
Talk about the tragic chess player Li Laiqun's half-business and half-game chess life

author:Chess Commentary Hall

Although Li Laiqun's figure can hardly be seen in today's chess world, there has always been a legend of Li Laiqun in the chess world, even Wang Tianyi, the first chess person in today's chess world who regards himself very highly, every time he talks about Li Laiqun, he is highly respected, and even Wang Tianyi, who is not convinced by Xu Yinchuan, admires Li Laiqun very much, which shows that Li Laiqun is extraordinary. Of course, compared with chess skills, Wang Tianyi should admire Li Laiqun's business acumen more, but chess giant Hu Ronghua has a lot of criticism of Li Laiqun's business acumen, of course, this is the last word. Li Laiqun has a pivotal position in the chess world, so this time I will talk about Li Laiqun's unique chess life.

Li Laiqun was born in 1959 in Handan City, Hebei Province, when he was less than ten years old, Li Laiqun began to be fascinated by chess, the adults of that era usually did not have any amateur activities, almost all of them played chess, whenever there were adults playing chess, Li Laiqun always had to watch the game, gradually, Li Laiqun also learned to play chess, so he looked for the small partners around him to play, but how those small partners were not his opponents at all, how lonely it was invincible! So Li Laiqun often went to the street to watch the adults play chess, and if there was a chance, Li Laiqun would also fight with those adults for a few games.

Talk about the tragic chess player Li Laiqun's half-business and half-game chess life

Later, Li Laiqun was fortunate to meet Wang Baoqiang, a famous chess player in Tianjin, and under the guidance of Wang Baoqiang, Li Laiqun's "wild road" has been greatly improved, and his chess skills have also been greatly improved. In 1976, Li Laiqun joined the Hebei Provincial Sports Team and received instructions from Liu Dianzhong, a chess giant. Li Laiqun has always been humble and learned, so he has made rapid progress, and since then, Li Laiqun and Liu Dianzhong have joined forces to create the glory of Hebei chess in the next ten years.

Li Laiqun began to participate in the national chess individual competition in 1977 and won the seventh place, in the 1978 individual competition, Li Laiqun's performance went further and won the fourth place, in the 1980 individual competition, Li Laiqun played well and won the third place, and in 1981, Li Laiqun won the second place! Li Laiqun is such a step by step to improve the results, Heavenly Reward, in the 1982 National Chess Individual Competition, Li Laiqun won the championship with an undefeated record, which is really deserved! At the same time, he was also the first northern chess player to win the national championship, and his appearance completely ended the situation in which the southern chess players unified the Chu River!

Talk about the tragic chess player Li Laiqun's half-business and half-game chess life

In 1984, 1987 and 1991, Li Laiqun won the national championship three times, and the frequency of winning the championship was unbeatable. In 1989, Li Laiqun won the championship of the second "Chess King Competition", and in 1991, he successfully defended his title, becoming the only grandmaster in China who was both a "chess saint" and a "chess king". In 1985, Li Laiqun was awarded the title of Grandmaster of Chess, and in 1988, he was awarded the title of Grandmaster International Master. It can be said that Li Laiqun's career record is still very outstanding, especially his four national chess individual championships are difficult for other chess players to surpass.

At the end of the 90s, Li Laiqun began to go to the sea to do business, talking about the reasons for the success of the transformation, Li Laiqun said: "Business and chess are the same in some aspects, there is a gradual learning process, as long as people work hard, they will definitely have a return, be patient with anything, do not give up easily." It is with this tenacious spirit that Li Laiqun finally succeeded in starting his own company and became the richest figure in the chess world. Since 2003, Li Laiqun has no longer participated in national competitions, although it faded out of the chess world, but Li Laiqun has always had a constant complex of abandonment, after he had money, he did not hesitate to use his own money to promote the development of chess.

Talk about the tragic chess player Li Laiqun's half-business and half-game chess life

In 2002, Li Laiqun's company funded the Hebei Chess Team, in 2003, in order to allow the Hebei Chess Team to successfully participate in the first National Chess League, he funded 200,000 yuan, and in 2008, Li Laiqun donated 1.5 million yuan to the Wenchuan earthquake-stricken area. In addition, Li Laiqun also spent a lot of money to fund the holding of various chess tournaments across the country, such as the Laiqun Cup, etc. Li Laiqun spent more than 10 million yuan to fund the holding and development of various chess tournaments. In 2010, Li Laiqun funded nearly 100,000 yuan for Huidong Lüqin Chess Hall and Chess Culture Square, and did not hesitate to put down all his work to attend the inauguration ceremony of The Luqin Chess Hall in Huidong, and Lü Qin, who was quite touched, personally took his wife to the airport to pick up Li Laiqun, and personally drove Li Laiqun to the office building of Huizhou Huaxuan Real Estate Company.

Lü Qin still attaches great importance to Li Laiqun, but Hu Ronghua has quite a criticism of Li Laiqun. One year, Li Laiqun, who had been on the battlefield for a long time, deliberately went to Shanghai to participate in the Great Chess Holy War (the real purpose was to use Hu Ronghua's influence to buy a piece of land for commercial use in Shanghai), and the result of the competition was unsurprising, Li Laiqun lost except for the first battle. When Li Laiqun put forward the idea of buying land in Shanghai, Hu Ronghua sternly refused, and accused Li Laiqun of "not doing the right thing", Li Laiqun, who was rejected by Hu Ronghua, did not choose to give up, but kept going around in Pudong, and also paid a special visit to the local township mayor, the township mayor warmly received Li Laiqun, and promised that if there was a superior leader to greet him, he could sell it cheaper, Li Laiqun and a chess fan leader knew each other, but Li Laiqun finally did not rush to find the leader.

Talk about the tragic chess player Li Laiqun's half-business and half-game chess life

Li Laiqun knew that it was not easy for him to buy a piece of land in Shanghai, so he went to work for Hu Ronghua again, but Hu Ronghua just didn't eat meat! Again sternly rejecting Li Laiqun's "deviant" behavior, and encountering Hu Ronghua, a "pure chess player" who "does not eat the ancients", the businessman Li Laiqun was helpless, and finally had to return disappointed.

In my opinion, the saddest part of Li Laiqun is that he has never won the throne of the first rank score, even the second seems to have not been, after Li Laiqun faded out of the chess world, many chess fans are mythologizing Li Laiqun, thinking that Li Laiqun's chess skills are the most superb, I dare not agree with this, if the chess skills are so powerful, it has long been the first person to score the grade. Anyway, I wish Li Laiqun good health and a prosperous career!

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