
Tripe soup method: It is crispy soup, nutritious, tempting appetite, all seasons should be beef tripe soup material preparation tips

author:Healthy food

It is crispy and fragrant, nutritious, tempting to eat, suitable for all seasons;

It is loved by women, the elderly and the non-spicy.

Tripe: Tripe contains protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, etc., with the effect of nourishing the spleen and stomach, replenishing qi and nourishing blood, replenishing weakness and refining, quenching thirst, and dizziness, and is suitable for people with post-illness deficiency, insufficient qi and blood, malnutrition, weak spleen and stomach.

Tripe soup method: It is crispy soup, nutritious, tempting appetite, all seasons should be beef tripe soup material preparation tips

Ingredients: tripe (500 g)

Accessories: Huaishan 30 grams, 30 grams of mustard, 30 grams of barley, 5 white fruits, 4 slices of ginger, 5 dates

Seasoning: Salt

Practice 1

1. Wash Huaishan, Mustard, Barley, White Fruit and Dates.

2: Scrub the tripe repeatedly with salt and corn starch and slice it.

3: Put all the raw materials into the pot, add an appropriate amount of water, boil over low heat and then use a simmer for 2 hours, add salt to taste.

Tripe soup method: It is crispy soup, nutritious, tempting appetite, all seasons should be beef tripe soup material preparation tips

Practice two

1、Spare minced green onion and garlic, cut into strips of beef tripe sauce;

2, hot oil pot, minced garlic stir-fry, add minced green onion, then add tripe shreds and stir-fry slightly, stir-fry after fragrant, add water, add bean bubbles;

3, after the water boils, add the appropriate amount of sesame sauce that has been mixed with hot water, and then add an appropriate amount of salt and a small amount of chicken essence to taste;

4: Cook a little and turn off the heat, sprinkle with chopped parsley;

5: Add sesame oil and white pepper to taste. Can.

Tripe soup method: It is crispy soup, nutritious, tempting appetite, all seasons should be beef tripe soup material preparation tips

Recommended time to eat

1. Tripe soup twice a day, one small bowl at a time;

2. Beef tripe with meals, can be dipped in soy sauce and vinegar.

Tripe soup method: It is crispy soup, nutritious, tempting appetite, all seasons should be beef tripe soup material preparation tips