
Zhao Hao fought a victorious battle, how did he become a famous general? He created a military miracle in ancient times

author:Stoo Walker

After Hu Fu, the king of Zhao Wuling, rode and shot, the zhao state greatly increased its national strength, replacing the state of Wei as the most powerful state in the three Jin Dynasties, attacking the Xiongnu in the north, destroying Lou Fu and Lin Hu in the west, surrendering to Zhongshan, occupying the two great plains of northern Jin and northern China, and establishing the first systematic cavalry in Chinese history, which became the capital of the Zhao state in the late Warring States period to compete with the Qin state. After the Battle of Yanyin and the Battle of Le Yi to destroy Qi, the State of Zhao became the only powerful country that could break the wrist with the State of Qin. After the Battle of Huayang, the main force of the State of Wei was lost, and it could no longer pose a threat to the State of Qin, and the State of Zhao was finally targeted.

In 270 BC, the State of Qin borrowed the road from Korea and ordered the general Hu Yang to lead an army of 100,000 to attack Zhao Difuhe, and the Zhao army was caught off guard and lost the strategic stronghold of Fuhe.

Zhao Hao fought a victorious battle, how did he become a famous general? He created a military miracle in ancient times

How important is Fu And to Zhao Guo? The territory of the Zhao state can be divided into two parts, one is the North China Plain centered on the capital city of Handan, and the other is the Jinzhong region centered on the former capital Jinyang, the two places are not far apart, but there is a Taihang Mountain Range in the middle. Taihang Mountain is known for its steepness, and the "Taihang Eight Paths" are famous all over the world, and together with the Yellow River and Zhongtiao Mountain, Shanxi is surrounded by a relatively closed area. For the Zhao State, the strategic significance of the Taihang Mountains does not exist, and the greatest significance of its existence is to divide the Zhao State into east and west.

The Qin army's targets were very tricky, and Fuhe was located in the foothills of the Taihang Mountains in the northwest of present-day Jinzhong City and Shun County, and the territory was mountainous and hilly, which was the main transportation route connecting Jinzhong and Northern China. After Fu and the Qin army captured, the connection between Jinyang and Handan was severed, and the Zhao state was about to lose territory in the central Jin region.

After learning the news, King Huiwen of Zhao summoned Lian Po and Le Cheng and asked fu he if he could be saved, and the two replied that the road was far away and could not be saved.

Lian Po and Le Cheng represented the military authority of the Zhao State, and the two of them said that they could not be saved, so there was basically no drama.

Zhao Hao fought a victorious battle, how did he become a famous general? He created a military miracle in ancient times

From God's point of view, the opinions of Lian Po and Le Multiplication are correct. There was only one road between Fu and Handan, and the road was so narrow that it could not even accommodate two horses running side by side. After taking Fu and then boldly advancing, the Qin army marched along the Taihang Mountain Road to Wu'an County, located in the northwest of Handan, only 80 kilometers from Handan, and the cavalry could raid Handan in half a day. And if the Zhao army wants to rush to the aid of Fu He, it must pass under the eyes of the Qin army, and it is difficult to escape the monitoring of the Qin army with every move, once it rushes to attack, the Qin army can set up an ambush in advance on the Taihang Mountain Road and completely annihilate the Zhao reinforcements. Therefore, Zhao Guo was right not to rescue, and Lian Po and Le Cheng made a relatively correct choice under the overall consideration.

However, at this time, Zhao Hao raised an objection: Fu and saveable.

Zhao Hao fought a victorious battle, how did he become a famous general? He created a military miracle in ancient times

He believed that the situation at this time was like two rats fighting in a hole, and the brave one would only win. I don't know what King Huiwen of Zhao thought, but he actually vetoed the opinions of Lian Po and Le Cheng, two military leaders, and used the unknown Zhao Hao to lead the troops to rescue Fu He.

After Zhao Hao led his troops out of the city for thirty miles, he did not move, ordered the troops to camp in place, deep ditches and high fortifications, confronted the Wu'an Qin army, and ordered that those who dared to speak out should be beheaded. Someone advised Zhao Hao to send troops as soon as possible, and he was killed by Zhao Hao. The Zhao army stayed for 28 days in a row, and the Qin army was puzzled, sent a detailed work to inquire, and learned that Zhao Hao led the troops and had no intention of fighting, so he relaxed his vigilance.

Seeing that the Qin army was slack, Zhao Hao immediately ordered the whole army to set off, bypassing Wu'an in only two days and one night, and coming to a place less than 50 miles away from Fu. After arriving at the destination, he ordered the army to rest in place, seize the commanding heights, build fortifications, and wait for the Wu'an Qin army to pursue.

Knowing that the Zhao army had reached Fuhe, the Qin general was horrified, hurriedly led the army to pursue, and when he came to the Zhao army's fortress without breath, the Zhao army rushed down from the mountain to crush the main force of the Qin army in one fell swoop.

Zhao Hao fought a victorious battle, how did he become a famous general? He created a military miracle in ancient times

After reviewing the battle between Fu and Fu, Zhao Hao grasped two key points, one was tactical deception, so that the Qin army mistakenly thought that the Zhao army did not save Fu He, and relaxed its vigilance, so that the Zhao army was able to bypass the main force of the Qin army to reach Fu He.

The second was rapid maneuvering, arriving at the battlefield unexpectedly, and then turning passive into active, forcing the Qin army to rush to a decisive battle, only to be defeated by the Zhao army, which was waiting for work.

It is easy to say, but it is difficult to do, Jinyang is in danger, Zhao Hao boasted about Haikou in front of King Zhao Huiwen, and once it fails, it is difficult to blame. In this case, Zhao Hao could still calmly hold still for 28 days, and he also had to withstand the pressure from all sides, which could not be done by those who were not determined.

Speaking of running and attacking Fuhe, the two places are separated by 160 kilometers, and tens of thousands of troops have to arrive in two days and one night, which requires the commander to have extremely superb command art and organizational ability, and it is impossible for a loose and lacking fighting army to complete such a difficult task. In the history of war, the armies that can carry out long-distance raids and quickly enter the battle are all elite divisions.

Zhao Hao created a miracle in the history of war, almost completely annihilating the Qin army, which was an unprecedented defeat suffered by the Qin state since the Shang martingale transformation law. After this battle, Zhao Hao was given the title of Ma Fujun (馬服君) and became a commander with the same name as Lian Po and Le Cheng.

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