
The first session of the Eighth People's Congress of Neijiang City was closed

author:Nine factions view the world

On the morning of October 22, after the successful completion of the agenda, the first session of the Eighth People's Congress of Neijiang City was successfully closed.

The meeting elected Dai Zhen as chairman of the Standing Committee of the Eighth People's Congress of Neijiang City by secret ballot; Li Dan as mayor of the Neijiang Municipal People's Government; Zeng Yunzhong, Chen Lang, Wei Hongfeng, Liu Ying, Zeng Lingpeng, and Zeng Tingfu as vice chairmen of the Standing Committee of the Eighth People's Congress of Neijiang City; He Zheng, Yang Shaowen, Zhang Yong, Xu Lianying, Chen Wanjian, Bi Sheng, and Ma Ju as vice mayors of the Neijiang Municipal People's Government; Wang Yuan as director of the Neijiang City Supervision Commission; and Zheng Zhi as president of the Neijiang City Intermediate People's Court Chen Qihong is the chief procurator of the Neijiang Municipal People's Procuratorate (according to relevant laws and regulations, the chief procurator of the Municipal People's Procuratorate must be reported to the Provincial People's Procuratorate for approval by the Chief Procurator of the Provincial People's Procuratorate to the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress); Ge Qiang is the secretary general of the Standing Committee of the Eighth People's Congress of Neijiang City; Wanning and 28 others are members of the Standing Committee of the Eighth People's Congress of Neijiang City. The list of chairmen, vice chairmen and members of the Special Committee of the Eighth People's Congress of Neijiang City was voted and approved.

The meeting voted and adopted a resolution on the work report of the Neijiang Municipal People's Government, a resolution on the work report of the Standing Committee of the Neijiang Municipal People's Congress, a resolution on the work report of the Neijiang Intermediate People's Court, and a resolution on the work report of the Neijiang Municipal People's Procuratorate.

The conference held a constitutional oath-taking ceremony. The newly elected chairman, vice chairman, secretary general and member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the mayor and vice mayor of the Municipal People's Government, the chairman of the Municipal Supervision Commission, the president of the Municipal Intermediate People's Court, and the chairman, vice chairman, vice chairman and member of the Special Committee of the Municipal People's Congress voted by the general assembly took the constitutional oath.

Zheng Li, secretary of the Neijiang Municipal PARTY Committee, spoke at the closing ceremony. On behalf of the Municipal Party Committee, Zheng Li expressed sincere congratulations to the elected members of the standing committee of the new Municipal People's Congress, members of the Municipal Government Team, directors of the Municipal Supervision Commission, presidents of the Municipal Court, and chief procurators of the Municipal Procuratorate, and expressed heartfelt thanks to all the deputies of the Municipal People's Congress and the staff of the Congress.

Zheng Li pointed out that during the meeting, with full political enthusiasm and a highly responsible attitude, the deputies conscientiously performed their duties and jointly sought a major development plan, which fully demonstrated the new responsibilities, new deeds, and new outlook of the deputies to the people's congress in the new era.

Every little bit of progress and every achievement made in the development of Neijiang embodies the hard work of the Municipal People's Congress and its Standing Committee, the people's congress organizations at all levels, and all the people's congress deputies. In the past five years, we have faced difficulties, worked hard, and achieved hard-won achievements; the tasks of the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" have been successfully concluded, 218,000 poor people and 301 poor villages have been lifted out of poverty as scheduled, and a moderately prosperous society has been built in an all-round way at the same time as the whole country and the whole province, the construction of the twin-city economic circle in the Chengdu-Chongqing region has taken off into a momentum, and we have implemented one big project after another with steady development and increased stamina, and have done one big thing after another to lay the foundation for the long term, and have done one good thing after another to benefit the people, economic development, urban and rural appearance, Earth-shaking changes have taken place in all aspects of people's lives and other aspects. Zheng Li pointed out that the recent Eighth Party Congress of the City clarified the overall development idea of "133631", depicted a beautiful blueprint for the future development of Neijiang, and opened a new journey of comprehensively building socialist modernization in Neijiang. We must anchor the goal and not relax, work a blueprint to the end, forge ahead in a pioneering spirit, take advantage of the momentum, and write a "wonderful answer sheet" of "accelerating the construction of the central city of the main axis of Chongqing's development".

