
This is a delicious vegetable roll, which is even better than the one in the restaurant

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
This is a delicious vegetable roll, which is even better than the one in the restaurant

by light raindrops 269

Enoki mushrooms 2 sachets

16-18 shiitake mushrooms

1 carrot

Cabbage leaves 7 pieces

Salt to taste

Sugar to taste

White pepper to taste

1 scoop of oyster sauce

1 scoop of light soy sauce

Mushroom extract to taste

Shredded green onion and chili pepper to taste

This is a delicious vegetable roll, which is even better than the one in the restaurant

1: Boil the cabbage leaves in the pot and blanch the cold water for later

This is a delicious vegetable roll, which is even better than the one in the restaurant

2: Add enoki mushrooms, shredded shiitake mushrooms and shredded carrots and drain

This is a delicious vegetable roll, which is even better than the one in the restaurant

3, according to their own taste to add a little salt

This is a delicious vegetable roll, which is even better than the one in the restaurant

4: Add a little sugar

This is a delicious vegetable roll, which is even better than the one in the restaurant

5: Add a little mushroom essence

This is a delicious vegetable roll, which is even better than the one in the restaurant

6: Pepper to taste

This is a delicious vegetable roll, which is even better than the one in the restaurant

7: Add 1 tbsp oyster sauce

This is a delicious vegetable roll, which is even better than the one in the restaurant

8、Add 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce and mix well (taste the taste, then adjust it yourself)

This is a delicious vegetable roll, which is even better than the one in the restaurant

9: Take a cabbage leaf and add the filling

This is a delicious vegetable roll, which is even better than the one in the restaurant

10. Wrap up as shown in the picture

This is a delicious vegetable roll, which is even better than the one in the restaurant

11. Figure

This is a delicious vegetable roll, which is even better than the one in the restaurant

12. Figure

This is a delicious vegetable roll, which is even better than the one in the restaurant

13. Finally, roll it up and put it on the plate

This is a delicious vegetable roll, which is even better than the one in the restaurant

14. Do a good job

This is a delicious vegetable roll, which is even better than the one in the restaurant

15: Bring water to a boil, add vegetable rolls and steam on high heat for 3-5 minutes

This is a delicious vegetable roll, which is even better than the one in the restaurant

16: Remove the vegetable rolls and pour out the soup on the plate, then pour in the steamed fish soy sauce

This is a delicious vegetable roll, which is even better than the one in the restaurant

17: Place the chopped green onion and chili pepper shreds, and then drizzle with hot oil

This is a delicious vegetable roll, which is even better than the one in the restaurant

18, you can eat...

1. Promote intellectual development

Enoki mushroom has a high amino acid content, which is beneficial to promoting intellectual development, enhancing intellectual development and enhancing memory, and is a must for children's health care, longevity for the elderly, and adults to enhance memory, and is known as "nootropic mushroom" in many countries.

2. Promote metabolism

Enhances biological activity in the body and promotes metabolism. There is an interest in the absorption of nutrients.

3. Lower blood lipids

Inhibits elevated blood lipids, lowers cholesterol, prevents hyperlipidemia, thereby reducing the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

4. Anti-fatigue

Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, elimination of heavy metal toxins, antitumors.

5. Prevention of allergies

Prevent allergies such as asthma, rhinitis, eczema, etc.

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