
Based on functional positioning, play the "five roles" - interview with Gao Jiangpeng, general secretary of the party branch of the Hancheng City Party Committee and inspector of the municipal party committee

author:Shaanxi Net Hancheng Station

Based on functional positioning, play the "five roles"

Secretary of the General Branch of the Party Committee of the Municipal Party Committee

Gao Jiangpeng, Inspector of the Municipal Party Committee

Based on functional positioning, play the "five roles" - interview with Gao Jiangpeng, general secretary of the party branch of the Hancheng City Party Committee and inspector of the municipal party committee

The just-concluded Nineteenth Party Congress of the City is a very important congress held at an important juncture in the centenary of the founding of the Party, the opening year of the struggle for the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan", the beginning of a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country, and a very important congress held during the critical period of Hancheng's reconstruction of order, regaining momentum, and reshaping its image. Based on Hancheng and focusing on the whole country, the conference comprehensively and objectively reviewed the development achievements of our city in the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, highly summarized and summarized the experience and enlightenment of the past five years, especially in the past two years, drew up a grand blueprint for the next five years, and put forward the goal of basically building a core city in the Guanzhong Plain sub-region of "industrial prosperity, ecological beauty, rich life and social civilization" in 2025. As the leading drafting department of the report of the party congress, Hancheng's witnesses, witnesses, and participants in "repacking and starting again and reborn in the fire to open a new bureau" will be based on the functional positioning of the "four most important centers", effectively play the "five roles", and take the lead in implementing the spirit of the party congress.

First, give full play to the leading role of political organs. Adhere to the party's surname of the party, put the clear banner of stressing politics in the first place, take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, combine the study and implementation of the spirit of the 19th Party Congress with the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech to inspect Shaanxi, continuously enhance political judgment, political understanding, and political execution, and enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve "two safeguards" throughout the entire process of performing duties.

The second is to give full play to the coordinating role of the central organs. Adhere to the political principle of "the party is the leader of everything", based on the functions and roles of the municipal party committee office in carrying forward the work from top to bottom, linking up with the left and right, and coordinating all parties, supervise and remind all kinds of committees of the municipal party committee and all kinds of leading group offices in the city to actively perform their duties, ensure that the operational efficiency and overall linkage role of the deliberative and coordinating organs are fully utilized, and the major policy deployments of the central, provincial, and municipal governments are thoroughly implemented.

The third is to give full play to the role of policy-making organs as staff officers. Adhere to the people's livelihood endorsement, for the development of the advice, based on the "three new", grasp the "three highs", closely follow the party congress report on the theme of industrial multiplication, common prosperity, development and security to strengthen investigation and research, and strive to form a number of high-quality research results in the "double carbon" strategy, "mu equalization theory hero", rural revitalization and other aspects. Earnestly give play to the overall role of the Deep Reform Office in taking the lead in grasping the overall role, and promote new breakthroughs in the reform of key links in key areas.

The fourth is to give full play to the role of the sword of the supervision organs. Adhere to the decision of the municipal party committee to determine where, supervision and supervision will follow up. Benchmark the work arrangements of the Party Congress, refine the list of responsibilities, establish a supervision ledger, and adopt a variety of methods such as "four noes and two straights" and the combination of centralized supervision and follow-up supervision, and the combination of separate supervision and joint supervision, etc., to improve the effectiveness of supervision and inspection, and ensure that the spirit of the Party Congress is implemented in detail.

Fifth, give full play to the exemplary role of the head organs. Adhere to the good work style as the cohesive combat strength of the productive forces, actively implement the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping's instructions of "emancipating the mind, reforming and innovating, and redoubling", strengthen the cultivation of the "diligent, strict, meticulous and honest" work style, demonstrate and lead all levels and departments of the city to strengthen the sense of political responsibility and historical mission of "Hancheng should be self-reliant, my generation should be self-reliant", do what is said, do what is done, do it well, and strive to turn the grand blueprint drawn up by the party congress into a beautiful reality.

Source: Hanseong News

Shaanxi Net Hancheng Station (Editor Wang Meina)

Based on functional positioning, play the "five roles" - interview with Gao Jiangpeng, general secretary of the party branch of the Hancheng City Party Committee and inspector of the municipal party committee

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