
Video 丨What is the effectiveness of IT localization substitution? Kunpeng enterprises in the industrial chain said so

author:Red Net

Red Net Moment, April 23 (Reporter Liu Chifeng) From April 16 to 17, the 2021 Internet Yuelu Summit with the theme of "New Centenary of Wisdom Chain, Gathering New Highlands" was successfully held in Changsha, Hunan Province. During the summit, Xiangjiang Kunpeng, a subsidiary of Tuowei Information, and Huawei held a special sub-forum on "Scientific and Technological Innovation", and released a new computing brand "Zhaohan" and Zhaohan AI Reasoning Server at the forum. At the meeting, leading enterprises from the domestic scientific and technological innovation industry chain and well-known experts at home and abroad witnessed the release.

The "Zhaohan" brand and the whole series of computing products are the products of Kunpeng and Ascendant as the base, under the goal and strategy of national layout and expansion of AI computing power. Behind the new upgrade of the "Zhaohan" brand is the starting point for the Kunpeng platform company under Tuowei Information to open a nationwide layout, and it is also the key to its development from universal computing power to AI computing power.

This layer of strategic intent can also be seen in the name "Zhaohan". "Zhao" has the meaning of "omen" and "foreshadowing", and the future is analyzed and predicted by AI, which coincides with the ascending AI computing power that "Zhaohan" will develop next. "Han" represents the IT localization technology with Kunpeng + Ascend as the main force, and its space for national expansion is wide.

Nowadays, "Kunpeng into Xiang" has passed a year, with the new appearance of "Zhaohan", and the "Zhaohan" server based on Kunpeng and Ascend technology has been implemented in many industries to achieve key applications, Rednet Moment reporter also took this opportunity to visit a number of Kunpeng computing industry chain enterprises, visit the localization of alternative results and the thinking behind the practice of localization, in order to summarize the characteristics and effectiveness of different enterprises in promoting digital transformation.

"Zhaohan" + Finance: Laying the foundation for the new voyage of "digital reconstruction"

In the process of promoting digital transformation, the Hunan Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China has carried out in-depth cooperation with Xiangjiang Kunpeng, and through the comprehensive application of the "Zhaohan" series of Kunpeng servers, it provides customers with more diversified financial service options, continuously saves costs, and meets the needs of customers in different application scenarios.

In the course of the reporter's interview with Zhang Shen, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the Hunan Branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, he mentioned that the core essence of digital transformation is the two-wheel drive of financial innovation of "technology + data", which aims to apply modern scientific and technological achievements to reconstruct or innovate financial products, business models and business processes, improve operational efficiency, and serve the real economy and customers. Digital transformation is a systematic project, which requires the whole bank to reach consensus from a strategic level, reform and optimize in the aspects of top-level planning, institutional mechanisms, technology and business innovation, and ecological reshaping, and comprehensively promote it.

Zhang Shen said that the Hunan Branch of industrial and commercial bank of China will promote digital transformation from seven aspects. First, make key breakthroughs in the "card neck" technology research in the banking industry to create a safe bank with customer trust, regulatory reassurance and sustainable development; second, build a "digital" bank with data assets to release the vitality of new elements; third, deeply participate in the market-oriented reform of data elements and create a leading digital bank that echoes digital China and the digital economy; fourth, build an open, interconnected and boundless integration of "ecological" banks; fifth, fully establish the brand image of e-ICBC "first online finance". Become a model of ecological banking, build a "smart" bank with scientific and technological genes running through the front, middle and back office; sixth, create a new financial technology infrastructure that matches the status of the first largest bank, continue to maintain the leading position in the same industry in the main technology fields, and build an "agile" bank with endogenous power stimulated by mechanism reform; seventh, adhere to innovation-driven development, actively build a "big technology" innovation pattern that the whole bank understands and does, and builds an agile bank that encourages innovation, supports innovation, and promotes innovation.

2021 is the first year of the 14th Five-Year Plan and the beginning of ICBC's new "Three-Year Plan" for fintech. In the next three years, the Hunan Branch of industrial and commercial bank of China plans to focus on "technology-driven, value creation", adhere to the core position of innovation, adhere to the self-reliance and self-improvement of science and technology, take financial technology as the driving engine, accelerate the penetration of science and technology genes into every "cell" of finance, open a new voyage of "digital reconstruction", and create a "science and technology force" with the five leading advantages of "security, digital, ecology, wisdom and agility". Give full play to the overall advantages of capital, products, science and technology, services, etc., support the implementation of Hunan's "three highs and four new" and rural revitalization strategies, and help the construction of a modern new Hunan.


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Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, which is more than 800 kilometers away from Hunan, is also fully practicing the road of localization in the process of promoting financial digital transformation.

Under the guidance of the relevant national information and innovation standards, Guiyang Bank actively responds to the call for national production of software and hardware, and creates a bottom-to-top full-stack localization information chain covering hardware, basic software and application software. After the verification of 2019-2020, Guiyang Bank launched the replacement of the localization database of a new generation of core systems with the distributed database of Yi Whale Jet as the core, of which the "Guiyang Bank Core Business System Yi Whale Jet Domestic Database Project" will fully apply more than 400 Kunpeng servers of the "Zhaohan" series.

