in the Garden of Culture, in the hands of cultural people. Among them, the heaviest emotion is given to the person who built the platform - Dong Rong.

In the twenty-first year of the Qianlong Dynasty (1756), Dong Rong was appointed as the sub-inspector of Ji'nan Gandao, and the yamen were located in the Provincial Bureau, which is today's Ganzhou Park, at this time, 74 years had passed since Ding Wei, a native of Jinjiang, Fujian, had built the Yongyuan Garden.

Ding Wei was the twenty-first year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1682), who went to Gan to serve as a sub-inspector of Ji'an Gandao, Ding Gongfeng Yashan poetry, "in the embassy to build a garden, can be lubricated with literary style to decorate its officials".

Dong Rong, the character Nianqing, the number of the fishing temple, directly under the Gurun people. Dong Rong is a person who is called "reading books to establish the government, pragmatic and not gorgeous" in the history books, and is also a loyal follower of Zhou Dunyi and Ercheng Theory. He edited the "Zhou Zi Quanshu", "Luo Xue Compilation" and "Introduction to Sacred Studies", which were passed down from near and far, and made positive contributions to the promotion of Zhou Cheng's science, and he was "sexually humble and good at cultivating scholars".

Zhanggong District: The past and present life of Ganzhou Park

At that time, Lianxi Academy was not large enough, and there were monks occupying its peak, so Dong Rong spent money to buy its land to expand the Zhou Zi, "Ercheng Zi" and Suyang Erzi Ancestral Hall.

In view of the evil customs of drowning women that have been popular in Ganzhou for nearly a thousand years, he issued an order to "strictly prohibit the drowning of women in Ganzhou", which brought a clear wind to Ganzhou.

He "eliminated the shortcomings of the customs clearance" and reduced the procedures for checking customs documents, which won the strong praise of the merchants traveling from the south to the north.

During his term of office, Rui Jinmin gathered a crowd to advocate rebellion, and Dong Rong heard the news and rushed away, and gave misfortune to the troublemakers, so he disbanded.

Zhanggong District: The past and present life of Ganzhou Park

In a certain year, the Zhangjiang River was flooded by the river, and Dong Rong personally went to the Chongyi Niedu Mountain to explore the address and donated to build a temple to pray for peace.

Taiping events, culture also produce fine products. At this time, Dong Rong, in the beautiful scenery of the Yongyuan created by Ding Wei, was very emotional: the Yongyuan Garden has been created by Ding Wei as beautiful as a garden, what else needs to be recreated?

Between the surprises, I felt that the abandoned pond of the Taoist Department's Dong YongYuan could make a fuss. Dong Rong misses his hometown and his mother, misses the Fengtai and Shuishui in his hometown, why not create the Fengtai and more water of his hometown here? Therefore, Dong Rong excavated the waste pond into a huge pond in the Dong yong garden, called Shui Shui; after the soil dug up in the pond was built to the side, and after forming an earth mountain, he made one on the top of the mountain, called Fengtai.

Zhanggong District: The past and present life of Ganzhou Park

In order to commemorate the occasion, Dong Rong planted a small banyan tree on the side of Fengtai. After Fengtai and Shuishui were made, Dong Rong was extremely happy, and in addition to government affairs, he always sang ganzhou landscapes with the scribes in Fengtai, singing and elegant in the world.

Unfortunately, only two or three years later, that is, in the twenty-fifth year of Qianlong, Dong Rong received the news of his mother's illness and died, and hurried back to his hometown. No, the ganjiang river was so high and the waves were so high that he drowned in the water of His Excellency king Teng in Nanchang. A generation of famous eunuchs, the soul of this dissipated, leaving only Ganzhou Fengtai majestic, leaving only the banyan tree on Fengtai to grow up in the thoughts of year after year, and finally become a towering tree.

Note:  "Ganzhou FuZhi": Ming Jiajing fifteen years, compiled by Dong Tianxi, "Ganxian" of the "Office" contains: "The Viceroy Du Chayuan. Southeast of the province, Hongzhi Jiayin has Kou, and the police town guard... Temperance of the four provinces of Nangan Tingchen The film Hui Chao Shaoxiong, Xian Li Yan ... Zhengde Pengyin King Du Yushi Shouren, pioneering a new one. That is, the Nangan Inspector Yamen was expanded and repaired in the hands of Wang Shouren, and the scale was grand.  "Ganzhou Fuzhi": The twelfth year of Qing Tongzhi, Wei Ying majored, volume 3 of the "Chronicle of Youdi", "Guanxiao", pp. 334, 335.