
What nutrients are included in food?

author:The moon whines

Food is a necessary nutrient for human beings, but also in the food chain needs to cycle year after year substance, food contains a variety of elements needed by the human body, want to be nutritious, you need to match a variety of ingredients, in general, food nutrition includes meat, vegetables, fruits and dried fruits, fungi, aquatic products, grains, eggs and milk.

What nutrients are included in food?

Food plays an important role in life, providing human beings with taste enjoyment, can eat a full stomach, more importantly, to provide human beings with sugars, proteins, vitamins, trace elements and other nutrients, to maintain the operation of various organs and systems of the body, to maintain the metabolism and growth and development of the human body, to ensure good health, food is the guarantee of life and health.

What nutrients are included in food?

The role of food on life is not a time and a place, but a long-term continuous, different foods have different effects on the body, want to know what food is on our body, first know the food, understand the food, supplement different foods when different needs, scientific and reasonable diet, absorb the essence of each nutrient, to ensure that the substances needed in the body are not lacking.

What nutrients are included in food?

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