Liu Boyu, the relevant technical leader of Yi Whale Jet, mentioned in the interview that kunpeng ecology is a strong backing to ensure the security of the company's expansion of financial customer service. The stable operation of the financial system is the "ballast stone" for the high-speed and healthy development of the social economy.

Before applying the "Zhaohan" Kunpeng server, Yi Whale Jie conducted a large number of stability and security tests on the architecture and system based on Kunpeng technology to observe whether the system and hardware facilities can ensure the safe operation of the banking transaction system. After nearly two years of systematic testing and verification of various data indicators, a new generation of core trading system full-stack localization solutions were launched to support bank transactions.

"Zhaohan" + Traffic: "Calm Response" in Big Data and High Concurrency Scenarios

Hunan Expressway has built a new free-flow charging system in the project of canceling the provincial border station, using the "Zhaohan" series of Kunpeng servers and Huawei Atlas 500 products to smoothly cope with the high traffic and high concurrency of the highway network, help the stable operation of the system, and provide it with 100 billion-level picture storage and real-time retrieval capabilities.

At present, since the system was launched, the "Zhaohan" Kunpeng server has carried nearly 2 million traffic traffic business and 30 million picture increments every day, accumulatively preserving more than 20 billion pictures, which can support the retrieval capacity of tens of millions of times a day during peak periods, providing strong support for the smooth operation of the Hunan Expressway network and the business processing of various road sections.

Liu Yong, deputy general manager of Hunan High-speed Information Technology Co., Ltd., mentioned in an interview with reporters that since the system was launched for more than a year, everyone has seen the excellent computing power performance of Kunpeng technology and architecture in big data and high concurrency scenarios, and also let everyone have a new understanding of domestic brand servers.

"Zhaohan" + exam: guard the college entrance examination, escort the safety of the college entrance examination

In 2020, 470,000 candidates registered for the Guizhou Provincial College Entrance Examination, an increase of nearly 20,000 compared with 2019, setting a record high. The technical task of online grading with 14 college entrance examination subjects and more than 1.47 million subjects has posed a huge challenge to the server of the grading base.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the online evaluation of the college entrance examination, the Guizhou Admissions examination institute adopts the online evaluation system of the "Zhaohan" series Kunpeng server, which runs stably and reliably performs during the evaluation period, meets the short time, high requirements, high concurrency and fair, just and accurate application needs of the online evaluation of the college entrance examination, strongly supports the online evaluation of various subjects, and ensures the safe, stable and smooth progress of the Guizhou college entrance examination.

As an important means for the state to select talents, the college entrance examination is related to the implementation of the national talent strategy and the competition of the country's comprehensive strength in the future, and the use of domestic Kunpeng servers in the online evaluation of the college entrance examination is also the need of national security. The smooth progress of the college entrance examination work also makes everyone realize that controllable and safe software and hardware localization information products and technologies have gradually matured and have strong competitiveness, and technological changes have made localization an unstoppable wave. The localization path of China's independent innovation is the inevitability of history and the pulse of the times.

Empowering thousands of industries, "Zhaohan" releases richer diversity of computing power

Of course, in addition to the above industries, the "Zhaohan" series of Kunpeng servers have also been deployed and applied in many industries.

With computer vision, big data, deep learning and other artificial intelligence technologies as the core, smart eye technology Co., Ltd. will apply AI technology scenarios based on a deep understanding of the industry, focus on the three core scenarios of people's livelihood security, public safety and smart finance, and provide intelligent solutions and services. Among them, smart finance integrates artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and 5G technology, and conducts real-time video analysis through intelligent video boxes and intelligent analysis algorithms, forming a smart hall service platform covering comprehensive capabilities such as network channel management, hall services, equipment application, and operation management. It has realized cross-channel information sharing and service integration, enhanced cross-marketing capabilities, and improved the refined management level of people, finances and materials in outlets.

Among the three cornerstones of artificial intelligence development - data, computing power and algorithms, powerful computing power is crucial for the smart eye. At present, the smart eye AI application has been deeply integrated with Huawei's Kunpeng hardware platform. The reason for choosing the "Zhaohan" series of Kunpeng servers based on Kunpeng processors is precisely because of its powerful computing performance and the improvement of its comprehensive application capabilities for joint solutions.

In the interview, Zou Zhi, vice president of Smart Eye Technology Co., Ltd., believes that the core path of digital transformation is new capacity building. The future is the era of digital economy and scope economy. Based on the empowerment of localization technology, Smart Eye can ensure efficient and quality delivery of products and services, continuously enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, and cope with increasingly personalized, dynamic and collaborative market demands.

In addition, in many fields such as intelligent network connection (Internet of Vehicles), government and enterprises, operators, etc., the "Zhaohan" full range of computing products has shown its fists. As Li Xinyu, chairman of Tuowei Information and chairman of Xiangjiang Kunpeng, said in an interview during the Yuelu Summit, in the future, Xiangjiang Kunpeng and "Zhaohan" series products will continue to seize the outlet of the digital economy, find the industry track, and deepen scientific and technological innovation.