First, it is necessary to strengthen ideals and convictions and adhere to the correct political direction. Strengthen the political stand, constantly enhance the "four consciousnesses," strengthen the "four self-confidences," and achieve the "two safeguards," enhance political judgment, political understanding, and political execution, continue to carry out the study and education of party history, strictly enforce political discipline and political rules, ensure that where the focus of party committee work is, the work of the people's congress will be followed up, where the forces will be gathered, and where the role will be brought into play, the people's democracy will be continuously developed in the whole process, and the political situation of liveliness, stability, and unity will be consolidated and developed. Second, we must maintain a state of competition and focus on high-quality development. Accurately grasp the new development stage, comprehensively implement the new development concept, take the initiative to integrate into the new development pattern, always maintain strategic determination, consolidate the fundamentals, promote the advantages, make up for the shortcomings, and strengthen the weak points, take the "Outline of the Planning for the Construction of the Twin Cities Economic Circle in the Chengdu-Chongqing Region" just issued by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council as the guide, persist in taking the construction of the Twin Cities Economic Circle in the Chengdu-Chongqing Region as the "main battlefield", solidly promote the construction of the Neijiang New Area, the "No. 1 Project" of the economic work, and earnestly build a solid industrial foundation and project foundation, and expand the total economic volume of neijiang. Promote the advantages of the people's congress system to better transform the advantages of neijiang's development efficiency, and make every effort to promote neijiang to achieve high-quality development. Third, we must practice the original mission and adhere to the people-centered development thinking. Always put the people in the highest position in their hearts, focus on the hot and difficult issues that the masses most hope, yearn for, and reflect most strongly, actively offer suggestions and suggestions, carry out in-depth "I do practical things for the masses" practical activities, effectively solve the "urgent and difficult and anxious" problems such as education, medical care, housing, and old-age care, steadily promote carbon neutrality, fully implement global greening, focus on preventing and resolving major risks, carry out in-depth pilot projects for the modernization of urban social governance, and continuously enhance the people's sense of happiness and security. Fourth, we must vigorously grasp the implementation of the work and show a good style of undertaking practical work. Deputies to the people's congress should always bear in mind their status as deputies, vigorously carry forward the style of doing practical work, be practitioners of "getting up and doing what they want," be an actor of "working hard and doing solid work," and a leader in "tackling tough problems and overcoming difficulties," innovate ways and methods, actively participate in "unveiling the list and taking command," study new situations with new ideas, focus on cracking the problems of systems and mechanisms, grasp the details, achieve in-depth, and implement them in a down-to-earth manner, never give up until the goal is achieved, and help Neijiang reform and development achieve new breakthroughs and break new paths.

Zheng Li pointed out that the new situation and new tasks have put forward new requirements for doing a good job in the work of the people's congress in the new era. Party committees at all levels throughout the city should place the work of the people's congresses in an important position; "one government, one committee, and two procuratorates" must consciously accept the supervision of the municipal people's congresses, their standing committees, and people's congress deputies; the people's congresses at all levels and their standing committees should persist in centering on the central task and serving the overall situation; all people's congress deputies should strengthen their sense of deputies, bear in mind their mission and great trust, take the lead in studying, implementing, and implementing well the spirit of the Eighth Party Congress and the goals and tasks set by this congress, organically unify the intentions of the party committees, government work, and the people's voice, and make new contributions to the development of Neijiang in the new era. Another success.

In his statement, Li Dan said: We will cherish the solid foundation laid by successive municipal governments, and under the strong leadership of the municipal party committee, we will adhere to the spirit of loyalty, firmly abide by the road of struggle, stick to the important position of government, abide by the strength of the rule of law, scrupulously abide by the foundation of ourselves, transform the heavy trust of the party and the people into an inexhaustible driving force for work, and strive to write a new chapter in the high-quality development of Neijiang in the new era.

(Reporters Duan Chunxiu, Jiang Jinfeng, Liu Ying)

【Source: Neijiang Daily】

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