
Visiting the forest: Children are always disobedient

author:No movies
Visiting the forest: Children are always disobedient

The story begins with the Baker and his infertile wife, who seeks to lift the witch's long-standing curse of infertility, asking the witch, who is proficient in spells, in exchange for an antidote, but the witch offers a quid pro quo, and if the bakery couple can obtain the specified four items before the blue moon rises three days later, the witch promises to lift the curse, which are "milk-white cows", "cloaks as bright red as blood", "long golden hair like corn", and "shoes as pure as gold". So they venture into the Black Forest, where they encounter Cinderella, Jack, Rapunzel, Little Red Riding Hood, and the infamous Wolf, and a series of fairy tale fables that intersect cause and effect.

Classic Broadway musical "Visiting the Forest" on the big screen, the original work by the famous composer Stephen Santan, written by James Leiping, the plot perfectly combines the four familiar classic fairy tales of "Jack and the Pea", "Cinderella", "Little Red Riding Hood" and "Rapunzel", the film is directed by "Chicago" and "Gorgeous Age" Theater-born Robert Marshall, and the fantasy superstar Cass in the whole film also has a deep musical background, including having orchestra experience. Johnny Depp, who has also performed in the musical drama film Mad Barber: London's Chief Demon Razor, who is also adapted from Stephen Santan's original musical film, "Mamma Mia!", a "singing" amazing Mellie Streep, "Singing Throat Praise" series Anna Candjok, and Tony Award winners Christine Barensky and James Corden, and other "first-time cry" include handsome Captain Kirk Captain Kris Paine, Emily Brown, Billy Magnuson and others.

Adapted from the original novel The Role of Fairy Tales by Brono Bertelhan, published in 1976, The Film Version is essentially the same as the original musical, both in the same two-act form, the first of which lays out the journey to satisfy desires and fulfill wishes, and the second act is the price paid after the realization of wishes. The forest in the play is a hidden symbol, the five story lines are intertwined, the most real human nature appears here, this forest is like a microcosm of modern society, here, full of affairs, temptations, selfishness, deception, greed, the fault of each other, each character made their own wishes, but also planted the evil consequences of greed.

The essence of "Visiting the Forest" is closer to the original cruel allegory of Grimm's fairy tales, and conveys a wide range of universal values, the grayness of human nature, and the subversion of fairy tale characters; the encounter of the big wolf bringing little red riding Hood metaphorical enlightenment; the charming and handsome prince is no longer dedicated, but a big turnip; Cinderella's vision of high society, but finally finds that a dreamy, unreliable life of wealth is not what the heart wants; Jack climbs the pea stem and steals the giant's treasure at first only to make up for the urgent economic needs of life. Later, this was taken for granted as a channel of show-off wealth, and it was used unchecked, gradually giving rise to the erroneous values of capital thinking.

People pursue many dreams on their own roads, walk into this forest, experience growth, but also find the courage they have not had, see the dangers of the world, but also face various tests of will, after making wishes, we must all take responsibility for the decisions we make, bear the consequences that may be suffered later, witches: no matter what you said, children won't listen... The main body of "Visiting the Forest" is the education between parents and children, The witch's children won't listen ending is also translated into the child will listen. But even the second half of "Visiting the Forest", no matter how critical, is still softened by the tradition of happy ever after disney.

The good singing voice of the stars is nothing more than a big point of view, "Mamma Mia!" has been violated for many years, Mellie Striep's singing skills have improved a lot, not only carefully transplanted the singing form of "theater", but also almost jumped out of the classic image of Bernadette Petes, as the most unpretentious role in the whole film, the moral contradiction of Aunt May's version of the witch, the maternal love that loves women and cares for her, which is different from the emotions of Bernardette Pete, on the contrary, it is more of a delicate performance mark of Aunt May; and Emily Brown is also a stunning good voice. It was much better than originally expected; Johnny's singing part, although only a short scene, was more stable and introverted than in "Crazy Barber: London's Chief Devil Razor"; Candoch's voice was as high-pitched as usual, on the steps of the palace was undoubtedly the most brilliant moment in her whole film!

Regarding the simplification and modification of the second half of the chaotic hoof, in the end it still has to be blamed on the biggest original sin of the "Visiting the Forest" movie version: Disney, this conservative Mickey Mouse has "pg" everything, the adult scale and cruel depiction of the original work have not been able to get more room for extension, even if the musical elements bring us a few moving moments, but the core moral of the story is still lost, if today's "Visit the Forest" movie version is produced by Warner Bros. Pictures, I believe there will definitely be a better situation, Disney's overthrow of fairy tale texts has always had an uncrossable bottom line, and "Visiting the Forest" was so unfortunately "assimilated" by the fairy tale spirit of the Disney Empire.