
White dew season words longan

author:PSM Drug Shield Public Welfare

Bailu, the fifteenth of the twenty-four solar terms, represents the end of the Mengqiu season and the beginning of the mid-autumn season, and is an important seasonal that reflects the temperature changes in nature. Before and after the white dew, the residual summer heat of the summer gradually disappears, the yin qi of heaven and earth rises and spreads, the weather gradually becomes cooler, and the dew in the morning becomes thicker and thicker, condensing into a layer of white water droplets on the grass leaf surface, so it is called "white dew".

In the area of Fuzhou, Fujian Province, there is a custom of eating longan with white dew. So let's take a look at today's protagonist, Longan.

White dew season words longan

Longan is also known as Guiyuan, puzzle. The local people of Putian are called three-foot agricultural flavor; evergreen trees, usually more than 10 meters high. The fruit is nearly spherical, usually yellowish brown or sometimes grayish yellow, with a slightly rough outer or slightly convex small tumor; the seeds are brown, shiny, and all wrapped in a fleshy pseudoseed.

White dew season words longan

The fresh longan flesh is crisp and sweet, and is known as the "god of fruit". It is rich in protein, glucose, crude fiber, sucrose, vitamins, amino acids, choline, fat and trace elements calcium, iron, phosphorus and other nutrients. Among them, the sugar and iron content in the eyes of the dragon are very high, and it also contains niacin and vitamin K, which are rare in other fruits.

According to the measurement, every 100 grams of longan pulp contains 12%-23% of whole sugars, 26.91% of glucose, long-term sick, frail people often eat longan can improve heat energy, supplement nutrition. Longan meat contains more iron, which can prevent iron deficiency anemia. For people who use their brains excessively and often stay up late, they can also use longan boiled water to drink or eat dried longan, which can also help restore brain power.

The fresh longan is dried, the shell, the core, and the sun are dried and non-sticky, which is what we often call longan meat also called cinnamon meat, which is a traditional Chinese medicine with the same origin as medicine and food.

White dew season words longan

Traditional Chinese medicine longan meat

【Customary name】Cinnamon round meat

【Source】This product is a false seed coat of the longan of the subfamily Apocynaceae. Harvest ripe fruits in summer and autumn, dry, remove shells, nuclei, and dry until dry and non-sticky.

【Sexual taste returns to the scriptures】 sweet, warm. Return to the heart, spleen meridian.

【Function and indications】Nourish the heart and spleen, nourish the blood and calm the spirit. It is used for insufficient qi and blood, palpitations, forgetfulness and insomnia, and blood deficiency and yellowing.


【Storage】Place in a dry place, moisture-proof, moth-proof.

Traditional Chinese medicine clinics are often used with longan meat to treat palpitations and insomnia, insufficient qi and blood, heart and spleen deficiency and other related diseases. The common dosage and compatibility of medicinal food are as follows:

(1) Longan meat, chew 30 grams a day, cure palpitations.

(2) 10 grams of longan meat, 15 grams of lotus seeds, 60 grams of glutinous rice, boiled porridge daily morning and evening food, treatment of anemia and weakness, palpitations and insomnia, lack of energy.

(3) 10 grams of longan meat, 12 grams of peanut rice (with red clothes), decoction in water, also treat anemia and weakness.

(4) Longan meat, fried sour jujube kernels 10 grams each, 12 grams of mustard fruit, boiled soup to drink before going to bed, treatment of insomnia, palpitations.

(5) 15-30 grams of longan meat, 15 grams of jujube, appropriate amount of water, and steamed and eaten. Treatment of women with leakage, anemia, thrombocytopenia.

(6) Longan meat, eggs, steamed and eaten, treatment of menstrual irregularities, postpartum weakness.

(7) 15 grams of longan meat, 20 grams of lotus seeds and mustard fruit, eaten with boiled soup, can treat anemia, palpitations, self-sweating night sweats, neurasthenias and other symptoms.

(8) Candied ginger jujube longan: 250 grams of longan meat and jujube, cook together until seven ripe, add two tablespoons of fresh ginger juice and 250 grams of honey, mix well and boil, cool and bottle. Take 6-8 capsules of longan and jujube three times daily. It has the effect of tonifying the spleen and stomach and benefiting the heart and blood. Suitable for spleen deficiency, blood loss, loss of appetite, palpitations, yellowish face, puffiness and other symptoms.

(9) Gui Yuanli: 200 grams of longan meat, soaked in 60 degrees of liquor (500 ml), half a month later can be drunk. It has the effect of tonifying the heart and spleen and helping the spirit. Suitable for insomnia, forgetfulness, palpitations, fatigue and weakness and other symptoms.

tips: Although the longan is good, don't be greedy!

1. People with sputum fire and wet stagnation in the spleen and stomach, indigestion, nausea and vomiting are contraindicated.

2. Pregnant women, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, should not take longan meat to prevent fetal movement and premature birth.

3. Because of its high glucose content, diabetic patients should not take more.

4, a large number of longan is easy to catch fire, so it should not be eaten more.

Author: Zhou Chunna, Department of Pharmacy, Shanghai Changhai Hospital