
Princess Qiyang: The eldest daughter of Li Chun of Tang Xianzong, she had a happy and happy life

author:Fun History Network

  She is the eldest daughter of Tang Xianzong Li Chun, who has enjoyed all her glory and wealth in her life, this person is Princess Zhuangshu of Qiyang, interested readers and interesting history editors to take a look at it!

  Princess Zhuangshu of Qiyang, the sixth daughter of Emperor Xianzong of Tang and the eldest daughter of Emperor Xianzong, was the eldest daughter of Emperor Xianzong, and her mother was Empress Dowager Guo of Yi'an, who was the wife of Emperor Xianzong, and she also had two half-brothers, Li You and Li Wu. Princess Qiyang lived a happy life after marrying a horse, and can be said to be a very happy princess in the history of the Tang Dynasty.

Princess Qiyang: The eldest daughter of Li Chun of Tang Xianzong, she had a happy and happy life

  Princess Zhuangshu of Qiyang and Princess Zhenshi were given the title of Princess of Qiyang. Emperor Xianzong ordered Li Jifu to choose suitable horsemen among the clan, and only Du You, the grandson of the chancellor Du You, was willing to marry a princess. Du You was born in the Jingzhao Du clan, or the grandfather of the great poet Du Mu, and can be said to be a famous and prestigious family, and Du You naturally will not be worse.

  Soon after, Princess Qiyang married Du Wei, the wedding was very grand, just to guangfanmen Qingdao sent three hundred people to the divine strategy army, it can be said that the princess's wedding pomp is too luxurious. After the princess married Du Wei, she was known for her filial piety to serve her in-laws, and the couple was also Qinse and Ming, very affectionate, and had two sons and two daughters.

Princess Qiyang: The eldest daughter of Li Chun of Tang Xianzong, she had a happy and happy life

  Later, Du Wei became the Assassin of Lizhou, and Princess Qiyang went to take up her post with her husband. Along the way, they rode not horses, but donkeys, and did not eat meat, and they did not take any supplies from the states and counties along the way, which was very frugal. Princess Qiyang is sincere and kind, and during the period when her mother-in-law was seriously ill, she served by her side without any clothes, which was touching. Later, Du Wei was appointed as an envoy of the Zhongwu Army and was transferred to Beijing, but Princess Qiyang was unexpectedly seriously ill, but insisted on entering the capital to see the empress dowager.

  Princess Qiyang finally died on the way to Beijing, at the age of Chinese New Year's Eve nine. Throughout the life of Princess Qiyang, it can be said that she is very happy and happy, and the only regret is that her life expectancy is not long.

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